
Twitter Recognition

How to add the Twitter Recognition robot skill

  1. Load the most recent release of ARC (Get ARC).
  2. Press the Project tab from the top menu bar in ARC.
  3. Press Add Robot Skill from the button ribbon bar in ARC.
  4. Choose the Communication category tab.
  5. Press the Twitter Recognition icon to add the robot skill to your project.

Don't have a robot yet?

Follow the Getting Started Guide to build a robot and use the Twitter Recognition robot skill.

How to use the Twitter Recognition robot skill

This skill will query a Twitter feed to pick up custom phrases that you have pre-configured. Your robot can be controlled by reading tweet commands. You can configure this robot skill so that if someone tweets "move forward," your robot can begin moving forward. It operates similarly to the Speech Recognition skill in that the detected phrases can execute scripts.


This skill requires an internet connection and a Twitter account. If you are using a WiFi-enabled EZB, you will require an internet connection and a connection to the robot. Depending on the type of EZB, this can be achieved in a few different ways.

Two Network Interface Manual

Main Window

1. Pause Button
This button pauses the polling process of the Twitter Recognition skill.

2. Status Display
Displays the status of the skill and shows the detected phrases from the phrase list.


1. Username Field
This field is where you will enter your Twitter username. This is the same Twitter account name used when giving ARC access to Twitter. This cannot be anyone else's Twitter handle; it must be yours. This robot skill will be monitoring this Twitter handle for Tweets.
ARC Twitter Settings

2. Polling Time Drop-down
This drop-down adjusts the polling time in seconds between looking for phrases from your tweets. The range is from 5 to 360 seconds. The default time is the 30s.

3. Checkboxes
These checkboxes enable showing every tweet in the status display and displaying all tweets (instead of just the newest).

4. Phrase List
This is a list of default phrases to customize and add more phrases.

5. Command List
This is a list of default commands corresponding to the phrases in the same row, with the ability to customize and add more commands (scripts).

6. List Management Buttons
These buttons manage the rows of phrases. They move the rows up and down, insert them, add more to the bottom, and delete them.

How to use Twitter Recognition

  1. Ensure you have given ARC access to Twitter. The account you use to give ARC access to Twitter must be the same account that will be entered in this robot skill set. This robot skill cannot monitor a third-party account.
    ARC Twitter Settings

  2. This robot skill requires an internet connection while maintaining a connection to the robot. If the robot is connected by USB, you will not need to worry about this step. However, if your robot is connected via WiFi, such as with EZ-Robot products, you will need to establish a connection with the internet. This can be done by either adding a second USB WiFi adapter to your computer or configuring the robot to connect to the router. The easiest solution is to add a second USB WiFi adapter.
    Two Network Interface Manual

  3. Add the Twitter Recognition skill to your ARC project (Project -> Add Skill -> Social Media -> Twitter Recognition).

  4. Access the robot skill settings by pressing the? (question mark) button on the robot skill

  5. In the config window, enter the Twitter Handle for your Twitter account. This is the account that you have given ARC access to on Twitter.

  6. Please note the default phrases, modify them, or add your own in the skill settings. These are the phrases that this robot skill will be watching for in your Twitter account. The respective script will be executed when one of these phrases is Tweeted from your account.

  7. Tweet one of the phrases from your Twitter account.

  8. Watch as the Twitter Recognition skill picks up the Tweet, and the script is executed corresponding to the detected phase. The robot will not respond right away when the tweet is created. The robot skill will take some time to detect the tweet because it uses the Poll Time configured for the robot skill. By default, the poll time is 30 seconds.

Video Tutorial


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