— Edited
my question is not ez robot related,so i understand iff there no support possible. i need to find a mac adres from a robot.i try the app fing but it doesn find it. i ask the companie to look it up and unbelieveble they cant see it. so is there any other way to get the mac adres.
thanks anyone
Look under you DHCP leases on your router. You should see the name, IP address assigned and the MAC address.
hi david
you mean ipconfig/all in cmd. the robot is not connedted so it will not show up.
If the robot isnt connected, you would have to have some way to see the network settings on the robot itself. If it is connected to the network, you would be able to see the MAC from the router/access point.
i have a usb cable comes with the robot.sofar i can see id and serial number
It now depends on what is being displayed in their software. I dont know anything about that robot so I dont know what could be done to get the MAC for the robot. Have you tried their support options? I am not surprised that they cant see the MAC as they would need to be on your network to see it outside of their software displaying it.
yes i contact them on live chat.i gave them the ID and serial number, they could not see it.there software says not connected.the robot chould connect thru qr code on the box with an iphone or android,i try bolt no luck. i both this from ebay,but seller forgot to mention its an older 1.0 version. i was asumming there was only 2.0 version they sell he trick me there. the box was never opened and robot never used.the robot has no slot, for internet wire for the router only usb,
could this be a mac adres ?
No, that is too many digits for a MAC address.
ah thanks alan
What is the brand and model of that robot? (I know I have seen it before, but can't recall what it is called), and why do you need the MAC address? Do you need it to add to the MAC filters on your Engenious?
yes i need the mac adres for engenius. the robot calt ALPHA2 VERSION 1.0 from ubtech i just figur out there is no folder for ios only android.
the robot has an own adress, he can talk to you his adress I think, like nao. can you push the button in the middle of the body. is this the power button ? Nao say his adress If you puh this button.
Alpha 2 is a cheaper clone
have a look:
i think its similar..
hi smarty
this robot dont say its ip adres like nao. the chest button is the power button. he connects in two fase,first you bind the robot with the qr code, this version 1.0 is with an android phone.he's binded now, i need the mac for engenius accses point. then i hope he connect. alpha works with lots off apps,you can also make motion with sound.
but you think this is the first developer version and not end-version, right ?! is this first version really work with the actually software or not ? thats what you have to ask and looking for ..
I hope so! Last way: to open a paypal-case, get the refund and buy the end-version.
this is the developer edition,they said it will work with the pc program so yes first edition.seller didn mention that and i didn now. no refund or return possible.yep am screwed. i ordered the end version to 2.0 version.53 persent discount and free chipping. will be here in a month or so,maybe.
Download this WiFi Analyzer app from Google Play onto your Android device:
After that is installed, connect your Android to the robot, then start the Wifi Analyzer application. It will show Connected To the robot's network name, and just below that will be the MAC address.
i downloaded ,but it will not work due that the android dont connect. the robot,it only bind the robot with the qr code. but for sure i have a try.
than you very much alan
Once you have bound the robot with the QR code, it should be connected to the Robot's WiFi.
Even if not, that tool can show you the MAC address of any close by WiFi routers, so you should be able to see the Robot's MAC just by having the robot turned on. Click on the "list" button on the lower right, and it will show you every WiFi hotspot and their MAC addresses within range of your phone.
I just try it and indeed all wifi and mac adres appear,except the robot i dont now what the name is the robot broadcast.
Nomad, it doesnt matter whether you have already unpacked the goods or using it.. If you have Paypal used for the payment, you get the money back. Fact: he is a deceiver! Paypal is for something like that. he cannot change the paypal rules.. if he says: NO RETURN! it doesnt matter!
how much you paid for ?
is there no robot manual/ Instructions ?
Nomad, is 6EF95 the SSID of your Engenious? If not, then it is the SSID of the robot. If so, then you need to delete the video you posted because the QR code has your SSID and network password in it.
And I agree with Smarty, if you were not sold what you were paying for, file a complaint with Paypal and they will get your money back.
i would love to keep the has a lot for learning for me. thanks for the advies over paypal.
the app says its connected to my home wifi
6EF95 is my home wifi
this is what am afraid of.posting something that can be hacked. thanks for the warning video removed
Hmm.. So I think what the app does is try to provide your home WiFi information to the Robot so that it can connect, so the robot doesn't actually create its own AP like a NAO or EZ-B. (which means you do need to delete the video, it is giving away your network password to anyone who can scan a QR code).
