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i start a new topic cause i dont want to ruing the great topic off the b9.

few questions.i have these resistors here,but there are no labels i cant i post a pic. also i have a link off 330 ohm reesistors.and my last question will be.does anyone has, the size off the backside servo/foot till the end off the foot.

thank you all for this masive support.

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resistor 330 ohm


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The colour bands on the resistor will tell you what value it is... I can't really tell what colour the bands are... If you tell me the colours I can give you the value of the resistor...


here you the link a good resistor?

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yourre all so fast ,thank you dave

United Kingdom

I remember the colour codes by a rude/racist phrase I was taught at college... I apologise in advance if this offends anyone.

Black Bas***ds Rape Our Young Girls But Virgins Go Without.

Basically it translates to; Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Grey, White or 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Each band tells you the value. The first is digit one The second digit two The third is the multiplier The last is tolerance (this is slightly different to the 0-9 above and isn't that important really)

Sometimes there can be a fourth band, in which case the third becomes digit three and the fourth becomes the multiplier.

In some circumstances you may get an extra band after the tolerance too which is failure rate, it's highly unlikely you'll come across these though.

Here's the values for the colours (including tolerance) and what they mean

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this is better hard to see if its brown or els?

i think its 21 ohm blackx3=1 ohm brownx2 = 20 ohm so 21 ohm.?


What you gave me, I get a I00 Ohm with a 1% tolerance


yes calculating is not my best thing.what you think off the that a good one?

United Kingdom

Brown, Black, Black, Black, Brown 1, 0, 0, 0, 1

First is the first digit (1) therefore we get 1 Second is the second digit (0) therefore we get 10 Third is the third digit (0) therefore we get 100 Fourth is the multiplier (x1) so we get 100 Fifth is the tolerance therefore 1%

So it should be a 100 ohm resistor with 1% tolerance. A multimeter set to ohms will confirm this.

So Richard R is correct. You don't win anything though:)


then its easier to calculate whit ohm meter.i got 0.10 on meter if multiplayer is excample 2 then it would be 200

United Kingdom

What setting was your meter on? If it was set to 1000 ohm or kohm then 0.10 is correct since 0.10k ohms is 100ohms

The multiplier is basically the number of 0s on the end.

For instance, if it was Orange Orange Red Gold it would be 3300ohms or 3.3k with 5% tolerance. If it was Orange Orange Orange Gold it would be 33000ohms or 33k with 5% tolerance If it was Orange Orange Violet Gold it would be 330000000ohms or 330M with 5% tolerance If it was Orange Orange Black Gold it would be 33 ohms with 5% tolerance

Hopefully that's explained it. But yes, measure with a meter is always easier.


i use always ohm 20K

thank you


rich i didn see the answer off your puple color positif?

anyone has the size off the backside jd's foot?

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United Kingdom

I don't know, there's no indication on the board.

Place a multi meter across the two points and set it to DC Volts. Send a command to make the speaker work (i.e. SayEZB() or the soundboard) Check the voltage, if it's positive then the red lead is on the positive point, if it's negative then the black lead is on the positive.


ah .one pen on the gnd below board and the red on one off the it.

i have to wait then no ez-b4 now.thank you

United Kingdom

No. Both come from the holes. Only connect to those holes. Do not connect it to anywhere else otherwise you may risk damage to the EZ-B.


so supose i find the positif.there i solder the resistor on,then a red wire on the other side resistor. other hole black wire.

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United Kingdom

I'll check when I get home and post the info, the last thing I want to do is have someone break their EZ-B.

United Kingdom

I just realised I can't do it without stripping down the power base.

But yes, this image is correct, measure the voltage across here

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If its a positive voltage then whichever pad the red (or positive) probe is on is the positive. If it's a negative voltage then whichever pad the red (or positive) probe is on is the negative.

Jeremie may be able to chime in and tell us though (if he sees this)


sorry for late respons.the first pic off the multimeter.on whits number do i set it? and do i put the red pen in dc?

thank you


If it is Rich's last post.... you set the multimeter to DC volts (20 on the yellow mutimeter above)...

United Kingdom

As Richard said, set it to DC 20v (top left). I believe the red probe needs to plug in to the red socket on the multimeter, I am not sure what the yellow one (which you pointed an arrow to) does. It should say in the manual for the meter, since all meters are different it's hard to be sure (my meter only has 2 sockets)


ah .the red arrow pointed to socket whit name DC

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@Rich that's the setting (yellow plug) to read amps (up to 10amps) that a device may be using... Most of these meter's are not fused on this setting, so use it cautiously.... And yes, plug it into the red socket for all settings except if you're using the 10amp to check a devices draw...

United Kingdom

Try it on a battery.

Set the dial to DV 20v (as you showed above) Connect the red probe to the red socket and to the positive terminal of the battery Connect the black probe to the black socket and to the negative terminal of the battery The meter should display the battery voltage.

Note: Make sure the battery is rated at 20v or less. I would test on an AA battery which should show 1.2-1.5v


yes i know how these works,also i know how to use the ohm. so 1 off the holes chould read positif,there i solder the resistor on. the hole thats left the negatif.

can you see in begin this topic is a link off resistor 330 if thats a good one.

United Kingdom

Here's a quick schematic for you based from Jeremie's suggestion.

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Hopefully it makes enough sense.


rich great schematic thank you


Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violets Give Willingly, Get Some Now.

That's the way I heard it.


The Capital Letters stand for the colors BrownBlackRedOrangeYellowGreenBlueVioletGrayWhite GoldSilverNone

You remember the little sentence and it helps you remember the colors.


ah haha i was thinking,whats he doing?thank you for the tip.

say moviemaker is this link the wright led i need for this topic?

LED 330


@nomad18.08... Are you looking for a basic 330Ohm resistor or are you looking for an LED?

United Kingdom

Any 1/4 watt 330 ohm resistor will do, it should have the coloured bands Orange Orange Brown. If buying online it will just be a case of searching for 330 ohm.

As for LED, any red LED should do.

You will probably find it's cheaper to buy in bulk than to buy 1 resistor and 1 LED.

If it wasn't for the stupidly high postage charges I would send you a 330 ohm resistor and LED but the cost of shipping makes it cheaper to buy them from your country.



yes the chipping cost is mostly rediculous high. i bouth some time ago a bulk leds.and some beginners resistors. also i need some pink leds to.

thank you

United Kingdom

You will not be able to run much off of the spkr connections, the current there will be very low hence why Jeremie suggested only red LEDs (since these take less current).

I would still consider using the Sound servo control and a digital port to trigger the LEDs without modification to the EZ-B though, this way would also mean you could power more than a single red LED, in fact it opens up a whole lot of options.


a sounservo is actully a servo?

United Kingdom

If set up correctly you can use the sound servo control to turn a digital port on and off, this can then directly drive an LED or be used in conjunction with a TIP switching circuit to drive many LEDs


Sound servo is software feature in ARC... it's not an actual servo possessing physical sound qualities...


wow thats great ,i dont have to solder anything then. sofar i have 3 leds i wanne use. one red for the mouth. and two pink.

i like the look off the leds and you dont see them

i found these resistors.

resistor 330 1/4 watt

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