nomad18.08, I have no idea how big your male part is. I just couldn't resist posting a comment on it though. I saw the title and almost fell off the chair I was laughing so hard. I love international forums like this. These innocent phrase errors are classic. You made my day! Thanks!
I have learned to read and listen to broken english at work. I work with people from all corners of the globe. I see things like this every day so It didn't strike me as anything too funny. I have also talked to Nomad a few times in email and know what he is working on, so it didn't really even enter my mind. Glad to have helped.
nomad18.08, I have no idea how big your male part is.
I just couldn't resist posting a comment on it though. I saw the title and almost fell off the chair I was laughing so hard.
I love international forums like this. These innocent phrase errors are classic. You made my day! Thanks!
I do hope you find your answer.
15 mm
inside is 11 mm
hahaha sorry now i see it
thank you
lucky i have small hands haha.
LOL @d.cochran... awww poor nomad18 only 15mm?.... I agree with Dave... something maybe you shouldn't be posting.... Holy crap that was funny...
Yeah, I was hoping we wouldn't need to get out the tape measures...
I agree with Richard, Holy crap that was funny!
Makes me wonder why you all checked the topic... Wait, I checked too... blush
I have learned to read and listen to broken english at work. I work with people from all corners of the globe. I see things like this every day so It didn't strike me as anything too funny. I have also talked to Nomad a few times in email and know what he is working on, so it didn't really even enter my mind. Glad to have helped.
thank you d.cochran
do you have this size too please thank you