Asked — Edited

RGB Animator

i have a problem whit the rgb.excample spin roll stops while spinning. also i hear a tikking sound.i disconnected the servo&rgb.tikking still there. i adjust the powerpins & springs still tikking sound.what els can i do?


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after a few batt chargers ,the problem seems to solved on its own.

#2   — Edited

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okay. i though i had solved the tikking sound but it was back today.i do notest that the batt, was rapidly fully charge.some 20 i though thats not good.then i notest the batt cover, is about 1 mm bend,also not time to check the batt.and yes it was swollen. so the batt charged for about 40% only.then i checked some more to find the source. and this is what i found,an error i made the pic you see i used the backside jd chest to, have a good look.the screw of the circuitboard had a wascher and that made contact whit , fuse .new batterie and smaller screw solved  the problem.someone said the tikking sound, is caused by a bad connection.i thought a bad wire orso.but it was a screw.