Other robots from Synthiam community

Rickymahk2013's MARK X
After years of experimentation, I have finally launched my first robotic product. The success remains uncertain, but I...

Sakis33's Maria ,The Green Bot
Hello forum Finally ,and after my summer vacations i did my new project ,Maria the robot. Maria has two way to move...

Crivellarodiego's How To Automate The Robot
Hello I state that I am using the product from very little, I would ask how I can create the project in ARC for the...
Very nice Nomad, my EZB is where the meccano module is. I removed it. Love the hand!
ah the mecano brain.i was just thinking desame thing to do.
Awesome Nomad, looks great.
the store here is closed for 14 days.cant get parts now. need the topcap from HDD servo's whithout the lever.
as in the link.any one knows where to get these?
top cap servo HDD
also does any one knows how to use the eyes mecanoid with ez? they are arduino.
How many servos does that meca run Nomad?
for now 10 servo"s
Will be a fun project that's for sure.
Is the Meca your main focus right now, or do you have a few robots on the go?
at the moment i have 5 .the orig jd-mini jd-mecanoid- metal robot-six.
Which one will you be finishing first you think?
i think the mecanoid for now. looking for longer rgb cable some 50 cm long.
Awesome looking forward to seeing it finished.
i post when reddy here.
the rgb on mecanoid is really good.do i need to find a place for ezbv4.
Patrick, You are indeed doing a great job on transforming Mecanoid to an EZ Robot. That is great work on the arm. Steve S
thanks steve S
lot of fun doing it.
Hi Patrick,
Happy to see your progress on the Mecanoid. It is coming along real nice.
Be Well,
thanks andy
friday parts will be here.bolt arms reddy.
ok.the Hbridge works so mecca can drive now. things to do tomorow is chorten some wires.and see how i can get, two ezb to work in 1 project.
problem .how do i use two ezbv4 in one project.
bolt works separt on connection 0.but when i try connection 2 for the , second ezbv4 where i use the hbridge it dont work.it connect do, but doesn do the program for hbridge.
thanks anyone
hi here an idea to use the original mecanoid hands.
Love it. Quick and Easy and adds a lot of value. Nice work.
thanks Nink
Super creative nomad!
hi dj need to do replace the wires,3d kap
Love the ez-meccanoid Nomad r6 i have thought many of times revamping one with the ez-system before myself, very creative thinking cant wait to see your next update.
hi omegaproject
the mecca needs now 3d printing parts.i dont have one. servo's are all HDD .maybe a real head too.
Nice, with the flat plastic parts and curved plastic parts, you could cut out steel or aluminum parts from sheets and make it from scratch, may need a metal bender tho or good heat resistant gloves and a blow torch to heat up the metal before bending. I thought of doing that as soon as i seen how easy it would be to assemble one, i though of a metal conversion
i live in a 1 room atik.so not much space to do anything.
same here id have to go out side and people would think im nuts lol plus i dont think my apartment would let me have or at least use a blow torch lmfao
here a little update.meccanoid gets eyes.and a head.i used the max head, from meccanoid max robot.
Very cool! Nice work.
Hi dave Thank you.
Hey Patrick, good work! Nice and clean looking.
hi sebediah
yes i think so too.and easy to do.
That's a way better idea that reverse engineering the meccano protocol . They made things far too complicated! Good job