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2011-08-28 - joined Synthiam
2011-08-28 - created first new question
2012-05-01 - joined your first forum discussion
2012-07-20 - posted a robot project showcase
2013-08-21 - answered a forum question
2014-07-28 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-08-06 - connected ARC to the cloud
2015-02-26 - shared your first photo in the forum
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Do We Have An Interface For Al
Do we have an interface for Alexa?? That is what I wish to put on my robot.
amin |

Well, I Did Not Get A Pepper. But I Got A Really Nice Robot
Here are some pictures of my iPal robot. This one is brand new and I have it for sale on Ebay. If it...
MovieMaker |
Onemorequestion About Power Supply
OK, the way I do it is to have 12V and 6 volt and 5 volt power sources. I start with my batteries which are two 12V lead Acid 9ah batteries wired in Parallel. I use the 12Vfor the motors, the 6V for the servos and the 5V for the signal sensors, etc. Then I hook all the grounds together and pull a positive wire off of each. I run the plus wire to...
MovieMaker |
what if I wanted to control ten of those cheap dynamixel copies.(16A) and hook them all up in a serial fashion. Would I have enough serial ports on the EZB-4? I would have to assign an ID. The way they are setup, it looks like I could control them off of a single serial port. Suggestions?
MovieMaker |
Deep Learning (Cloud Based)
I would like to see this implemented into an EZ robot with a chatbot like Cortana. Any ideas on the matter.
DJ Sures |
Anyone Experience This On V4
Sorry to be so late to respond. I just got out of the Hospital. Anyone experience this on EZB V4: I apply power. It starts off with Blue Light It goes to Blinking blue light and stays. I hook up the EZB 4 to the first wireless network fine. when I try to hook in ARC, I can not. There is NO Sound from the EZB. It says: Connection Failed:...
MovieMaker |
Sally, Version 4 Build
OK, I have put together Sally again. I will use the Version 4. This is my last and final effort to finish Sally. After that, I will be out of parts. It has been a wonderful journey and it is coming to an end. I have had a lot of fun along the way. If I succeed on this build, I will extend the fun a little longer. I will make comments along my pit...
Nomad 6R |

Cant Hook Ezb4 To Network
I have an ezb4 that has worked fine for a while. I had took the robot apart and then put it back together using the V4 instead of V3. My problem is: I go to find the ezb...
CochranRobotic… |

I Need Help With A Camera
I got an ACER W3 tablet. I bought it when I heard it ran windows so I could use it with the Sally robot. It runs windows 8. Now, I bought a wide screen, self focusing...
MovieMaker |

Can You Cut Off The My Battery Is Low Alarm On Ezb4?
I would like to cut off the alarm. I am using the ezb4 on +5volts. I am going in with +12v. I want the bus to be +5v...
MovieMaker |
I Powered Up And Tried To Use The Movement Panel And Nothing Worked As Far As Th
I now have the ezb v3 connected via bluetooth. Now , I made my movement panel and setup for D14-D11. I hooked the red and black cable to the voltage from ex power. I powered up and tried to use the movement panel and nothing worked as far as the movement panel. I have power and four wires. How should I handle this problem?
MovieMaker |
For Richard
Richard, I dont know how you do it. But you always get this right. Here is my setup: Left TriggerA = D13 Left Triger B = D12 Right Trigger A = D10 Right Trigger B =D11 With this setup, When I hit Forward, it goes Right. When I hit Reverse, it goes Left. When I hit Left, it goes Reverse. When I hit Right, it goes Left. Help!
MovieMaker |
Help Jog My Memory, Please
I have gotten Sally put together. She was working all fine with the new sensors. I turned her off and I went to sleep. When I got up the next morning, the W3 was dead as a door knob. I cannot afford to replace it. But, I have an Acer ONE notebook that is slow, but it works. It is dual core instead of quad core. I completely dissasembled Sally and I...
MovieMaker |
Could Someone Post A Link To A Windows 10 Iso Download
I tried to upgrade with the Free Windows 10 on both my W3 and my desktop. They both went almost to the end and said they could not upgrade. So, I was told there was an ISO that would work in these cases.
Steve G |
Cant Install ARC
I tried to upgrade ARC as I have done hundreds of times. This time it told me that I could not install. But, when I tried to install an older version, it tells me that I already have a newer version installed. ? I even tried uninstalling it and re-installing.
MovieMaker |
Ultrasound, Ping And Object Avoidancec On The Ezb-V3
Richard, would you know what script the Object Avoidance was for the v3. I have One PING unit with One sharp IR. . thats it. I just want to find that little algorythm. I used to know this site like the palm of my hand. But, I have forgotten a lot in the last many years. I am down to one robot, Sally. I finally scraped up enough to get some eyes. I...
Dunning-Kruger |

Cleaning Out My Laboratory, Have Parts For Sale. Anyone Interested Also In The L
We are talking about a working Leaf Project robot that I...
MovieMaker |
On The V 4, How Can I Tell It The Sounds Needs To Go Through The Main Desktop, N
I just need to toggle the sound from the Robot to the Desktop speakers. thanks in advance.
Steve G |
Network Question:
Ok, here is what I have: The ports are: Router Desktop MagicJack EZB 4 (Sally) I have everything going into the router and then going to the Internet. I have two wifi connections. One is for the Internet and one is for the EZB. If I hook up for the EZB, I loose the other connection. I guess my question is: How do...
MovieMaker |
Cant Hook Ezb4 Upto ARC
Hey Guys. Here is what I have: on Board 0, I have a EZB 3. (Working fine on Desktop)(not on Sally Robot.) on Board 2, I have an EZB 4. (not being found on Desktop or Sally robot.) The ports are: Router Desktop MagicJack EZB 4 (Sally) (proposed, but wont hook up.) It just tells me it cannot find the EZB 4. I wish...
Dunning-Kruger |
What Voltage Does Those 995 Servos Like?
I am guessing that they like 6 Volts. But, if you know the EXACT voltage that the 995 servos LOVE, let me know. Thanks in Advance! mel
MovieMaker |
Cant Seem To Connect Ezb 3 Up With More Than 9600 Baud
I have finished most all of my main ports in Sally. But, it is running turtle slow. When it comes up and says connected, it is 9600 baud. I am running a W3 which has an I5 quad cpus and it should be faster than that. I have almost ALL of the ports filled up. I am not even running any scripts, just checking each port to see if it works. The graphix...
MovieMaker |
Ezrobot V3 Stays On After You Unplug It From The Power
Any thoughts on that? It seems it is getting power from some of the DATA lines maybe. Tell me what YOU think. Thanks! Mel
MovieMaker |
Adc Ports
Just for your info. This may or may not be a BUG. I tried to hook a sharp IR and a Maxbotix Ultrasound sensors to the EZB 3. Every single time I did that it stopped and had an exception error when I selected the name. I got them somewhat working by just using it as an analog port and not the sharp or Maxbotix. I upgraded to the latest version of...
MovieMaker |

Maxbotix Question
I know that this sounds crazy, but . . I removed six working maxbotix EZ0s from the LEAF robot that I disassembled. They were all working. I wired them as directed (no brainer.) None of...
MovieMaker |
Does anyone have a schematic on how you hook a Maxbotics EZ1 or EZ0 to the EZB (V3)? Thanks!
MovieMaker |
Throw Away Those Old Printers. Here Comes A 3D Printer That Is Upto 100 Times Fa
Upto 100 times faster 3D printer! Not only that, the Quality is MUCH MUCH Better! get this
budel0 |
What Is The Fastest Baud Rate For The Ezb 3. I Am Only Getting 9600 Baud
What is the FASTEST Baud rate for the EZB 3. I am only getting 9600 baud. Is that the MAX? I know it is at the end of its rope. But, it is all I have right now. It seems so slow. thanks, mel
Steve G |
When Using A0,A1,A2 , Etc. On The Ezb 3, May I Connect The Irs And Pirs Directly
I believe the V3 has provisions for them if I remember correctly.
Dunning-Kruger |

Cant Find Script Manager In The Latest Version Of ARC
Did they do away with the script manager in ARC latest version. I have the EZB 3. thanks!
MovieMaker |

