Monoprice Mini Printer v2

Nomad 6R

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Topic about 3d printing. How to start with 3d printing.

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Hi Nomad you can also add the video using the Insert Youtube button in the editor. That way the video gets displayed right inside this page.

#2   — Edited

got it,thanks amin.


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Hi Patrick, I bought one of these printers, reconditioned, for $ 88.00 us. Works GREAT. only 100 x 100 x 100 print area but good for you sized projects. Check it out.

MONOPRICE is the site name



The issue with the Davinci is you need to buy everything from them. The filiment is in a cartridge. Can be expensive. It also is a small work space. 120 square like the one I have. is the site I bought from. The machine has a high rating. Look in their 3D printer listing. Also look in their open box area too for deals.



thanks for the link and update.i have a check.

#7   — Edited

printer hi ron i found this one ebay.



hi andy

does a heated bed need this kind of stickers?


The most common nozzle size is .3 or .4. The nozzle is where the material comes out of the extruder. The bed is where the parts are built. When using PLA material you can print on painters masking tape. ( the brown or blue uncoated tape. You just stick strips side by side until you cover the bed.) There is no need to buy special stuff. (Stickers) By using the tape allows easier clean up and helps prevent the scratching of the aluminum heat bed. It also helps the parts adhere to the bed. It is best to start with PLA when you first learn how to use a printer. No need to use the heat on the bed. If you look at the picture I sent, you can see the tape I used. Heated beds are used for ABS and other materials. A need feature for the future. For now you would use PLA to learn. Really check rating of printed you look at. Some are good, some are a waste of money. Good luck. Wow the prices are high. What does the one look like?


i found one on ebay.same as yours .132 euro .due to shipping and customs is it alot more.but duable. the prize 279 is here in you can see is belgium ridiculous expencive country.


What is the prices for printers in Belgium? Are there any other Manufacturers in Europe or Belgium? Customs cost are terrible.


the prize 279 is for same printer as the one you bouth.there are others but the prize stays high. i even had a conversation with the shop i normal by stuf and tell them about the diff in, prize for same printer.they could not do anything.i am better off bying us,usa,uk.

#13   — Edited

How much is a 2.2 kg roll of PLA filament white ? Cost from Germany or France the same ?


1 kg roll looks ok. 28 euro. Always check reviews. 2.3 kg rolls were not good.

Let me know your plans.  I hope you find something that will meet you desires.


you teach me alot.;) i did a bid on the printer from ebay,same as yours.cant see if its version 1 or 2 is. i figured that 2.3 kg rolls would be to heavy to pull in the filament and the weight on a small printer. do you use a kinda chield arround your printer?

#17   — Edited

Not for the PLA, but I may build a small plastic shield if I run abs and have a problem. I made a part 90 mm high out of pla and had no problems. Big parts may need it but you need to see if you have a problem first. Sometimes abs warps or separates if there is a draft. I don't think this printer would have that issue. A three sided shield out of cardboard would work if needed.

I have a version 1 and it works fine. Version 2 is nicer but basically the same.

1 kg rolls are good. Pla goes bad after a while. You need to keep it in a sealed plastic bag and away from humidity. Oherwise it gets brittle and very stiff. I also use the silica pouches that comes in packaging to keep stuff dry. The silica helps. I hope you get a printer. It will allow you to make a lot of fun parts for your robots and even new ones.


silica pouches 150 pieces 8.99 euro

this is funny i always trow them away.xD am waiting for an answer from ebay.whits version it will be. i cant see the tape in the pic.


Don't  buy any . If you get some throw them in the bag. I will send a better picture later.


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blue tape artikel ok i bouth a 3d printer woohoo.i found this interesting pic how to tape your blue tape on the printbed.


Great news. I think you will have fun with the printer. It will allow you to make your own parts.. ever another ez robot.

The tape works out well. I just go left to right and change only the pieces I need to. The tape works well for pla. On tall parts I sometimes pause the printer and add a piece of tape to the part to hold the part so it won't come loose from the print table. I look forward to seeing your new printer when it comes in.


hi ron

the tape works well for there another tape if i use abs ?do you know where the most head comes from the printer?

i also have the size of the printer,43.18 cm hight then i have 35.81 cm and 27.17 cm ,i do not know withs is weid or dept?

i need to find a place to instal the printer.


I never used it but you can buy Kapton tape. It is used  for abs. See the recommendation given buy the printer company. My suggestion is to start with PLA. ABS is a bit harder to run. I added a piece of glass to my heat bed to run abs. Check for videos. I just put mine on a little table.  The extruder gets hot. The heat bed also gets hot if you use abs. No real heat is given off by the printer.  Just those areas.


the glas on your bed is same size 100 x 100 mm?


