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Excample Adjusting


would it be possible to adjust excample robots in ARC? jd hand is comming against his head.

thank you


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great to you are suddenly dissepear.


What action is this happening in?


dj i just pic one out.when jd sings whit mic.his hand slide over his face.


Sounds like you're either:

  1. not running latest version

  2. using a large microphone

  3. not calibrated jd


i always use latest version on win8. dont use a mic cause i dont have a printer. so callibration is not hundred percent correct. thats why i ask for the possebility to be able to correct it.

United Kingdom

If your calibration is not 100% correct how can DJ or anyone correct the auto positions? Re-calibrate 100% correctly and then fine tune the servo profile, that is the only way the demo auto positions and any auto positions which others share will work with your JD.


rich for some reason the choulders dont callibrate 100% i will by a new chest,there are new servo's in and try again. its not to bad,just some small would be easy iff the possebility, is there to correct the motion.iff i use one off mine i can correct very easly.


dj i try this allreddy to many time,i will try whit new ones. the chest i have great idea,dont tell any yet. so the answer to my question is ez excample stays exclusieve?

United Kingdom

Nomad, the examples are set up for a calibrated and fine tuned JD.

It is impossible to adjust the project to suit your JD if it is not calibrated or fine tuned. How would anyone but you know the corrected servo positions?

If you are hell bent on avoiding accurate calibration and servo fine tuning you can adjust every frame in the Auto Position control. Adjusting the frames will also cause the actions to adjust to the new positions.

You are the only person able to modify any examples to suit whatever positions you have your servos in. If you want to use the examples without having to adjust them or want to use any community supplied actions and frames for the Auto Position control then you will need to accurately calibrate your servos and fine tune the servo profile correctly (why do I get the feeling of Deja Vu?).


@Rich... do you really want to go down this path again? I am staying out of this one....


rich deja Vu from word callibration.

i dont understand why my question allways get out off proportions. but i do understand why its not posseble to adjust the poses. cause els i would need to adjust all motions thats bin made.

thank you

United Kingdom

Nomad, your questions often end up in a lot of posts which fundamentally state the same thing, nothing is out of proportion.

You cannot expect anyone to be able to adjust frames based on your uncalibrated robot without them physically having the robot. You also should not expect anyone to adjust anything to suit an uncalibrated robot when correct calibration and fine tuning solves the issue and the project remains accurate for every other user too.

So to answer your question/solve your problem you have two choices. One of them is the correct choice however I will provide both of them for you again.

  1. Recalibrate your JD and accurately fine tune where necessary.
  2. Adjust the frames in the Auto Position control (these will automatically update within any actions already made).

The correct choice is the first one. Once you have done that you will find your JD will carry out all example actions without issue. If you are having issues with the frames and actions then it suggests that calibration has not been carried out accurately, fine tuning has not been carried out accurately and lessons in the learn section have not been followed.


ok rich thank you for your time