Country: USA
Member Since:
GW-BASIC Sr Developer ### Computer: sinclair zx spectrum ### Robot: Coupe R2 Dice Ultra >>> e mail: tiago.private AT g m a i l.com <<<
2014-06-16 - joined Synthiam
2014-06-16 - created first new question
2014-09-13 - joined your first forum discussion
2015-11-15 - connected ARC to the cloud
2015-12-14 - shared your first photo in the forum
2015-12-22 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2016-02-02 - answered a forum question
2016-02-19 - created a custom avatar
2016-04-19 - shared your first video in the forum
2016-05-20 - posted a robot project showcase
2019-03-25 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2019-11-19 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2020-11-27 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
Latest submissions
Questions (37)
Robots (2)
Skills (9)
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Apps (3)
Firmwares (1)
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How To Use T265 With A Lidar?
Hello guys. Im trying to setup a base template project to use T265 and Lidar Plugins. Can someone share a project or scripts to navigate and use the Lidar data...question

Jd Humanoid Robot Controlled By Kinect
This is a video of JD being controlled by a Kinect, I still need to to fix some discrepancies. Only head, arms and grippers are being...question

Man Down. Wait Robot Down
Can someone help the guy !question

Ezr Camera V2 - 640X480 Image Broken
EZ-Builder is running the last version. Tried with an empty project and camera object. Bug ?question

Ezb - Uart 0 Not Working
DJ/Jeremie EZB4 v2 (MXCHIP) UART 0 is not working please advise ? Connection Information: Wiring: EZB4 v2 TX - Orange RX - Yellow GND - Green SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout...question

Iotiny Firmware Upgrade Yes Or No ?
@DJ, First time with Iotiny ... firmware versions: Iotiny Firmware update tool: Iotiny reports: Questions: 1) Should i upgrade the Iotiny with an...question

Elseif Is Broken
@DJ, The ElseIf is broken: The code below never stops ! $buffer=quot;[123 456 789]quot; $len=Length($buffer) $ix=0 $start=-1 $end=-1 repeatwhile($ixlt;$len) $ch=GetCharAt($buffer, $ix) if...question

Google Home Diy With Raspberrypi
FIY The MagPI magazine #57 contains a DIY project for a Google Home in a Box: https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/find-the-magpi-57/ Copies have been shipped...question

Windows 10 Store App
DJ, I just installed the windows 10 app: but when I launch the app i get the firmware tool: apps features:question

Gripper Stall Detection
Im looking for a method to stop the gripper servo when holding an object. I tried a few options: 1) Servo potentiometer analog read The values are noisy, and needs...question

All electric, 65lbs/30Kgs, 90 minutes they demo the robot inside a house cool techquestion

Ideas To Attach A Tablet To Ezr Pan/Tilt Servos
I would like to add Pan/Tilt to a Tablet to be the Robot Interface besides the rotation lever servo i will need: ClipnPlay...question

ARC Windows 8.1 No Minimize, No Maximize, No Resize, No Move
I have windows 8.1, ive attached a screenshot of the desktop, with ARC open over other windows...question

Ez-Script Escaping Specific Characters
what i want to do: $pos = IndexOf($buffer, quot;\nquot;) this is what i tried without success $pos = IndexOf($buffer, 0x0a) i didnt find...question

Servo Synchronization: Servospeed Delay Values
I need to synchronize the servo movements between a EZ-Script and an external device. ServoSpeed (Dx, speed) The speed is 0 =...question

Another Consumer Robot: Robit
They are coming ... robots everywhere. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/robit-the-world-s-most-affordable-home-robot#/ The brain is a Raspberry PI 2. affordable...question

3D Print With Printrbot
Im a 3d printer newbie. Im looking for a 3d printer with a budget 1000 usd, and open consumable materials, i found the Printrbot printers. I have a few questions: 1) How big...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.

Depthsensor v2
Use Microsoft Kinect, Kinect One, or Asus Xtion Pro to move servos from your body joints.Misc

Roll Pitch Yaw v2
Plugin to visualize the Euler Angles (Roll, Pitch, Yaw).Camera

Rubiks Cube Solving Robot v5
Rubiks Cube Solving Robot Skill that uses a camera.Audio

Watson Text To Speech v4
Convert written text into natural-sounding audio in a variety of languages and voices.Camera

Darknet YOLO (Obj Detection) v5
You only look once (YOLO) is a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. using Tiny YOLOv3 a very small model as well for...Misc

Serial Toolbox v3
Provides two different features: An EZB Uart Serial Parser, SerialTcpBridge (Connect EZ-Robot Camera via USB)Misc

Miscellaneous Utility Plugin v6
This skill contains a variety of utilities for database connectivity and more.Audio

Audiotoolbox Plugin v15
Allows ARC to use UWP speech voices, change default audio devices, capture sound and route to an EZB.Audio

Watson Speech To Text v11
Watson Speech to Text is a cloud-native solution that uses deep-learning AI algorithms to apply knowledge about grammar, language structure,...robot

Ptps Star Wars Bb-8 Robot Suitcase
To get in the spirit of the Star Wars holiday ... I decided to share this project ... still in progress ... and struggling for more time. May the fourth...robot

Ptps Ezb V4 Custom Firmware V2
Hello everyone, I would like to share the new custom firmware available for EZB 4. Currently im beta testing the firmware fixing and polishing the code. Im...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.