Asked — Edited

Cosmetic Change

i wanna have that legs of six desame is as the right side. what is the degree then?and need i to change anything els.

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its pure cosmetic


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If I understand you correctly, you will have to invert the servos in the software with the "Invert" option, and then take the servos off and put them on the way you want them, which should involve rotating them 180.

United Kingdom

If a servo is opposite and therefore position 10 on servo 1 is the same position as position 170 on servo 2 it's simple to calculate.

Servo_2_Position = Max_Position - Servo_1_Position OR Servo_1_Position = Max_Position - Servo_2_Position

For ARC, Max_Position is 180 (on the V4).

Some quick examples; Servo_1_Position = 15 therefore Servo_2_Position = 180 - Servo_1_Position = 180 -15 = 165.

Servo_1_Position = 35 therefore Servo_2_Position = 180 - Servo_1_Position = 180 -35 = 145.

Servo_2_Position = 15 therefore Servo_1_Position = 180 - Servo_2_Position = 180 -15 = 165.

To confirm all positions are correct, Servo_1_Position + Servo_2_Position = 180.

This presumes the servos rotate 180 degrees. Should the servos rotate more or less then the above would require altering and, in some cases, it would not be possible to mirror servos.

However, with all that said, when using the Auto Position control I find it easier to align by eye. Servos are not 100% accurate and there may be instances where position 35 doesn't mirror position 145. It's also quicker than trying to calculate it.


hi bolt

al 6 servo's stand on 50 degree in the pic.withs i dont understand eachter. servo D1= servoD16= servoD13= right side

United Kingdom

As Techno said, take the right side servos off, then turn the servos around 180 degrees and reattach. Then you want to change the positions to the following values...

New right side servo positions. servo D1= 130 servo D16= 130 servo D13= 130.


thank you al for replaying.

steve g that i do understand.

United Kingdom

It's basicly what Rich said. With a servo attached to a robot in reverse, just reverse the position numbers. So from centre 90 degrees...

80 is 100 70 is 110 60 is 120 50 is 130

And so on...

20 is 160 10 is 170 1 is 179 (or 180).


Hey @Nomad... I found a new avatar for you...:P

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or this one....

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i like the bottem one

United Kingdom

Bearing in mind that if you remove and reverse servos on Six you will find most, if not all, stock actions will not work correctly. In some cases there could be a chance of servos clashing or moving beyond safe points.

While the reversing servo method will work it is not the ideal solution unless you are not planning to use any pre-made actions, frames, scripts, controls etc.

If you can't mentally work out what 180 less the servo position is I'd begin to question your ability to tie your own shoe laces to be honest, this is something my 5 year old nephew can do mentally in seconds (the math, not trying his shoe laces).



thats i a good one.i went to a school for mentally slow and not smart, people.i cant help not being able to do simpel math. i can tie my shoe laces.we didn get to learn math. even if we did ,my mind wouldn understand it.