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Some Idea For The Jd Servo Wires

hi all

i painted some ez robots and i got an idea to make ez robots look, way better with all the wires.i dont know if there's a reason why, the wires are so long.the servo wires from D0/D1/D2/D3/D12/D16 can be reduce atleast with 10 to 13 centimeters,that alot of wires less. the servo wires from D4/D7 can reduce with some 4 cm.

any ideas on this?


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Servo wires are standard length for a reason I thin. From a manufacturing standpoint I can certainly see where it would not make for a good practice to customize wire length because then you could not easily swap your servos around, right?

Some times you need extensions on your cables to lengthen the servo cables from the standard length. Which is why they make and sell servo cable extension.

Other times when you want the cable to be shorter most people (like myself anyway) bundle the cable up and zip tie the extra length out of the way to manage the extra cable length if it is in the way.

In the case of JD I believe he now ships with cable management or cable wraps to help wrap up the extra cables.



your first sugestion is good.i didn think of that.what about servo train like, the mecanoid robot has ? for the ez HDD servo's.

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Standard servos do not daisy chain like the servos of Mechanoid because those are special. The wires are not just connected that way for convenience, they are addressable down the chain but only because they have have extra hardware to handle such addressing and signaling.



could one port excample D1 handle many servo's?


Patrick, I really think you already know the answer is no. You can not daisy chain the EZ-robot servos and control them from one port.


The ezb can draw 19volts.two servo per port is that possible,?


Two servo port what Patrick? What do you think you will do with only two ports on JD? Do you think you have a way to control all of JD's servos from two ports on the EZB and thus limit the amount of wires needs? By all means, explain that idea further.


Just asking cause how does a bioloid do this?


Patrick, you own a bioloid robot don't you? You also own a Mechanoid robot.

Do you think the bioloid servos and the Mechanoid servo and the EZ-Robot servos are all the same? - They are not.

Look are your Mechanoid servo, it has an input cable (3 wires - 1 for signal and 2 for power) and from it's butt is a pig tail output cable (again 3 wires - 1 for signals and 2 for power). The mechanoid servo is "special" because it has extra circuitry to allow them to be daisy chained but still individually addressable and controllable.

Now look are your bioloid servo. They should have 2 different 3 pin ports on them, don't they? Can you guess what they are for? One is for incoming signals and the other is outgoing signals to allow other bioloid Dynamixel servos to be daisy chained. Again, the dynamixel servos are "special" because they have extra circuitry to allow them to be daisy chained but still individually addressable and controllable.

Now look are your EZ-Robot servo. It's a standard servo. It does not have a pig tail coming out of it's butt or an extra port and this it not an oversight it's because "standard" servos do not have extra circuity to allow them to be daisy chained and addressable.

Standard servos like the EZ-Robot servos need a dedicated signal from the controller going to them. If you connect two servos to the same signal port of the EZB controller you will command the servos to the same thing because they are not addressable.


justin thanks for explaning.just one question.when i connect two ez servo,s to one port,wil that damage my ezbv4?



justin thanks for explaning.just one question.when i connect two ez servo,s to one port,wil that damage my ezbv4?

Not even an appropriate question to ask. He already explained it won't work, and it is not how they are designed. Trying to predict what could happen when you do something wrong is just a waste of time.

If you want a simple answer to prevent you from doing something that won't and can't work, then sure... Doing that will cause your EZ-B to explode in a ball of flame from which you will likely not survive.... Or it will pop the fuse, or it will do nothing at all, but it won't work, so don't do it.



hi alan

so an ezbv can exploot.thats a scary it thanks



so an ezbv can exploot.thats a scary it thanks

No, it can't. I was jsut making a point that we can only tell you how things should work when you use them correctly. We can't predict what will happen when you use it wrong.



thats why i always ask.many question cause language barriere. i am always happy with the patients all members have with me. thank you alan


@nomad If only it was a language barrier the reason for the asinine questions... Well you did manage to frustrate @Alan which until now I thought was impossible...:)



i dont understand the word asinine.

ALAN my apollegies to you,didn mean to make you feel bad.


nomad, you can connect 2 or more servos to one ez-b port. The only thing that will happen is that all servos will move together at the same time.


hi dj

i just tested two servo and idd bolt going desame direction.letterly. when the screws are on the same side,the lever will move desame direction.see pic.

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