Telepresence Robot
Author: amin
This firmware converts a Telepresence Robot into an EZB for ARC to connect to it.
This is a custom firmware for OhmniLabs Telepresence robot that allows ARC connectivity. It supports live stream of cameras to ARC and movement of wheels and neck. To easily control the robot after installing the custom firmware use OhmniLab Telepresence Behavior Control in EZ-Builder.
Setup Instructions: 1 - Follow the guide on UpBoard to install a fresh version of Linux: https://wiki.up-community.org/Up_Board_Setup#Linux
2 - Install libOpenCv 4.1 together with "OpenCV Contrib" packages. Installation guide is available on https://docs.opencv.org/4.1.0/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html After installation, run the following command from the firmware folder in the command prompt to make sure all required dependencies exist.
ldd libOpenCvSharpExtern.so
3 - Install Mono
apt-get install mono-devel
4 - To run the firmware execute the following command:
sudo mono Telepresense.EzbServer.exe