Question With The Eye Leds
OK, I have my new little trash bot up and running. I have the movement panel working fine thanks to Rich and the other guys. I have tested the ports going to the eyes...
OldBotBuilder |
Using Ezb 3 With An H-Bridge
Well, I sold a lot of stuff and I think I will almost get my Pepper robot. But, I did not move the EZB 3 nor the RAD base. So, I had some 4 wire H-bridges laying around and figured I would try to get a little bit of fun going. Well, I wired everything up and when I hit the control panel, when I say forward it would turn to the right and backwards...
MovieMaker |
I Have A Few Items Up On Ebay
I have an omnibot 2000 tall shell. I have an SD-84 I have an Arduino and Basic Stamp Kit I have a Sabertooth 2X12 Anyone interest, pop over there. thanks, Mel :-)
MovieMaker |
Brand New Ez Robot Camera Forsale
I will sale my ezb4 camera brand new and will ship to anyone in th usa. Yhmmc(at)yahoo.com Thanks
MovieMaker |
Who Wants Two Ezb-4S For $150 Total Free Shipping Arrives In 3-4 Days Expected
Who Wants Two BRAND NEW Ezb-4s For $150 Total Free Shipping Arrives In 3-4 Days Expected I have got them and they have been tested. I ship ONLY to USA. $150 for everything. NO WAITING! If you make it an Even $200, I will include a Version 3. It has been refurbished but works fine. Thanks, Mel yhmmc at yahoo.com Just let me know.
MovieMaker |

R.I.P. -- Sunshine Robot
I finished the Sunshine robot. But, I she just did not turn out the way I wanted her to. I am tired of building robots (for 41years). But, I still have a passion for them....
Dave Schulpius |
New Version Update Only Has Black And White, No Color
Just thought you would want to know. I just downloaded and installed the program only to find it is in B/W. Mel
MovieMaker |
Interfacing A Pir Onto The Ezb
I have tried every which a way and I cannot find a way to hook the PIR to the EZB. I have tried Analog,Digital, etc. I bought a dozen of these units - the ones with the TWO Potentiometers on the PC. You help would be appreciated. Thanks,
bhouston |
For Justin
ha!ha! I saw where you had posted on another forum Long time no see! I figured it shouldve said Long time no C++ I just had the brain fort and had to post. sorry. LOL, Mel
Nomad 6R |
I Would Like To Make A Suggestion For ARC
For your Kind consideration: I would like to suggest that the windows in ARC have a way to minimize them. This would really help me as I like to jump from one window to another and possibly work on another program and come back to EZB in between. It would be very useful. Thanks,
MovieMaker |

Please, Can We Have Detection Of Smile Or Frown
Hey, Justin or anyone. I just got an idea. How hard would it be to simply allow your Facial Software to Detect emotions. We...
Nomad 6R |

I Hook Up To My New Ezb Camera And The Light Comes On, But It Does Not Show A Pi
It does not show a picture in ARC. Do any of you have any...
MovieMaker |
Question About Servos
Ok, I dont really know how to word this question. I re-built my Sunshine robot. Her arms and shoulders were very weak. so, I replaced the servos with ones that are very strong. I setup the robots, I thought to the right positions. When It came time to test her, I started with her right shoulder. It seemed to work Strong, but, it did not go into the...
MovieMaker |
Ezb 4 Automatically Connects Up To My Desktop Before I Have A Chance To Configur
I am going to try turning off my desktop. Wish me luck!
MovieMaker |
No News On Lexi-3000 In A Really Long Time
How about an Update on Lexi so we can have some closure. We would like to hear how she is coming.
MovieMaker |
Trouble Hooking Up To Ezb4
Ok, I know it is not EZB4s problem. First let me tell you my setup. I have EZB3 hooked to COM9 on my notebook connected to my robot on port 0 which is bluetooth. I have an EZB4 connected to Port1 which is wireless. I have VNC coming from my desktop which controls the Sunshine Robot Mimo Monitor touch screen. In the past, I I simply turned on my...
MovieMaker |
Will ARC Accept Python Scripts?
Just curious to know if EZB will accept Python scripts.
Robot Doc |
Here Is Something I Would Like To See
I would like to see my robot, when it is not busy, and maybe overnight , to hook up automatically to the Internet and start downloading information that it will put into its database. I think some people are already doing this. But, I would like to know HOW. I would also like for the EZB to have a Wikibot program module. That would be GREAT! Tell...
MovieMaker |

Is It Possible To Convert The Ezb Camera To Usb. Those Ribbon Cables Dont Want
I guess I need an adapter or maybe I can simply wire the cable...
Dave Schulpius |
Is It Possible To Reboot The Ezb 4 With Software
It seems that the EZB uses conflicting IP addresses. I need to change it to another IP. Or something. I need to change to Client Mode and I have the EZB 4 installed in the robot already. Lots of work to get in there and reset it. Hopefully, this will be an option. I have my VNC setup on the same IP address. And, I cannot use both at once. I use my...
MovieMaker |
If You Are In The Usa , Aproximately, How Many Days Does It Take For Your Packag
Just curious about how many days. How long did it take your package to arrive? thanks!
MovieMaker |
Isnt It About Time For Another Update?
Is it not about time for another Update? How about specifics like: We had a total of 6500 orders. We are on order# 4200. etc. Without Updates, waiting is getting old. Thanks, Mel
CochranRobotic… |
For Rich Pyke On Ping Roam
So, Ping Roam is almost a year old. Is it Complete now, or do you have plans to Update it in the future? Just curious. I am trying to line up all my ducks so when I get the V4 in I wont have to ask that question. Unless I forget , of course. thanks,
MovieMaker |
Havent Seen Much Of Rich Pyke Today. Hope He Is Ok
Richard Pyke are you ok ? Hope you are not sick but just on a holiday.
Troy |
Dual Microwave Sensors Used On Automobiles
do you suppose that these would work for Navigation?
MovieMaker |
How About A Tutorial On String Variables
I know what strings are and the different types. But, I cant seem to get the handle on the syntax of everything. I am going to go examine previous EZB files. If there is already a tutorial on the subject point me to it. Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |
Question About My Wheelchair Motors Sabertooth
I havent had much time or space to work with the wheelchair motors and the thing I noticed is that when the wheelchair was assembled, if I told it to go forward it would. I have no encoders, just two wires from the motors to the sabertooth for power. But, not now that I am driving the wheelchair motors straight from the sabertooth, when I tell it...
MovieMaker |

Question About Ezb4 Before It Comes In:
I have now two 12v batteries on my Sunshine robot. I plan to hook up the EZB4 which will allow the 12vdc to go to the bus. Then I will...
MovieMaker |
Does Anyone Know The Length Of The Camera Cable On The V4
I am curious of what type of camera connector and if it can be extended. Sunshine will have the EZB4 in her chest and it needs to go on her head. This will require about 2.5 feet. Is this going to be do-able?
MovieMaker |
Seems Sometime Site Is Slow
Lately Only, sometimes slow. And, a lot of missing links. Page not found, etc. Not the way it used to be Lightning fast. I am running at 100mps and my speed tests show it. I figure that there was a problem and you are working on it. This is not a complaint. Also, this does not require an answer. It was just so you would know.
MovieMaker |
Question For Those Of You In The 3D Printing Community That Are Working With Ez-
I originally posted this in the wrong place so here we go. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what is happening. I downloaded (about a dozen times) the EZ-Bits for the EZ-B3 card cover. The plate printed just fine. But, the cover had a perfect shape, but it was sooooo thin. Have any of you experienced this before? My 20mm cube prints...
MovieMaker |

Question About The Ezb4
It has been said that the EZB4s middle bus will have whatever VCC that you supply it. But, will the little 5v two pin connector still be there? Thanks,
MovieMaker |
Has Anyone Designed A Cover For The Ezb-3 And Have An Stl File?
Just thought that I would ask, you never know. I had one of my EZB3s out in the open and it got shorted out.
MovieMaker |

What Are Some Funny Personalities That Happened To Your Robot?
Having worked on a gazillion robots since I was a child, some of my robot demonstrated very...
MovieMaker |

Where Is The Autorelease All Button?
When you are testing and adjusting your robots servos, if something goes wrong, you need a panic button on the main screen so you can just BANG! hit...
MovieMaker |

