i just figur out when i connect the ping sensor then the red on the reset,
blink fast.so i disconnecthe ping sensor and the red is out.
but roli doesn move any direction,whits he before did.
TheY both have the same ip probably. If your connected through your router, when you hit scan there should be 2 options. Make sure they are not the same ip numbers.(if they are report back)
If your using both ez-bs in ad hoc mode you have to set one ez-b to connect to the other because you'll only be able to connect to one a a time.
And to answer your original question, that light blinks when it is processing a lot of info. If your running multiple things and the ping sensor at max ratings, your could overload the ez-b. When I was using a room a, if it was a bad command(a lag loop is what I call it), the ez-b would blink red and lock up.
When does it blink fast? On power on/when connected to/when waiting for connection? A little more info is needed.
hi rich.
i just figur out when i connect the ping sensor then the red on the reset, blink fast.so i disconnecthe ping sensor and the red is out. but roli doesn move any direction,whits he before did.
red blinked after connecting ezbv4 to ARC. it connects perfect.
Did you try resetting it back to factory WP mode?
rr i found the error wheels,thats ok. but the two ezb's dont stay connected desame time.
in the ARC you can connect up to 4 ezbv4. but when i connect two ezbv's one diconnects. is this normal?
anyone? does anyone knows why i cant connect two ezbv4 in ARC? when i connect one the other disconnect.
TheY both have the same ip probably. If your connected through your router, when you hit scan there should be 2 options. Make sure they are not the same ip numbers.(if they are report back)
If your using both ez-bs in ad hoc mode you have to set one ez-b to connect to the other because you'll only be able to connect to one a a time.
And to answer your original question, that light blinks when it is processing a lot of info. If your running multiple things and the ping sensor at max ratings, your could overload the ez-b. When I was using a room a, if it was a bad command(a lag loop is what I call it), the ez-b would blink red and lock up.
the numbers are different.
See this thread... Connecting more than one EZB4
rr seems dj needs to find a solution. my ezbv4's are all connected to the Engenius whit mac adres.