New Inmoov Robot
Hi everyone,
I recently came across the new InMoov robot on the EZ-Robot website, and it looks impressive, especially the design of the elbows. You can check it out here: EZ-InMoov Humanoid Robot Hardware Kit.
@Nomad, are you going to get this and build it? You're right, those elbows look interesting. I wonder what motors are in there and how strong they are.
hi dave
im interested in the arms for sure . also the hands looks nice .
is there an assemble video or instructions ?
It is odd that they do not tell you what comes with this kit. Perhaps they do and I did not see. It cost $2500 and you still have to print the whole robot. For that amount of money I would expect at least a full suite of servos, EZ Controllers, Power supply, Single board computer, USB cameras, bearings, and all the rest. Is there a parts list of what is included for $2500?
I agree it seems like it's missing a lot of information for someone to spend $2,500 on. It also says it isn't available until July 8th, which is an oddly specific day. I guess we have to wait a year to find out once it is released.
@dj/perry S
i also notest there's a power supply now availeble . would be nice to have the back cover hdd servo availeble separt . they are mutch stronger .
is this normal ? seems one hole doesn line up the micro servo ..
For that kind of money, they really should supply the body parts as well as the electronics, sell it as a "complete" kit.
@nomad I don’t know what that is. Are you sure that’s not a question for ezrobot or who ever made that thing?
synthiam is ez robot ? or not . that part is the base of the hand .
there is rare respons on ez .
Synthiam and ezrobot are different companies.
ah i made the wrong topic then . my appolegies dj .
Hello Everyone,
Yes, it's true, EZ-Robot in collaboration with Bob Houston has released a new version of the inMoov, which we call the EZ-inMoov.
The kit hasn't been officially announced and is still being actively worked on. It is online as an active placeholder to build SEO.
The assembly instructions will all be videos and they are currently being filmed and edited. I have been quite busy developing this product and haven't been active in the community. My apologies for missing this post, feel free to tag me in order to get my attention.
Feel free to ask me questions, here are some answers:
We cannot sell 3D-printed parts as that is a stipulation of the inMoov creative commons license.
The EZ-inMoov kit is being marketed to education rather than DIY.
The EZ-inMoov servo motors are a completely new type developed by EZ-Robot. They are High Torque Digital (HTD) servos, one version is 180 degrees, and the other is 360 degrees with an external Pot. They are very unique servos that both have stall/runaway protection. They also have added wire length so wire extensions aren't needed. They will be sold separately in the new year.
The micro servo mounting in the hand is tight and you have the servo is not facing the correct way. video instructions will come soon.
The release date is not July 8th but likely mid-January. The online description has not been updated but will change soon, stay tuned for details.
great info jeremie . looking forwart to this . any chance for a picture how the hand is connected to the wrist ?
thank you
That sounds awesome, Jer! I like the sound of the servos. Maybe it'll soon be time to retire Richard's InMoov sitting beside me haha. I think the product page adds some confusion - a "Details Coming Soon..." and updated delivery date will be helpful to avoid confusion. I'm excited to see the end product - I'm sure everyone else is too!
@ jeremie
the hand is awesome . it works really great .
short video
can this be corrected ? the holes for the nut doesn fit .

thank youHello Nomad,
Those are legacy features from the original inMoov design, no nuts are needed. Video instructions will be coming in the new year.
ah thank you heremie .
hi all
hi jeremie what kind off wires that goes thru the fingers are you using ?
two pair off arms almost reddy .
Any changes to the current head design or will this just bolt on as is?
it looks same as inmoov .
i got the new power adapters for the ezbv4 or iotiny . and they are heavy . im using these with this on/off switsh .
Hello @Nomad we are using a new design with a new power distribution system, new PCBs, and cables. They aren't released on their own yet.
@Nink yes the head design (with Bob Houston's 3 lead screw design) is compatible.
is part number sr1 / sr 2 and sr 9 original from inmoov or are they modified ?
thank you
Hello Nomad,
I believe those parts are slightly modified to fit a wood screw that we are using in our kit. Please note that some of these files will be updated soon as minor issues were found while I was filming the assembly videos.
hi jeremie
the files are awesome documented .
thanks for the update.