Sunshine Is Ready For The 4Th Of July 2014
Sunshine seems to be ready for the 4th,
Nomad 6R |
I Have An Apple Colored Qbo Robot
I have an Apple colored QBO Robot for $ale! It is Dying to be converted to an EZB robot. It is fully function. It was #54 right off the assembly line. If you bought one new now, it is going to cost you $5400 plus shipping. And, there is a BIG wait. My QBO has 16g of ram. The factory one has only 4G. I will sell it to anyone in the USA for $3200...
MovieMaker |

About Speech Generation
My files run fine on the desktop but when I imported ezb files from the past, they dont run the same as they did. They sort of pronounced the spelling of the word instead of...
Dunning-Kruger |
When I Put On A New Netbook, It Found Bluetooth Devices But Would Not Let Me Pa
I am trying to hook up two EZB3s and I am having problems pairing them. I erased them in order for windows to find them. But, as of yet, it hasnt. How can I force windows to ask for the pairing numbers? I really did the pooch this time. I deleted some very important files trying to get rid of the two uninstalled files in the device manager. There...
MovieMaker |

Cant Get Mimo Monitor Installed On Acer 810 Win8.1 Tablet
My mimo is installed in the Devices and Printers section, but it wont install as an Extended monitor. I...
MovieMaker |

For Anthony Or Anyone Who Is Using A W3 Win8 Tablet.
Ok, they say Hind-sight is 20-20. I built Sunshine following the Lexi-3000 website. Now, I have a problem. I have an...
MovieMaker |
Great New Look!
Looking good. Really nice. I like the way you have it set up.
Antron007 |
Ezb3 Wont Connect
Well, because of financial and health issues, I havent hooked my EZBs up in a long long time. I went to connect them and they wont connect. It told me I needed v16.6 version and that I had v16.0 firmware. So, I updated the firmware. It connected up fine. I recycled the EZB. I tried to connect a it wont. So far, I have tried 9600, 115k, 57k, and...
MovieMaker |
Having Questions Loading Ezb 3 Projects With The New ARC Software
I am having problems running EZB3 projects on the new ARC. It starts to install ARC all over when I already have it installed. This happens when I click on a previous project or try to load it. I am running v16.6 and have already updated my firmware. confused
MovieMaker |
Is It Possible To Run The H-Bridge Pwm Movement With The Sabertooth.
Is it possible to run the H-Bridge PWM Movement without adding any more parts. Do I just use this panel on the sabertooth instead of the sabertooth driver. I am confused. I do have the Sabertooth and the EZB3 running on wheelchair motors. The sabertooth works fine but always on high speed.
MovieMaker |
Ezb3 Wont Connect
OOPS! I posted twice. Well, I will just use this space to ask another question. I cant find all of the resources for the EZB3. All of the help and tutorials. I found a few, but not many. Where did they go? I was very familiar with the other setup and I could find anything. Now, the GUI is nicer, but I am lost. All roads lead to V4. That is nice,...
Dave Schulpius |
Ok, I Got The Sabertooth 2X25 , Does It Matter What Port I Connect It To.
ok, I got the sabertooth 2X25 , I was wondering (for EZB support) does it matter what port i connect it to. How do you guys have it hooked. I got the motors and battery, and +5v hooked just fine. I need to know which port to hook up the S1 line. Or, does it matter? I see where in the example it hooks to D0, so I guess I will try that.
MovieMaker |

Need Help On H-Bridge.
Has anyone worked with the Soduino? Specs 60A SX7970 Made by: www.sonxun.com. as you can see in the picture, it has in1,in2,in3,in4, just like the other popular hbridges. Now,...
MovieMaker |

For Jazzy Wheel Chair Owners
I turned the wheelchair over and got to the back of the motors. (phew! what a job!) I found white and yellow wires going to the brake. I clipped them. Have I done...
MovieMaker |
For Those Of You With 3D Printers
what settings do you like for: number of shells: resolution: infill density: Thanks, Just curious. Mel
MovieMaker |
For The Ez-Robot Team
In the room with all of your 3D printers, are you printing in PLA or ABS? Thanks,
MovieMaker |
Question On Ezb-4
I believe I remember that you said while the EZB3 had pull up resistors, the EZB4 will not. Are you going to make some sort of shield that we wont have to worry about it blowing up our sensors? I remember when i built the LEAF robot, I hooked all of the sensors up and blew every single one of them before I realized they needed to have a...
MovieMaker |
Why Not Use Google Api?
It was suggested on another forum that we tie in to Google API for a Natural detection. The voice rec that we currently have works well for me. But, I understand that the Google app works without any training or personal dictionary. Just download it, tie it in and BANG! use it without any problems. Just a thought.
MovieMaker |
Will This H-Bridge Work Easy With The Ezb?
I cannot afford a 60A Sabertooth. not a sabertooth I just figured it out. It is only one. And, it is a Speed Controller. I have a Jazzy wheelchair ready to hook up. But, I dont want the whole thing to explode.
MovieMaker |

Just Got A Jazzy Pride Wheelchair-Need Help With Wiring.
Well, Just got a Jazzy Pride wheelchair. It has three wires going to a plug that is for the power and on/off...
bret.tallent |
What Methods Have You Used To Physically Attach Your Robot To A Wheelchair Base?
I would like to hear from anyone attaching their robot to the wheelchair base. I have a big iron bracket or a pipe sticking up from mine. Pictures are welcome. Thanks, mel
CardboardHacke… |

Learning Abilities
I was wondering if the EZB could be given a set of instruction ie; move to some location, or raise an arm where the person would Train the EZB and show him what to do. Then could play...
MovieMaker |
Time-Date-Day Of Week - Can We Do This?
Time-Date-Day of week - can we do this?
irobot58 |
Omni2000 Arm Brackets
Has anyone here made a scan or a drawing or an stl file for the Omni2000 shoulder brackets? Just curious. Thanks, mel
MovieMaker |
Adding More Ez-Bit Females To An Object-How?
If I have an EZ-Bit item downloaded and it has ONE female connector, how can I add more. The main reason I need it for is to add more fingers on the claw. The one that was posted on thingiverse had only ONE female. I was hoping to have a 3 fingered claw. Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |
Is It Possible To Use A Wheelchair That Has A Brake As A Base?
If you have a wheel chair that is built with a brake instead of just forward,backward lines, can you make it into a base? Thanks,
thetechguru |
Anyone Have Any Servo Bracket Stl Files That They Wish To Share?
I am looking for some stl files for hands, arms, and neck. Please advise if you have some you want to share. Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |

For D.J. And Staff And Anyone Who Has A Replicator 2
Hey guys, I am doing research on the Replicator2. D.J., you mentioned using GLUE on the build table, what was the...
MovieMaker |
Replaced The Rectifiers And A Diode-Ezb Working Again!
Well, I replaced the regulators again. And I replaced a diode on the pc and the EZB started working again. It is a Tough little board.
MovieMaker |
Does Anyone In The Usa Have A Buck 15A Regulator?
Does Anyone In The Usa Have A Buck 15a Regulator? I need to buy one and get if faster. I just got my Buck 15A regulator in and it to EONS to get it in. Doesnt Anybody in the states sell this item? and Josh, do you have any spare 15A or Higher that you will sell me? 15A over Everything might be pushing the limits. I need to have around 30A or more....
MovieMaker |
Question About Metal Horns-Anybody.
I am very curious. I bought some metal horns for my robot arms. They were supposed to be made especially for the 995s. When i got them, I gently tried to put them on and they would not budge. I put them on a HiTec plastic servo and they fit. I assumed that the company sent me a 24T instead of a 25T. Later on, the 995 servo had a plastic horn inside...
MovieMaker |
Neat Idea For 3D Printer
Guys, look at this! save 90% on the plastic for 3D printers. print with Plastic Pellets and recycled mistakes. link for 90% savings. enjoy!
jstarne1 |
Got In The Regulators And Some Were Three And Four Accross.
I finally got in my 44 regulators. I discovered it wasnt forty-four , it was 24. That is two sets of 10s. This will be just the right number. But, have any of you experienced this before. They are layed out and have 3 and 4 regulators on pcs across. So, do I simply snap the PC card like a cookie? or do I have to saw it? They are inked but not...
MovieMaker |
Please Add The Little Sensor Protector To Your Store.
Please add the little sensor protector to your store. And What is it called? I see a regulator and two caps. But, what would you call it? Where can you buy it? How much does it cost, Please.
MovieMaker |

