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Automation Man

Country: USA
Member Since:

I build circular stairs for a living but prefer to build Big 6 ft robots and automated machines that are useful in real world situations. Built a totally automated lathe last year that made 850 spindles in my garage while I watched from my living room. Went to highschool for machine tool, then college for Electrical Engineering. Trying to automate the woodworking industry with many different machines- unfinished business that I started over 20 years ago but did not have ARC and the missing knowledge that I have now. Recently approved for a patent on flood prevention device for residential and commercial dwellings-could be a big deal someday.


  • 2020-05-10 - joined Synthiam
  • 2020-10-28 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2020-10-31 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2021-01-17 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2021-12-12 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2022-01-19 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-08-27 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2022-11-15 - created first new question
  • 2022-11-25 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
  • 2023-06-17 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2023-07-11 - started first conversation
  • 2024-01-11 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees

Latest submissions

Sketch Pad Program For Servos

Sketch Pad Program For Servos

@Athena, could you help me develop an ARC JavaScript program using the Sketch Pad Robot Skill to plot the movements of a large gantry machine that I have...
Which Skill Takes An Audio Output And Can Be Used To Open And Close A Mouth?

Which Skill Takes An Audio Output And Can Be Used To Open And Close A Mouth?

, Im looking for a skill within Synthiam ARC that can take an audio...

Using A Vacuum As A Robot Base

With the advancements in technology, I believe its time to revisit the discussion about creating a robot vacuum base. I recently purchased a Roborock Qrevo vacuum and was amazed by its intelligence and capabilities. Im curious if there is a vacuum model available that allows us to utilize its software and sensors for our custom robot projects. Has...
Watching Specific Variables

Watching Specific Variables

Is there a way to display only specific variables in the Variable Watcher or in a separate area within Synthiam ARC? I have over 50 different variables from various...
Gcode Transfer Into ARC.

Gcode Transfer Into ARC.

Id like to request a script that can take a Gcode which is  plain text file and convert it into a multidimensional array. Once it is in an array then I can work with it in...

Is It Possible To Have Automatic Keyboard Taps Done On Startup Of A Script

, Ive noticed that every time I open a Blockly script in ARC, I have to manually perform the same keyboard actions to resize and reorient the script. Given ARCs advanced capabilities, is it possible to automate these initial adjustments through a script? This would help reduce the repetitive steps needed to get started with each script. If this...
AI Generated Results Into Text Of A Certain Region Of Screen From A Picture

AI Generated Results Into Text Of A Certain Region Of Screen From A Picture

Id like to request AI generated results into text of a certain region...

Is There A Way To Archive A Blockly Block Without Deleting It?

, is there a way to archive a Blockly block without deleting it, similar to using // for comments in JavaScript? This feature would be useful when experimenting with different scripts in Synthiam ARC.

Merge 3 Blockly Scripts

, is it possible to merge three Blockly scripts into one? I know that I can copy and paste JavaScript code sequentially, but I dont see an easy way to do this in Blockly.
What Is A Web Hook?

What Is A Web Hook?

@Athena, What ARC skills utilize webhooks? Im currently using the IFTTT Robot Skill and am curious about which other robot skills also support webhooks. Thanks!

Copying Whole Script Collections

Hello Synthiam Support, Is there a way to copy all of the scripts in a Script Collection skill or another skill and paste them into a different project? How would you go about doing this? Im looking for a method to efficiently transfer scripts between projects within Synthiam ARC. Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Blockly Comments

Blockly Comments

Whenever you do an update could you please have the comments and the program itself stay exactly where you leave them when you save the program.
Is There A Skill To Plot Your D1(X) And D2(Y) Locations On A X Y Map

Is There A Skill To Plot Your D1(X) And D2(Y) Locations On A X Y Map

Is there a skill in Synthiam ARC to plot your D1 (X) and D2 (Y) locations on an X-Y...
Accessing The Analog Values On An Arduino

Accessing The Analog Values On An Arduino

Is it possible to access analog values on an Arduino using the existing ARC software? Ive tried, but it seems that the only ADC...
Slight Change In Controlcommand In Blockly

Slight Change In Controlcommand In Blockly

Ive run into a glitch in Blockly that renders the controlCommand unuseable I thought it may have been the fact that while you are in...