Going to be very hard to get the MAC address and add it to your filter while filtering is turned on, and with the hackers always attacking your network, I am reluctant to tell you to turn off filtering even for the minute or two it would take to get the robot connected and get the MAC from the connected devices list on the router.
Do you have any friends with wireless networks you could visit and have them help get the MAC for you by connecting temporarily to their router?
the app says connection failed.. put your mobile phone 30 cm or more in front of the camera..
test different distances to read it.
a possibility: defective camera
different possibility software defect
or software not compatible
I hope you find a way to play.
mac filtering is off.
when trying to connect the robot ears lid up at surten time and distands.
Smarty, it is saying connection failed because it is trying to connect to Nomad's home network, and he has MAC address filtering enabled because his neighbors are A$$hats and keep hacking his router, stealing his internet and locking him out of it. If I ever go to Belgium, I am going to take a baseball bat and show them how American's deal with people who hurt their friends
yeach i hate it too.and i have a baseball bat to. batt needs to charged the app you gave says connected to my home wifi. so that means the robot is connected to my home i put the mac adres in, engenius,lets hope.i will now in few houres.when batt is charged. mac filtering is not enabled in engenius
Cool! Good luck with it. It looks like a fun robot.
the sound is very imposant loud and just said my batt is low and sit down. maybe this is a good thing for ez robot.when jd says my batt is low,to sit down, insteadt off faceplanting.
Yeah, we were talking about that recently. You can have a script that monitors the battery and have it sit down when the voltage is just a little higher than the cutoff point so it is in a safe position before the servos all release. That way the EZ-B itself doesn't need to know anything about what AutoPosition or script needs to run to make your robot take a safe position or if it even needs to (Adventurebot, doesn't matter, Roli, doesn't matter much, although the arms can flop. Six would be nice to take the compact sitting position, and JD matters a lot because he falls down).
found the problem.smarty was correct.the robot dont start his camera. to use the camera the robot must be in stand by mode,withs is solid red chest button.he doesn go in to the robot dont say camera started sucsessfull.
again, open a paypal-case. its to much money for this. its a really cool robot and you get him in the next time.. but It is my fear that he was kid you. he send you a wrong, non working robot.
you can write a message to:
this robot coming out at the end of the year.. there is no End-Version at the moment.
the buyers last year from get him.. but I think the developer version only (at the moment).
perhaps "Ubtech" have a new firmware for you ?!
ask and start a paypal-case at the same time.. you can cancel the case, if the robot is working fine..
you have only 60 days to open a paypal case
i allredy send ub a mail.there is a end version now 2.0 the version end this year is 4.1 version there comes an update availeble in the future. i both one from indiegogo.anwers off ub are very confusing and far from accurate. and the manul looks for the 2.0 version not the 1.0 version. am waiting for answer from seller,i ask copie off the robot che both. if the robot not works in 14 days i contact paypal.
is a mac adres local related ? i just found my android was to low a new one.
No, MAC addresses are essentially unique to each device (they are supposed to be, but some devices, including the EZ-B can have the firmware of the wifi chip flashed so could get the same address). Assume they are unique.
ah good to bad they are hard to see.
some improvement is bin made.he just said how can i help and stand up. bummer the server is out for maintenance. eek
deleted post
yep found the mac adres.using an app calt find mac adres thru BT in few sec it shows up in the app.
1 connect your robot with phone BT 2connect your robot to pc BT 3then use the app
app looks like a radar.
is this chedule for engenius good ?
this sets your WiFi as enabled only from 11 am unail noon I believe. I wouldn't mess with the schedules.
I think we had setup a reboot of your router on a nightly basis. It has been almost 2 years since I set this router up for you. Unfortunately, I am beyond busy right now with a lot of other things. I won't be able to connect until maybe July 22nd. That all depends on if I have everything ready for a meeting later that week or not. Maybe while I am out of the country and work isn't hitting me with questions on or around July 28th I would be able to connect and get everything set back up.
hi david
the robots do connect,sometimes a hole session and sometimes 5 min. i ask this cause there's another robot in the mail.and this connects thru , qr code.and i was able to find the mac adres with a radar scan for BT, an it find all mac adresses,pretty cool tip from alan. i do have lots off time sinds there is also a problem with there server. if the robot has seen the qr code it chould find the server too. but thats not reddy take your time to rest also have famely time.
thanks for your respons.
anyone knows what these errors mean ?
found it means server is under maintenance.