Question On Wirings Of The Modified Omnibot2000.
Ok, here is what I finally came up with. Please give me feedback: I start off with 12vdc which goes to the switch and base....
Rich |
Which Interface Has Sout,Sin,Vcc,Ground?
which interface has Sout,Sin,vcc,ground? And how would it hook to the EZB? if this already has a tutorial, please advise. Thank You!
MovieMaker |
Reliable Regulators That Are Affordable-Where?
I have been using the BUCK regulators. They have been a little flakey. What regulators have each of you used with success on the larger arms like the Lexi? I checked the Buck Regulators and they are rated at 2A. I was running the 12.6v-13v to ONE regulator and to the H-Bridge, then to the ServoPowerBoard, then to the Servo. i am also powering the...
MovieMaker |
Question About Gps
Will ARC see and use a gps that is connected to the usb port of your notebook attached to your robot ? I have one left over from microsofts streets and maps.
thetechguru |
Dropped Ezb , Now Doesnt Work.
While working on Sunshine, I dropped the EZB. Its regulators bent. I bent them back. Now, the red light comes on, but the Blue light doesnt come on unless you mess with the board. It mainly stays off.
MovieMaker |
Help On Recovering From A Stupid Moment On The Ezb
I got my head all back together and the neck, etc. I have a battery going through a 640 ohm resistor to a female extention plug. I plug this in to test the LEDs. Each one worked very good but one did not. I checked reverse polarity on the circuit and the LED worked. I did not want to take the head all apart again (hassel). So , I simply turned the...
MovieMaker |

Anyone Know The Value Of D1?
So, I took a gamble and replaced the already good Regulators. The EZB still doesnt work. All of the voltages are there. D1 has opened up and doesnt show any...
jstarne1 |

Josh (Or Anyone) About Batteries
Josh, when you charge your batteries, how high does your voltage go. I have not been able to get more than 12.2 when I charge the three of them all...
jstarne1 |
Will I Have Trouble Mixing The V3 And V4 Ezbs?
If I use these two together on one project, will I have trouble with having one wi-fi and the other Bluetooth. What would you suggest? Put the slower items on the bluetooth and the faster items on the wifi. Will it have an amplified or nonamplified audio jack to plug speakers into? Thanks,
DJ Sures |

Adventures Of Botchy
I thought I would start a new page. I would like to completely delete the old stuff. I will have pictures soon. They are already taken. I have had my struggles, so i named her...
MovieMaker |
Question About The Acer W3 Windows8 Tablet
so, we have bluetooth and wireless already. so, I dont need to do this. Now, how about the usb camera connection? Also, anyone who is on the Lexi-3000 build, Is he running the Mimo monitor off the usb of the W3,(it has two usb connectors) and the camera connection? On Marti, I came out with the camera usb connection, bluetooth usb, and powered...
MovieMaker |
Request To Ez-Robot
GOSUB Function , Please! I think that it would be very useful and we need it. Just my two cents. Thanks,
MovieMaker |
The Next Big Thing We Need With Ez-Bits.
I know, you are probably thinking We just gave them a miracle and they still arent satisfied. But, seriously, just a suggestion: We now have a simple snap together piece added on to each module. Now, we need a simple three pin electrical part that will send the signal up from the gripper and wrist and elbo and shoulder to the EZB. I hope I am...
MovieMaker |
Help On Omni2000 Base.
I placed the tall robot on the Omni2000 base. I was told that if I put it backards, it would be more stable. Well, I did not try it the regular way, only backwards. It does not wobble at all. But, when I say forward, it creeps slowly. When I tell it go in reverse, it takes off like a ruptured duck, or because it is October next month, bat out of...
MovieMaker |
Will My Heavyduty Metal Servos Run Better On 6 Or 7.2 Volts
I have them set now to 7.2 volts with a regulator. They are hooked up to the servoPC board.
MovieMaker |
Yahoo! The Revolution Has Started
Rich |

Need Help On Using Two Ezbs On Same Project.
I am having a devil of a time getting TWO ezbs to work together. I can start my netbook, load up EZB0 OR EZB1, but not both. I can...
Rich |
Need Help On Hbridge, Please
OK, I have: Left trigger A 16 Left trigger B 17 Right trigger A 18 Right trigger B 19 When I hit forward, it goes to the right. when I hit backward, it goes to the left. when I hit Right it goes forward. and when I hit Left it goes backwards. How can I fix this? Thanks in Advance.
MovieMaker |
Question About Mimo Monitors-Anyone
As you know, I was planning to put a mimo monitor on Sunshines chest. I just got it in yesterday. I installed the drivers on the desktop and it looked good. I installed the drivers on the netbook that I was going to use with the EZB. It is an Acer ONE netbook. When I installed the drivers on it, I set it up for Landscape to start out with. That...
MovieMaker |
For Aameralis
Hello, my friend. When you were using the omnibot base on Lexi, did you run into a situation of when you turned on the EZB, she would start going backwards? That is what I am facing. When she is going backwards, since the robot base is put on there backward, that would be forward. Now, this is with the EZB hooked up , but not connected. Share any...
MovieMaker |
Is There A Way To Adjust The Top Menus
On my monitor , it covers about a fifth of the screen and wastes a lot of space. It also covers the top of the windows so I cannot move them down. It is pretty, but I personally would like it smaller so I can get some work done. it gets frustrating to me. Just need to know if there is a way out of this. Thanks,
MovieMaker |

Another Question For Josh Or Anyone
Josh, On the two 12V batteries that you order from Ebay, Which charger can I use? I have a Large Car battery charger and a small Motorcycle Battery...
MovieMaker |
Looking For The Latest Jarvis
It told me the newest jarvis and it gave me a virus. I had to hack the register in order to get rid of it. Anyone know a good link to the Latest Jarvis that they are using now? Thanks, mel
MovieMaker |
For Rich
hey, Rich, I was wondering if you have Melvin hooked up to pass through Siri or Fake Siri or Wikipedia? I am not quite that good at programming where I can make that happen. But, the idea is that you ask the robot a question. He looks in the database and he finds that he does not have the answer. So, he hooks up to the web and search with Siri or...
MovieMaker |
Question About Power
I will be running a windows7 or windows8 netbook for brains. I dont want to pull the netbook off the robot to power it up. Is there a way to tell the netbook from the bios to turn on? Once it is on and has windows, I can take it from there. I am thinking I could leave it running all the time and just tell it to sleep. But, if I could power it up...
MovieMaker |
Question About Hbridge
I dont remember, I think I asked this question B-4. I got many conflicting answers. I am building the Omni3000 robot. So far I have purchased an H-Bridge to control the left and right motors. DO I need an H-Bridge for each ARM? some say yes and some say no. Where do I go to find out for sure? Why cant I simply run the motor in the shoulders and...
MovieMaker |
Question About Omnibot Motors
On the omnibot2000, there are 8 wires coming from the drive train. I assume that two are for each Left and Right Motors and two are for the encoders each left and right. does anyone know the color code of how to know which ones are motors and which ones are encoders? Thanks, I have Red/Brown, purple/gray, orange/yellow, and Blue/blue. Mel
MovieMaker |
Questin For Aameralis
Maybe I missed it, but exactly where are you entering the arm wires into your body? My Lazy susan is sealed so I can not pass the wires into the body. Would you reccomend underneath the armpits? thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |
For Troy
what is a hub relief bearing mount? Is that the Lazy Susans? Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |
Connecting Sensors In Parallel.
One person on the forum at least said that he hooked all of his PIR sensors to one port and it worked great. What OTHER sensors can I connect to the same ports to save on ports? will it work with the Ultrasonic, IR and other similar sensors? Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |
What Exactly Are The Servo Power Board For?
I see it is a place to plug servos into and then, I imagine into your EZB. But, what is the benefit? Thanks!
Dave Schulpius |
Questions For Josh, Please
hey Josh! I have written many questions unanswered by you. I guess you have been busy. I figured I would put them all in one place so it would be easier for you to find them. I have forgotten many. Here are some of them: Have you actually tried the schematic where you had two twelve volt and two six volts hooked in such a way that you could charge...
MovieMaker |

