Plugin to visualize the Euler Angles (Roll, Pitch, Yaw).
How to add the Roll Pitch Yaw robot skill
- Load the most recent release of ARC (Get ARC).
- Press the Project tab from the top menu bar in ARC.
- Press Add Robot Skill from the button ribbon bar in ARC.
- Choose the Misc category tab.
- Press the Roll Pitch Yaw icon to add the robot skill to your project.
Don't have a robot yet?
Follow the Getting Started Guide to build a robot and use the Roll Pitch Yaw robot skill.
How to use the Roll Pitch Yaw robot skill
Two instances different camera angles:
Top Menus: Configuration - configuration form
Scroll Bars: Rotate Camera - When selected the top, bottom, right scroll bars controls the camera rotation (roll, pitch, yaw)
Position Camera - When selected the top, bottom, right scroll bars controls the camera distance from the object (x,y,z)
Rotate Object - When selected the top, bottom, right scroll bars controls the object (cube) rotation (roll, pitch, yaw)
Reset - sets 0,0,0 for the selected scroll bars
Show Camera Settings - Displays the camera position & rotation values
The Camera settings (excluding the object rotation) are saved to the project .
Controlling Variable - If specified an EZ-Script 3 position array variable is created to store the roll, pitch, yaw angles. The value is updated when the scroll bars are controlling the object and the user changes the values.
Monitoring Variable - If specified the plugin instance will monitor a 3 position array variable (roll, pitch, yaw) and use the values to rotate the cube.
Simple Test: Start a new Project Add the RollPitchYaw plugin Specify a monitoring variable: $rotation1 add the following script:
Repeat( $ax, 0, 2, 1)
$rotation1[0] = 0
$rotation1[1] = 0
$rotation1[2] = 0
$angle = 0
REPEATWHILE ($angle<=360)
$rotation1[$ax] = $angle
$angle = $angle + 1
Hit Script Run!
Visualize the 360 degrees rotation over the 3 axis (Roll, Pitch, Yaw)
Nice to see you again ptp
unable to load project error occurs.