Small Change In Blockly

Id like to request a small change in Blockly to fix the Add Comment. I figured out why ARC does not like this feature. If you look in the Javascript after you put comments on the Blockly code you will see that it is placing a # instead of a //  which would probably work with typical Javascript but not so much with ARC.     On a different note...

Which Skill Gives Coordinates Of Objects In Camera View

Which skill gives coordinates of objects in camera view? I remember seeing a skill that had many different variables listed for the camera view but I cannot find it.

Making Motion Arrive At The Same Time

Is there a certain command/parameter that I need to put in Javascript and if possible in Blockly to move axes with different values arrive at the same time? Example: Move servo V1 to 5565 and Move V21 to 8755 at the same time and then arrive at the same time. I know it can be done with Auto position but Id like it in Javascript so that I can...

Can The USB Of An RP Lidar Be Wireless?

Trying to keep my computer at a fixed location and have the bot moving around and was wondering if there is a way to make RP Lidar USB cord have an adapter to make it wireless? Is there an adapter/transmitter available somewhere? Thanks
Home Stepper Motor

Home Stepper Motor

Can you show me some examples in Javascript of how to Setashome for V21? Can you also show me some examples in Javascript of how to Calibrate V22?

Print A Question And Put Keyboard Response Into A Variable

In Blockly how do I print a question that will show up as a pop up for an end user and put the keyboard response into a variable? I understand how you do it with voice recognition whereas you wait for response and it will go into variable but it seems like there is a missing block in Blockly for a keyboard response.

Invert Direction With A Script

What is the script to Invert direction pragmatically for V1 and have it change the checkbox in Setting for the V1 port at the same time?

Multiple Xbox Wireless Joysticks

Id like to request to have the ability to have multiple xbox wireless joysticks in ARC. I realize the that the first one would have movement panel associated with it but the next ones could have all of the other buttons available and for the potentiometer it could just send out to the variables direction and speed and let us manipulate the data as...

Myfunc In Blockly

Could you explain how myfunc and return are used in Blockly. Can you give me a few examples of how they are being used in Blockly scripts. I would like to use them to oversee certain scenarios in the script, and if it does happen do something to correct it. Can you show me how to do this?

Is There An Outside Area For Script In ARC That Can Keep An Eye On Blockly?

Is there an outside area for script in ARC that can keep an eye on Blockly and override it if necessary, rather than writing it in each Blockly script to avoid a certain scenario which amounts to a crash of the end effector. Hypothetical scenario: Swing the base of the robot 180 degrees but if the second arm is extended it will hit an obstruction...

Use Google Tablet Camera On A Different Computer Using ARC

how do I use a Google tablet camera to feed video to a computer using ARC. Is there a certain app that I need to get on the tablet to let them communicate together. Can you give me a video link of how someone did it?
Accelerometer With Bluetooth

Accelerometer With Bluetooth

I found this accelerometer while looking for a MPU6050 and thought this would be a step up if you could get it to work with ARC. One of the big advantages is can be...

Movement Panel For Stepper Motors

Can you please write the code in Blockly for me for a stepper motor movement panel using V21 and V22? I will be inserting it into Auto position movement panel.
Thrustmaster Skill

Thrustmaster Skill

Id like to request a skill to control a Thrustmaster joystick similar to what you have for the cordless xbox joystick. It would be awesome!

Why Is My Auto Position A Movement Panel

How can I make the autoposition skill be a nonmovement panel and then have a separate movement panel to control my steppers as you can have only one movement panel per project?

How Can I Use Accelerometer From Iphone And App Interface To Steer My Robot

How can I use accelerometer from iPhone and app interface to steer my robot? Id like to tilt my Iphone and drive my robot left, right, forward and backwards. I would like it to use the amount of tilt to produce the amount of speed. Where do I find the variable for the amount of tilt the iPhone produces?
Different Pages In Blockly

Different Pages In Blockly

Id like to request to have multiple pages in Blockly, this way I can keep things nice and organized. Also on each page could we have it basically full page so I dont...
How To Use IF Conditions In Blockly

How To Use IF Conditions In Blockly

In the audio section there is a wait for phase section, rather than having a specific phase be listed have the answer go into a variable. Example...
Auto Tune Color Tracking

Auto Tune Color Tracking

Ive tried the color tracking but it seems to only work a few feet away. Is there a better camera that you recommend -have been using the one that Ive bought from you....
Auto Position Automated

Auto Position Automated

Id like to request a skill in auto position that would take in all of the values at user set time (1-10 sec) intervals and put them into number frames which could be renamed...
Blockly Locking Up And Can't Stop It

Blockly Locking Up And Cant Stop It

Is there an easy way to shut down Blockly when it locks up and you cant stop it- without totally restarting ARC?
What Is A Movement Panel?