Hooking Both Serial And Par At The Same Time.
Any Engineers out there besides Fred? He cant post right now. I saw a drawing that Josh made, I think. It sounded pretty...
MovieMaker |
@IEEEbiofeedback, If you are looking for a GREAT reasonbly priced Lidar Radar, go to: http://www.ebay.com/itm/I-AM-SELLING-A-NEW-XV-11-LIDAR-LASER-AT-VERY-LOW-COST-/271247546446?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0hash=item3f279d184e#ht_741wt_1247 He was able to use the LIDAR in serial! If you want questions, you can email to jamericanfreddyATyahooDOTcom Hope...
Robot Doc |

Please Tell Me How To Use Bondo. It Is For An Ezb Project
I have never worked with BONDO and I have a can that has a hardner on top of it. Anyone have any clues....
MovieMaker |

I Have A New Project The 24 B9
I have a new project the 24 B9. The RAD is for the base.
MovieMaker |
Anybody Here Worked With Mimo 7 Touchscreen
I installed the drivers for the Display and they worked GREAT. I installed drivers for the touch screen and NO TOUCH SCREEN. I have installed them over and over again about 12 times with full shutdown and reboot. My computer is an AspireONE by acer. It is brandnew with Windows7. I installed the vista drivers just to make sure they did not work. The...
MovieMaker |
What Was The Name Of That Insulation, Josh
What was the name of that standard insulation? The sillver sticky stuff? And where is a link to get it? Thanks in Advance!
MovieMaker |
Did Someone Say We Had Ocr Yet?
That would be nice to have. It seems like I heard it in the background on one of my forums that I go to. Rich? Maybe you can help?
MovieMaker |
Josh, Do You Have A Link To Your Servo Tester From Sparkfun?
Josh, do you have a link to your servo tester from sparkFUN?
MovieMaker |
Stupid Question About Voltages
What is the Maximum voltage suggested to run the EZ-B? and what is the minimum. I have ran it fine on 7.5 volts. But, I would like to run it on 12VDC which you know can go upto 13.6 unregulated. What are your views on this? thanks, MM
MovieMaker |
More Videos And Photos Missing
I looked at aameralis thread and enjoyed the videos. I went to show my wife and NO VIDEOS. Well, he had some, but there was a whole page missing. What happened? I know that aameralis did to break any rules. He has a good project. I am trying to build me an Omnibot 3000 also. It is pretty complicated and I am watching his thread very, very much....
MovieMaker |

What Happened To Freds Photos
All of those bots gave me ideas on how I could use the EZB in many ways. They mustve slipped through the files accidently. Thanks, MovieMaker
MovieMaker |
I Am Also Looking For An Omnibot2000
I just missed the bid on one and the rest are really expensive. I was 2 secs away from winning the bid. It has to be affordable for a Senior Citizen on a fixed income. Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |

Question For Bret On B9
Bret, Could you go over the specifics on your little Light board and how you have all of the wires setup on the top to blink randomly. And I see how you have the voice...
MovieMaker |
Anyone Have Any Extra B-9 24 Parts?
I have just started on my B-9 project and I have a long long way to go. Any ideas or other help will be appreciated. so far I have taken everything apart. Thanks! in advance. I hope to soon start an Omnibot2000 project once I manage to secure one.
MovieMaker |

Sad Story About Speech Generation
Well, I built a small robot so I could do experiments. I really miss having the notebook on the robot, but it was too small. So, I said to myself, I dont...
MovieMaker |
Where Is The Script For The Ez-Boxbot?
I dont see it in the cloud. I got an idea to use the same ports as are used in the Examples to make it easier to have it work right. I would like to play with the script he used in the demo tutorial for the EZ-Boxbot. thanks,
Rich |
Question With 2Nd Ezb Purchased
My first one worked great. Actually, it is the ARC I am having trouble with. I create my ports and save them in two places. When I call them back, it does not have all of the ports. Also, my connection can only be established in ARC. I have tried to MERGE with my programs after I have connected. But the whole thing is kinda squirrelly. so, I...
MovieMaker |

Do We Have Sound Controlled Leds Yet
I forgot, but , didnt we have the ability to allow the audio to flash LEDs like on the robot B-9 chest or the Knight Rider kit? I forget.
robotmaker |
I Used To Know, But I Forgot About Photocells
I guess this would be hooked to the Analog port? I want to make the EZB either be hungry for the light or afraid of the light. Photophil , and Photopobe by my decision. This would give the robot a more human feeling. I forgot how to do this.
Rich |

For Rich
I noticed that you had a nice script for Navigation with the Sonars and IRs. Why not go a step further and make it a SMART Navigation system? You could do that by two more steps. (use confidence and...
MovieMaker |
I2c Help, Please.
It was hard to get the compass installed because of the short length of wires. But, I finally did it. Now, the Compass works. But, when I change directions or if it is on for about 5 to 10 seconds , after giving me directions, it disconnects the wireless from the EZ board. weird, do you think I need some pullup or down resistors? Is this what is...
airwave1206 |
I Was Talking To Dave S., The Man Who Made Loki.
D.J., I was talking to Dave S., the man who made Loki. And, he is JUST now considering buying an EZB Kit. He told me that he always thought that your kit was ONLY for toys. We have to find a way to let people know that it is not only for toys,but for REAL robots of almost ANY size. There is a trend already starting (ie; the risers) to have Larger...
robotmaker |
How Does Sound Movement Work
I tried to find a tutorial on it, but I couldnt. Maybe it is so simple it needs no explaination. I am thinking that I would like for the robot to turn his head and face the direction of the sound and also his body to do the same. Is this the command that I would use to do this, and how? OK, I found it in the EZ-B Manual. But, I need more info on...
Dave Schulpius |
Fred , I Have Uploaded The Code For Marti
It is not perfect. But, it certainly works. I need to fine tune it. Under MainMarti in the cloud under completed robots.
MovieMaker |

I Got My Navigation Working. . .
This is GREAT News for me. But, I cant seem to make it stop without turning the ezb off. I put a voice command to stop the script, but it keeps right on...
MovieMaker |
I Just Updated ARC And It Told Me Incorrect Parameter
It would not start. What is the deal? Thanks, MovieMaker
MovieMaker |

Failed To Load Bootloader With Latest Firmware Update.
failed to load bootloader with latest firmware update. Thanks, Mel
bpovlich |
If You Want Your Robot To Have More A.I.
All you professional programmers. This is a Chalenge to you. The algorythm below is what I am trying to accomplish on my robot. It is NOT a program, but just an idea. If this works, we will have not only an autonymous robot, but one that will be able to LEARN and Improve over time. Anyone is welcome to tackle it. If you succeed, please POST the...
MovieMaker |
I Am Guessing That A Pir To Detect Carbon Based Units Is An Analog Device.
I am Guessing that a PIR to detect carbon based units is an Analog device. Am I correct? I want Marty to detect carbon based units. I figured since it detects from close to far it would be an analog signal instead of Digital.
EEGbiofeedback |
Python, Basic And C
Heres An Idea, Add Python To Basic And C In Scripts. Dont know if this is doable or not. Just a thought.
robotmaker |
Where Is Fileread ?
I see FileWrite and that is very very good. Now, how do I READ the file I wrote?
thetechguru |
How Would I Create A Simple Data Base
If I wanted Marti to Remember where she has been and what obsticals she has run into, how would I create a simple data base in EZ-Script. It doesnt have to be a large database, just a simple read/write to a file, etc. Of course if it could hold more information, it would be better. Is there a Function for that? I mean a Simple way? When working...
thetechguru |
Dream About D.J. Last Night
I had a dream about D.J. last night. He walked up this very tall mountain where he opened the door to his office. He went inside. When he came down the mountain he was dressed like Moses. He had a white beard and Long white hair. He was carrying two tablets with the EZB Scripts on them. He appeared to have gotten even more smarter. ..... then I...
Rural Geek |
Question About Random Number
I can generate a random number between X and Y. That all works good. But, I need to repeatedly have a different random number each time that I run the subroutine. I find that when I run it, it gives me the same set of random numbers each time i run it. Like it draws out of the hat, but instead of being natural random, it is sort of fixed. hope I am...
MovieMaker |
IF/Else EZ-Script Request
Please, The Then and Else for the IF statement. I know , they are not needed. But, if it isnt too many hours of hard work. Just a request.
DJ Sures |

