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2.5 Amp Motor Board

hi all.does any know how many motors i can connect to this board. i have an i-qbot and he has 7 motors.there no info about the volt off these motors, but they run good on 5 volts.i extent all the wires hoping i can use ez boards, for this robot. blush


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It would be nice to see a picture of what you are attempting to do. As far as the H-bridge motor controller you might get away with connecting two motors in parallel on each bridge port giving you control of 4 motors using one board.

United Kingdom

That will depend on the current draw of the motors you are using.

The 2.5A motor controller will move 2 motors independently of each other but can only manage a total load of 2.5A so if you have 7 you need to move each by themselves you will need 4 motor controllers provided 2 motors total maximum current draw isn't over 2.5A If they are then you need a bigger motor controller which can handle the correct amount of current.

#3 some pics off the motors from i-qbot. i see som letters on the board like c2/c3 gnd l1 l2

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Those (7) motors may certainly use more than the 2.5 amp rating of the H-Bridge. You may need one 2.5 controller per pair of motors.


ok thank you for this info.


can the ez-b controller handle 4 x 2.5 amp motorboards?


@nomad18.08 Any of the 20 digital ports can be used for an H-bridge

United Kingdom

Each 2.5A controller requires either 4, 5 or 6 ports depending on if you want to use PWM too. Therefore, 4 motor controllers will use either 16, 20 or 24 ports so yes, the EZ-B can use 4 motor controllers but it will depend on how you choose to wire them and which EZ-B you are using.

I highly suggest you read through all of the tutorials in the Learn section of the site and check out some of the tutorials in the forums too. Reading this tutorial written by me on the 2.5A motor controller would have shown you the different configurations and how many ports each controller will require.

Don't take that the wrong way, I don't mind helping, guiding or even spoon feeding members along their robot journey however if you are really serious about building an awesome robot you really should sit down for a while and learn everything about what it is you are using, doing so will help you understand everything and in turn will help you know the answers to your questions before you have them:)


ah ok.

i didn see last post so.i'm starting to read and figer out what is what.and i found that page . mostly am very impatient man when i dont understand what am reading. but you are appolegies for being rude.seeya ,by

United Kingdom

It's not a problem, the community is here to help you, I just want people to learn too:)

Don't think twice about asking if you struggle to understand something, I want you to know what it is you need to know. Believe me, it will all come together and it's all pretty simple once you get your head around it.