I haven't got it for this printer yet. It will be a little smaller. It has to allow access to the screws to level and adjust the heat bed. Once I put the glass on the bed and adjust the level I put the blue tape on the glass for pla. Or for abs I make a mix of scraps of abs and acetone. It ends up like cream. We need to talk about abs before you try it. Maybe by Skype.



i see people using klamps for mounting the glas on the bed.i will defenetly start with pla.if i have all the parts, we can do skype awesome thanks.


Send me a picture or web site of the printer when you can.

#30   — Edited

Yes its a version 2.and good prize too .is yours connected thru usb cable or wifi?


Mine is a version 1. I use the SD card. I could also use the USB. On my other printers I also use the SD cards so it is the easiest way for me. I keep my other printers in a different room. The new I keep in my office so I can make sample parts quickly. I also plan on mostly using pla on this machine, and abs on the others.


so all your stl files go on a sd card if i understand you?


I load from my computer to the card then plug the card in the printer. I assume you can load right from the computer to the printer if it has a WiFi connection. One of my other printers has WiFi but I never used it. I keep my fles in the computer file and only use the card for the printer. I erase the file on the card when I am done.

#34   — Edited

hi andy

yes i has wifi


Nice, so you can use any of them. This is the newer version of what I have. You should have good luck with it. Now you can make all kinds of parts for your Jd and other robots.


filement roller for monoprize mini

there is allreddy a version 3 too.the version 2 has some issues whit using heated bed and heated printhead at same time. atleast thats what video's says on you tube.also the air flow on the fan seems to be a little small.but i gess i need to find, out what is and what is not.i do know i am very eager to see a 3d printer haha lol.i found this in thingverse a roller for the , filement.see link good for testing.


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first part arrive filament ABS,but not for now. i just consider i can use a usb cable too consider security problems maybe? but i need a cable from 15 meters long,would that be an issue a cable so long? cause my pc is on the other side of the room.


Use the sd card that comes with the printer. It is very easy. In fact there is a copy of the two programs you need on it and a sample file you will run to test the machine. No need for cables or anything else. Just follow the instructions in the book or go online. You plug in the card. Turn on the machine and go.


As far as the roller, I have had no problems with the machine as it is. The filament feeds well. I suggest you run the test stl and see how it runs. My machine had 2 test files, a cat and an elephant. The sample filament is to short to complete the sample but you can see how it works. Once you get your filament you can print the whole sample


i will recieve today the pla blue 1 kilo.:D indeed print straight out the box.i have grey filement on its way too. and two pla white .i go for the elefant.


You need to be careful when buying real low price filiment. The quality of the base material can cause plugging of the nozzle  due to contaminates or poor base material which can be an issue. This can require a lot of work to clear. Low quality filiment often has diameter variation which can cause feed jams. Many of these filiments are made of recycled material which has minimal quality control. I tried some low priced materials but had problems. I then bought decent priced filiments and once I found a dependable supplier and a filiment that worked well I stayed with it.  Stay with materials and suppliers that have a good following. Watch their ratings and feedback.

#43   — Edited

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hi andy

i found some interesting pics for checking your settings.also i have a question. i have alot of dust here.would it be safe to put a chelf above the printer?see pic above.?


a few more days and its allreddy christmas for me.3d printer will be here. so am working on a ARC to keep an eye on your 3d printer while he's printing. just in case you need for excample go to the bathroom , i need to upload, many idea is simpel,when the camera sees one of the pics he will , play an alarm ,one from wall E .my question is .is it ok to use the iotiny, with a wall socket 7.4 volt and camera and two mini servo's for ,lets say 8 houres. in the video i use a red ball insteadt od a pic.


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the printer has arrive and first print is done.


I am happy to see it running and hear that you like it. You needed a 3D printer. Now you can take the next steps with your building robots.


convert foto into stl

here is an interesting link.super any foto into the workspace and press refrech and download. the amazing thing is dat you only see it when you hold it into the light. i am making one now from jd.i wil post it later.

thank you andy


here is the video.there are only two setting to make.


here is the result of the lithophane.awesome details .


Nice Job !

Looks like your on your way to print up all kinds of things !

Have Fun



yeach.its like drugs.ones you start you cant stop.tomorow another lithophane with glow in the dark filament.


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just 5 min out of my bed and the printer is allreddy printing.:p i think its the sound and the smell of's is another succses, print,the famous dumbo,have something with that name.xD


hi david thank you .another baby stpe further,hehe


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stunning with no skills you can print this.


How long did the owl print take?

#58   — Edited

top bat case bottem case i always wanted to make a batterie case.wel and i did.

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there are two parts ,one slide in the other.there is a pin and hole in the back. there is room for a tiny screw ontop or a tire wrap in in pic. the case is a little bit bigger then the lipo batt.just incase it chould swell up. printing time is about 2.5 hour per part.i hope you all find it usefull.