When You Type Print(Halloween)
When you type print(halloween.) it will show on the screen: rint halloween. small item for next build. hope that this helped.
MovieMaker |
Does Anyone Have A Tele-Presence Script Done?
just curious. I was wondering. It doesnt seem to take much. Just a wireless camera and a Roomba movement panel, I guess. Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |

Not A Complaint, Just An Observation
I hate to say this. But, the icons are so big that they fill up the upper part of the screen of my little bitty notebook. They have word wrap which...
DJ Sures |
I Have Runaway Scripts
Most of my scripts work just fine. I have them controlling the Roomba Movement panel. I can start all of them by the Speech Recognition. I need to STOP them with speech recognition. I have an Explore script and a Roam script which if for Navigation. It is patterned very much off of the two Examples for Navigation. But, it just wont stop no matter...
MovieMaker |
For D.J. About Speech Recognition
Hey! The Speech Recognition part of the EZB works better than ANY I have ever seen. Even better than Dragon Dictate, in my opinion. But, I want to ask you if there is a limit to the NUMBER of phrases you can put in the Speech Rec program. I notice that when I first start off, it works fine. But, after a while I loose those capabilities. It is just...
MovieMaker |
Strange Happenings
I have many many scripts in the Script Manager. When I call on them from another script , it sometimes tells me that there is no window named by that script. But, it is IN the script manager and created. I create another window by the same name and it runs the script in the script manager. But, if I change the second script that I created, it still...
DJ Sures |
Lets Talk About Navigation
Have any of you gotten your robots to Navigate flawlessly without running into the tables,chairs,etc. ? If so, what tips do you have to offer? There MUST be a good Navigation Algorithm out there. On small robots, this seems to be easier. But, on large ones it can be disastrous. I would like for us all to talk about our experiences with this problem...
MovieMaker |

Anyone Else Working With The Roomba Or Icreate?
This is embarrassing. I got Marty pretty well built for the second time. My memory is not too good right now. After she is all...
MovieMaker |
Idea: It Would Be Nice To Have Ocr
Just a thought. It would be nice for us to be able to read text from the camera. I am sure that would be very hard, however. But, just a thought . . . . in case it is just a hop skip and a jump from Glyph reading. Also, the ADC ports have a meter for my temperature sensor. It shows up on the meter. It would be nice to have degrees F and C labels on...
MovieMaker |
Project Aiko From Canada
hey, D.J., I have been following the Aiko Project for years and years. Are you familiar with it? just do a Google search for Aiko Robot. Since it was not for sale, I figured it was ok to talk about it. Since you are from Canada, thought you may be interested. Sincerely, Mel
MovieMaker |
Has Anyone Used Pir For Navigation? Do You Think That Is
Has anyone used PIR for Navigation? do you think that is even possible. It detects movement from about 30 away and turns on an on/off switch. Any ideas on that? Thanks, Mel (MovieMaker) Someone had made a while back a robot that supposedly followed the source of the movement with PIRs.
MovieMaker |
Where Is Sam? She Is Missed.
Where is Sam? she is missed. What have your robots been upto lately. Are you going to dress them up for Halloween?
jstarne1 |

It May Be Me. But I Cannot Create A Shortcut
It may be me. But I cannot create a shortcut I tried on two computers, but it did not work. It was a GREAT idea to have. Thanks for...
Gunner |
Could Not Install The Latest Update.
It says that a newer version is already installed ? I am talking about going from 10.06 to 10.07.01 sorry.
MovieMaker |
Maybe you already have this somewhere. But, I would like to see a Telepresence script in the Examples. This is a very useful type of Example. It seems that the EZB would do this very easily. Just a Suggestion. Also, BTW, GREAT UPDATE! as always.
jstarne1 |

Does Anyone Know If The Little Servo Tester That Is Going Around
Does anyone know if the little servo tester that is going around will work with 7.2 volts...
MovieMaker |

Heavy Duty Servo Requiring External Power Source
If I had a Heavy Duty Servo Requiring External Power source ,HOW would I hook it up to the servo? My batteries now are...
Gunner |
Idea For You D.J.
Some others may benefit also. Because of our agreement not to talk about other robots, I will not mention names. There were two robots that in the last two years recognized themselves in a mirror. that recently, last year was very popular reading. They were said to be self-aware. WARNING: This MAY go over some peoples head. (Like Mine) Now, Moving...
MovieMaker |
Advice To New Users
First off , I want to say that you will NOT find a Better system ANYWHERE that is close to the Quality, support, and Performance that the EZ-Robot System Provides. Or, better people to do business with. D.J. and his staff are Fast and Accurate, and GOOD People to do business with. Having said that, I want to mention a few other things. I have been...
MovieMaker |
Could Someone Demonstrate How To Use Emotions Stage1?
Could someone demonstrate how to use Emotions stage1 the new feature in one of the latest releases? Thanks, Mel
DJ Sures |
A Little Observation That I Made
This happens, especially if a person is new. If you are like me, you try to get all of the information before you actually start doing things so that you wont burn up expensive equipment like you did in the past. You carefully collect this information. When the day comes, you carefully follow all of the steps to make sure that you do EXACTLY as...
madrobotman |

