— Edited

i read the tutorial tree times,try all kinds of stuff.bolt rgb and ping sensor dont work.i use an original roli ARC.the ARC disconnect when trying to use one of the rgb,got 2 .the ping sensor doesn see anything.
in this pic i cant set a capitel A ?
in this pic radar no tracking line.
Hi Nomad,
Do you have an Ultrasonic version 2 sensor with 3 wires? If that is the case the trigger and echo ports will need to be configured to the same port (ex: both configured to D21)
For the I2C address, I don't believe it's case sensitive (lowercase 'a' or uppercase 'A' shouldn't matter) but I will look into it.
hi jeremie
the back rgb works on 0xa2.the front i changed into 0xa4 i see blue color, but when trying to use the rgb ,the ezbv4 chut down,disconnect.
the ping sensor is with 4 wires black/red/green/white,all set like in tutorial. but when using the radar i see ubove red line not in the green part, so i gess it dont detect objects.
hi RR
yes there is standard a 5 v regulator.i only use ez robots parts.
Did you check to see if your ping actually works without anything else hooked up or in your project? Meaning just the ping and a distance sensor control?
if you see my last foto ubove you see a red line.doesn this mean the ping woorks?
If the ping is working, you will see the values move (you're picture says 255). If you move your hand closer to the ping, these numbers will go down.
I did notice in your pictures of the radar control that the "Pause" box has a tick in it. You have to click on the tick to remove it for your ping sensor to pick up readings...
If anyone noticed - he's not actually connected to the EZ-B. Look at the debug window, it's disconnected. Most likely because the EZ-B locked up due to an invalid RGB i2c configuration.
Nomad, you're in panic mode and not paying attention
Tackle one thing at a time... first, I believe that you're attempting to configure the RGB Eyes to have a different i2c port?
Well, firstly... you can only have 1 i2c device per address. So you cannot connected 2 i2c devices with the same address.
i have two adresses back 0xa2 and front 0xa4,the front dont work. i try a new rgb and that one works but again same led as the back side.
indeed am working allreddy the hole day.
rr i try the radar separt and it same error.
uncheck the box,then the radar does move.only i dont see objects. in the green field
Do the distance numbers change when you move objects in front of the sensor? The number saying "255" on the bottom of the radar control (255 is maximum, 1 in minimum). The closer the object gets to the sensor, the number should come down.
no the number stays at 255
for the rgb i notest when making a vision only one side works.
nomad - let's tackle one at at time
Also, take a short break - sometimes stepping away from a problem helps.
I solved the rgb uplouding the video rgb had an diff adres now i have tailights and face diff.i tested the wires first from the rgb with new one still same ,then i used a new rgb. Works but not diff.
ok the rgb problem rgb had diff adres.
the radar works was a bad rgb.i tested with other ezbv4 same error. so roli is complete .hpoe i get another rgb block here in belgium. i try 0xa0/0xa2/0xa4/0xa6(worked one time)0xa8 i gave the points to RR he said to try the rgb alone nothing els connected.
thanks all