What Is A Movement Panel?

Had some questions on this skill. I did not see any configuration for which motors to use. If youve got multiple motors running how does it know which ones to control? At...
How To Get Decimal Value As Speech Recognition

How To Get Decimal Value As Speech Recognition

On a different note what would you recommend to do for speech recognition for expected phases that is not an integer. Is it...
Bluetooth Laser

Bluetooth Laser

Id like to request a feature use bluetooth to communicate with a Leica Laser distance Measure. It is accurate to within 1/16 in 330 ft. If you want me to buy it and send it to you I can. Or...
How To Store A Variable In Blockly

How To Store A Variable In Blockly

In conversation menu Im trying to get the person to answer yes or no, and that would go into a variable. After it is in variable if it is equal to yes...
Pulling An App Into Blockly Page

Pulling An App Into Blockly Page

Id like to have apps like the conversation app be able to be pulled into a Blockly page. This would save a lot of room on the page and would help to keep...
Request For Higher Resolution On Servo Degrees

Request For Higher Resolution On Servo Degrees

Id like to request higher resolution for Servo degrees to into tenths or hundredths in your next revision.  Thanks again, Don
Can I Use Multiple Bluetooth Devices?

Can I Use Multiple Bluetooth Devices?

Got it working and I like it!! It was not so much the print function as it was getting the number into a variable. Now of course the next step,...
Copy And Paste Multiple Blocks In Blockly

Copy And Paste Multiple Blocks In Blockly

I would like to request a copy and paste for large amounts of blocks in Blockly. Maybe its already available but I havent been able to...

Accessing More Board Indexes

How do I access more board indexes other than the first five? Ive seen somewhere that 256 were available and have looked around but cant find a way to do it ?
Request For ADC To Have An EZB Index

Request For ADC To Have An EZB Index

Id like to request for ADC to have an EZB index in Blockly Thanks again, Don
Create Custom Blockly Blocks

Create Custom Blockly Blocks

DJ, could you please add a feature in your next revision to create custom Blocks in Blockly. I have been researching it and it is possible. This would allow me to...
Request For Digital.Set To Have EZB Index Number In Blockly

Request For Digital.Set To Have EZB Index Number In Blockly

Id like to request Digital.set to have EZB index number in Blockly. Thanks again Don
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feature request
Incremental Servo Pad

Incremental Servo Pad

I have been using the Servo Pad skill and wondering if there is a different style available. Rather than an absolute value on screen have circle pad x and y which the amount of...
feature request

Getting Distances

One of the machines that Im working on is a robotic sander. I found a similar scenario on Youtube Scan and sand and thought it was very similar to the navigation skill. The difference would be to make waypoints go back and forth rather than directly to its target. I have the 360 lidar working but...
feature request
Lists Block In Blockly

Lists Block In Blockly

I would like to request the Lists block to be put into Blockly with all the various types of things you can do inside of Lists. This would help a lot for making various types...
feature request
New Block In Blockly

New Block In Blockly

Id like to request a new block similar to Auto Position _______ but this block would call up files from in the Blockly directory. Stepper motors work fine in Blockly but for some...
feature request

Pwm Servo Feedback

Id like to request a modification to the Pwm Servo feedback skill to be able manually insert the min and the max -or to be able to move them into position with arrows before someone pushes the button to calibrate min and max. The reason is you can manipulate and move your servos but mine are using a screw drive and you cant just push on it because...
feature request

Lists In Blockly

I would like to request lists in Blockly which can make an array.  I have the voice feeding into variables and it works great but now I find that Im making a ton of variables to hold them. Rather than doing it this way have the speech recognition put the numbers into an array. Once they are in an array...
feature request
Algebraic Expressions In Blockly

Algebraic Expressions In Blockly

I would like to request algebraic expressions in the math portion and variable portions of Blockly. This would allow me to manipulate numbers and variables...
feature request

Robot Skill That Imports Excel Data To Move Servos

DJ,    Any chance of taking the auto position names and convert that into a spreadsheet format. This way you can see how much difference there will be from one position to another. You can have a cell in the spreadsheet calculate how much time it will take to go from one position to another and then you manipulate time and the speed if wanted. The...