What Do You Want Your Robot To Do? Lets Start A Thread!
What do you want YOUR robot to do? Lets start a Thread! here is what I want my robot to do and notice many are...
Hazbot |
For D.J.
If you are taking a Holiday or Vacation, you DESERVE it! If you are Moving, Hope you are productive. If you are sick, Hope you get well soon. If you are traveling, be careful. If you are programming. Hope you finish soon. Hope you are well. and safe.
robotmaker |
Its Not Perfect, But Here Is A Navigation Script. Comments Welcome.
#NavExplore Script $exit = 0 Roomba(init) Roomba(EnableSensors) stop() say(OK, Explore mode!) goto(headcenter) sleep(1500) :Start :testleftping goto(headleft) #Vertical $lv = GetPing(d9, d8) # If the ping sensor value is less # than 20, found object if ($lv 20) goto(objectfound) #Horizontal set(D19,5) $lh = GetPing(d18, d17) # If the ping sensor...
Hazbot |
Hey, Hazbot! Look What D.J. Has Done In His Last Update!
FANTASTIC! dont forget to ALWAYS read the Release Notes.
Hazbot |
Help Me With Security Guard Script Please
:start stop() :test #See if someone comes too close to it GetPing( d18, d17) GetPing( d9, d8 ) Ping_wait(d18,d17,LOWER,20) Ping_wait(d9,d8,LOWER,20) if (ADC(ADC1 120) sleep(500) if (ADC(ADC2 120) sleep(500) goto (alarm) goto(test) :alarm ControlCommand(Soundboard,Track_10) goto(start) #If speech recognition hears Halt! say (Exit ting Security...
MovieMaker |
What Does Undefined Function Call Mean?
NeverMind. I did something Stupid. I installed the new update on my master computer and then ran the program on the robot without the update. so, there wasnt the newly created function on the robot. Crazy. eek
DJ Sures |
What Do You Think Is Wrong With My Script
:start stop() :test #See if someone comes too close to it GetPing( d18, d17) GetPing( d9, d8 ) Ping_wait(d17,d18,LOWER,20) Ping_wait(d8,d9,LOWER,20) goto (alarm) goto(test) :alarm ControlCommand(Soundboard,Track_10) goto(start) say (Exit ting Security Mode!) halt() RETURN()
MovieMaker |
Anyone Here A Nao Developer, If You Are Id Like To Ask You A Question.
Hi, Anyone here a NAO developer, if you are Id like to ask you a question about the NAO robot. I will bet that D.J.s new little EZB-Mini will fit in the Nao. Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |
Lots Of Script Examples
HAZBOT, lots of script Examples in Examples. Also, read the SDK and regular Release notes. Mel
Hazbot |
Can You Init Roomba From EZ-Script?
Is it possible to click the init button on the Roomba movement panel through a software function? This way, I could just power up the notebook and then the EZB and have it call the start-up script and then do the number to the Roomba so I could control the Roomba without having to hit that button. Everything done in one swift step. Also, I am...
MovieMaker |
Maybe Someone Could Offer Help With My Script
Here is a miserable script, but maybe someone could offer suggestions. I am trying to work on the basic logic. Once I get that done, I can fill in the rest of the code. This script is failing, however. Take a look, Please. Thank You.MasterControl.EZB
MovieMaker |
Question About Return In Script.
OK, I pretty well understand how to do the goto/label/Return , etc. inside of the same script. but, what if I want to call another script from inside of a script and have it return back to the same position in the first script with a RETURN. could I call up a script with the controlcommand function and the at the end of the script that I called...
MovieMaker |
Hazbot, Some Help For You... Maybe
Hello,My friend! I found that if I open ARC, Control EZScript and then goto Settings or config or whatever it is you see when you open it. On the right there are EZScript Functions. There is a search bar on the top right hand section. I did a search for GOTO and I got an explanation of the function. Simply search. As hoolagen1 had said previously...
Hazbot |
I Would Like To Learn How To Program
I would like to request Examples of using Functions like: goto, return, if, calling subroutines and then returning to that spot. (things like that.) it would be very helpful to me. My humble thanks in advance. mel
DJ Sures |
Question After Update May Be A Bug
I usually open my program, make improvements and then Save Project. After installing the update, it tells me project could not be saved because it is in use. Of course it is in use. but, you might want to check that.
DJ Sures |
Anyone Good At C#, How Can I Build A Menu, Please ??
I did not get very far with c#. Does anyone know how to build a menu. I wish to have a window and have seven buttons and have it return to this menu. I got one button only from the example Customizing C#. My programs dont seem to compile because I am not using the proper syntax and guess. Anyway, Thanks in Advance. Mel
MovieMaker |
Need A Few Questions Answered About Ping And Sharp.
I have two PING units and Two sharp units. I need for the robot to work Anonymously. I have the lost ball and follow the ball script. I need to know why it follows the ball but does not STOP until after the ball is out of the field of view running over everything in its path. My questions are falling on DEAF Ears. I have seen and read ALL of the...
MovieMaker |
Need Help With Commands.
OK, I have worked with Marty and when I give her voice commands like robot forward, reverse, turn right, turn left, everything works fine. BUT...... when she is chasing the Red ball, she finds it and looses it just fine. But . . . . . . when she sees the red ball she runs toward it. That is fine. But, if you move the red ball to the left or right,...
MovieMaker |
Need Answers On Ping And Sharp, Please
since I did not get an answer on the other questions, I figured I would ask again and restructure the questions. OK, I have gotten Two Pings and Two Sharp units installed. When i put my hand over them they give me a value of 255 when open and 1-4 feet when closed. All four units are working fine. When I scan with the PINGS on the Radar they all...
MovieMaker |
Thought My Question Was Gone. But It Is Back.
I mean I thought my PROBLEM was gone. . . . Executing... Cannot compile assembly. 2 Errors: Line: 0 - Metadata file EZ_B.DLL could not be found Line: 0 - Metadata file EZ-Builder.exe could not be found Done Error: Cannot compile assembly. 2 Errors: Line: 0 - Metadata file EZ_B.DLL could not be found Line: 0 - Metadata file EZ-Builder.exe could not...
MovieMaker |
To Sfoy About Denise
I forgot to tell you that you can purchase the $100 version of Guile3D Denise and upgrade to the $180 later by just paying the balance. Pretty neat. If you decide to buy, dont forget to tell them that Mel (MovieMaker) sent you. They have been very good to me, and I want them to know that I appreciate it by spreading the word. Dont expect for Denise...
MovieMaker |
Question With Color Tracking, Motion And Face
I am trying to get color tracking working. It has no problem what so ever seeing the red ball. But from the robots viewpoint, when it sees it, it goes to the Right and all the way down. Everytime. To the right and down. Please help. I am loosing patience with this. It is NOT D.J.s fault. It is mine. I have tried Inverting and such. It is as if it...
Louis T |
I Dont Know How To Word This. But Would Like To Know If It Is Possible.
Ok, I have one ARC setup on EZB that does all of the RSS. I have a second set that does Navigation. I have a third set that is kind of like a ChatBot. When I try to operate all of these together at one time in one script, it gets so sluggish that the mouse sort of freezes while it does say a video tracking, or radar scan, etc. then it comes back....
MovieMaker |
D.J., Have You Ever Met Red Green?
I have seen most of his shows. I am a fan of his. Mel
MovieMaker |
Could Someone Explain Rssdescription Vs Rss Plain.
Please! No Rush! Thanks!
DJ Sures |
Do You Find That Autotracking Works Better Than Manual?
Do you find that AutoTracking works better than Manual? I was wondering how this function worked for everyone else. Thanks, Mel
MovieMaker |
When Robot Chases The Red Ball, It Turns Right Instead Of Straight.
When robot chases the red ball, it turns right instead of straight. Did Anyone see this happen before. It follows it with the camera just fine. But on the robot, it goes to the right instead of straight. It then says where did the ball go? because it lost it. Is there any way to adjust this? When I control the robot through the Roomba controller,...
MovieMaker |
Lesson Learned About Gripper
If I would not have been so impatient when I built the arm, I would not have had to do it over. I hot melt glued the arm together instead of silicone. And sometimes servos get hot. It melted the glue and Bang!! The whole gripper came apart. Not only that when I touched the servo, the hot melt glue that was melted got on my hand and burn a water...
MovieMaker |
I Have 25 Windows Open Up. How Do I Make Them All Run Automatically?
I have 25 windows open up. The scripts all run individually. Now, How do I tie them all together and make them all run at once? For instance, I want marty to be voice controlled so that she is listening all the time. so , I can jump through voice to color motion, news, weather, sports,jokes, etc. I have included my file for you to look at. I could...
MovieMaker |
How Do I Use Sharp IR Distance Sensor?
OK, I have some standard sharp sensors on the robot both Horz and Vert. I have no servos on them. When I do a scan with the radar, it scans, but it doesnt show the red dots. But, when I hook a Meter or Graph, it sees when I put something in front. But, no red dots. That is weird. The Ping units show the red dots also. Sorry if I did not word this...
FredoO |
Mouse Click Doesnt Work Properly With 22 Windows Open
Mouse click doesnt work properly with 22 windows open. Has anyone experienced this? I am not even using all of the ports yet. But, I AM using Teamviewer to control the notebook which is a dual core cpu. Brand new Acer notebook with win7. I intend to create a bunch of little windows and then make another program to control all of these little...
MovieMaker |
Help With Damaged Project File
I worked all day yesterday and til about 3AM in the morning. I was on a roll. I saved my programs to the cloud and then I added personal stuff and saved them to my hard drive. Next I upgraded my builder. Things were working absolutely perfect last night. When I tried this afternoon at 2:00pm to open my file from my Hard disk, it said the file was...
MovieMaker |

Roomba Can Not Be Controlled By Ez-Board
I dont know what happened to my post. I posted this already. I waited for the mail to run today. I was so excited to get my PS2 connectors....
MovieMaker |
Roomba Cable Question
On the PS2 connectors for the Roomba: Needs pin 3 and 7 for seven pin connector. I am using a Six pin connector. I use pin 2 and 6? Thanks, Mel
DJ Sures |
If You Look Over In Public-The Cloud, I Have Just Posted
If you look over in Public-the Cloud, I have just Posted some projects. One is called IntroduceAfriend. What this does is the following: You say (name of Robot)( I have Gorgeous) I would like for you to meet a friend. The robot replys What is your friends name? You reply My friends name is (pause a tad) and whatever you say the robot will say It...
DJ Sures |
How Can Robot Speak Day Of The Week?
D.J. When you make that Video, can you throw in Day.of.Week Example also? Thanks, Mel P.S. I have one already made on the cloud. But, it has a few flaws. perhaps you can advise. Thanks Again
MovieMaker |
Sugestion : I Would Like To Use A Kinect With My Turtlebot.
It would be nice to be able to EZ my TurtleBOT. I have three roombas.A 405,4125, and a Create. I have a 530 but it is broken. But, I have plenty to get going. RoboRealm was a little too over my head. So was ROS. So, now I have bots sitting around doing nothing while they could COME ALIVE! with the EZ bot Board I am thinking. Need support for Kinect...
robotmaker |
Color Tracking Found/Lost Scripts?
I would like the robot to say I see the ball. Where did the Ball go. I know how to make him say the text. Just HOW do you tell him it is lost or found?? What happened to that script? It was a NEAT feature to have on your robot. Thanks, P.S. The reasons for so many questions, is that I am going over ALL of the Tutorials AND the videos. Also in a...
MovieMaker |
For Robotz012248 About Gizmo
Hi, I wanted to ask you if your robot GIZMO was color,face, and movement tracking? I have the Exact same setup on my head. But, it seems very hard to track color. It sees the objects then moves all over the place away from the objects instead of tracking them. Maybe you could share some of your switch setting for your head with me. You could post...
MovieMaker |
Question About Digital Ports
When we are talking digital ports, can Any digital port be used for ANY digital application? For instance if the Roomba on the Tutorial is using D0 and D1 and I am already using those ports, may I use ANY port, say D14,D15 to do the same thing? Or, should i switch the roomba to D0 and D1 and use D14 , D15 for the Other app? Thanks, Mel
DJ Sures |
How To Use Autotracking And Select Auto
Do NOT see Autotracking Anywhere to select Auto. I have the latest version. Thanks, Mel
DJ Sures |

