hi averyone.i build a new ez robot.here are some pics and video's.he needs some tinkering and more moves to in the future. if anyone is interested to use the droid as it is now.i can post this public.things still needs to do is,1 tracking red ball-step left&right, turn right&left needs some adjustments.
By Nomad 6R
— Last update
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[color=#943287][font=OpenSans, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"]painetim sorry englich is not my main language.dont understand what you mean?
Wow the gun fire Flashes looked so real due to the lens Flare ,that was bright what kind of L.E.D. did you use there? I need those for a Terminator gun!

robo rad sorry i dont know where i got it from.i use a transparent led. its so bright cause it has no casing arround the led.i do know they are 3 volt,i am using the pwm .led ebay
robo rad take a look at this link.ultra bright colors from ebay.
In your video it looks exactly like the yellow flash a real machine gun would make,and that came from a clear L.E.D.?
its a clear orange color led as seen in the pic ubove.i need to make a gun do,lol.there are more similar links on ebay , look for an orange one.or any you like.
Nice one! Very cool, loved the gun fire flashing, lol
roboHappy thanks .i was very happy whit the movement of the arm.
Hi @Nomad your first video doesn't load for some reason. You can now edit your robot project posts if you would like to update it
amin ok i check it.thank you
amin the link chould work now.
Yes it looks perfect now!