Camera Turns On Fine, But Doesnt Turn Off
Camera turns on fine, but doesnt turn off. I hold it down for two seconds and it turns on. But, I cannot get it to turn off unless the...
MovieMaker |
Pulling Hair Out - Ezb Wont Control Servos
D.J. I tried to make this Heading understandable. But this is ONLY the beginning of the situation. I hooked up to the EZB on the robot through my desktop computer. Most everything worked fine. I tried a half a day (Not your fault) trying to install Bluetooth on the notebook which was winXPpro without success. finally,I took a brand new win7...
Hazbot |
The Robot Seems To Avoid The Ball Instead Of Tracking It.
I have played with all the settings and have not improved things. If you have any ideas. I am just trying to follow the red ball. She sees it, but does not follow. She tries but all in the wrong directions. I have tried invert to no avail. Once I get color tracking to work, the face and movement ought to be easy I think. I am having some fun and...
MovieMaker |
Ezb Has A Nice Female Voice. The Only Problem My Robot Is Male.
Hi, EZB has a nice female voice. The only problem my robot is Male. I tried to change the voice in EZB and it stays the same. It told me at one point, I need to add the control program to windows. How do I do this? and how do I change the voice according to the EZB setting. I am selecting Voice synth Settings. Thanks, Mel
robotmaker |
Glyph Question
Ok, I saw the videos on the robot recognizing the Glyphs. Cool. But, what I did not see was a video or tutorial teaching how to TRAIN the robot to recognize the Glyph. Please forgive me for not seeing this. I am sure it was there. I see where to check the box to recognize a Glyph. But, how do you train it? Also, I would like to recognize pictures...
MovieMaker |
Dual Axis Compass Module, Is There A Video On How To Wire?
Dual Axis compass module, is there a Video on how to wire? D.J. Maybe when you get back from the show and settle down, I would like to see a short video on how to wire this. I see the pinouts going from the board, but where do i hook them to the EZB? Just a little schematic would help. Thanks, Oh, maybe you also have one on hooking up the PIR, I...
robotmaker |
Nimh Battery
OK, some of you may have seen me on another forum asking about my charger earlier about a month ago. Facts: I had an 1800 mAH NiMH battery. It blew UP! Bang! and caught on Fire. Fissle, smoke. I had a 3800 mAH NiMH battery. It is still good. My charger shorted out and now gives a constant 24 volts dc. The batteries are rated 7.2vdc. Looking on...
MovieMaker |
Yet Another Question 4-D.J. Or Anyone Else That Knows
OK, I havent actually hooked my EZ-board up to any of my robots yet. But, I am curious about something. Ok, so we have told our robot Exactly what we want it to do. We have all of these windows up now all over the screen. How do we actually run the Entire group of programs? Do we have to hit start in all of the windows individually? or do we have...
MovieMaker |
Finally Got My Firmware Updated
@Niek, Hey, Buddy. Did you get yours working? Mel @ D.J. Finally got my firmware Updated after 20 times. Please, next time give us MORE than 3-4 secs to do this. It was a nightmare and really... forgive me for saying this.....It took the EZ out of the firmware part of your Board. It was very Hard. Hope you dont mind me saying this. You have a Fine...
Niek |
Worked Perfect Last Night. . . Today It Says :Bootloader Failed.
Worked Perfect Last Night. . . today it says :failed to load bootloader . Doesnt want to Load up. I reinstalled the Bluetooth devices. This time it gave me 1,3,5,7 ports and 3,5,7 being bluetooth ports. I tried deleting one at a time, but no soap. It simply fails on bootloader. At first when it used to connect good it was on port 3. Then the other...
DJ Sures |

Does Anyone Have The Script For A Create Or Roomba
Does anyone have the script for a Create or Roomba to do AUTONYMOUS MODE? I have three roombas and a Create. I would...
robotmaker |
Upgraded Firmware. Now Wont Connect.
Upgraded firmware. Now wont connect. I must be doing something wrong. it said that it upgraded fine. I updated the ARC also. Stumped!
MovieMaker |
Anyone . . . About .Dll Files
Hi, Is it required to place all of the .dll files in the windows system32 directory? Mel
MovieMaker |
One More Question For D.J. Or Anyone Who Knows.
I have noticed that the robot can follow motion, color, and movement. I like the way the robot can automatically switch between them. In most videos I have seen, the robot will also KEEP His distance. For instance, if the Robot comes up to you, what happens when you want to walk EXactly where the robot is standing? Will the Robot back up? and then...
robotmaker |
Curious About Something.
Lets say I have three sonars and three IRs or maybe a servo and one of each. (I dont have any yet.) And I set ALL sets to Radar Collision Detection. Will these work together for obstical advoidance ,or can you use only ONE type at a Time? Important Question. I also have four tiers on the robot so it would need to have possibly four areas to scan....
MovieMaker |
What I Would Like To See
Here is What I would like to see. A Radar for the Video Camera like we have for Sonar and IR. Would that be too hard to do? Let us know. That way, the Robot could be Autonymous using the Video Camera instead of IR and Sonar. Thanks, MEL
MovieMaker |

For Dj
Post Removed by MovieMaker Item Sold.
audioguy |
Another Question
OK, all this stuff is done in realtime. Now, lets say you have a long complicated project that you want to put on your robot. In order to run it, you just load and connect? Is it possible to save it to a file that would run automatically when you turn on the robot? Just curious? Maybe a BAT file could be made to run it in one click. What do you...
MovieMaker |
Problems Connecting To Bluetooth
I have never worked with Bluetooth before. But I am having problems. I had a wireless bluetooth keyboard. I plugged the Bluetooth part of it into my computer. I get it blinking and the EZ-B is blinking, but I cannot connect. My computer found and installed three devices when I hooked up the Bluetooth wire and connector. It said they were working...
MovieMaker |
Can We Change The Bluetooth To Wi-Fi?
Can we change the bluetooth to wi-fi? If our robots want wi-fi instead of bluetooth, would that make a big deal? Or would it be an easy change? Mel
robotmaker |
Question About Blue Tooth
So, the only way to connect to this board is with Bluetooth? I was hoping serial or Wifi. Thanks, Mel
robotmaker |
Roomba And Create
D.J. since the Roomba and Create both have a remote control on them, do I still need to install a BAM bluetooth on them? or can the EZ-B talk with them through their wireless. I do not know if it is bluetooth or wifi or something else.
MovieMaker |
Hello,DJ. I have a Biped with 22 degrees of Fubutia servos. It would be nice if I could hook the easy board up to the robot and go with it. Keep us informed on that one. Sorry, I posted twice. I have more details in the other post.
MovieMaker |
EZ-B Almost Perfect
as I said, EZ-B Almost Perfect DJ, You have a GREAT product! Dont get mad, but to make it perfect, have Wi-Fi instead of or in addition to Bluetooth. I have had bad experiences with bluetooth not being able to travel and pick up very far. I will probably in the future aquire one of these cards. I am too arduino, basic stamp and SD84 broke. Thanks,...
thegoodrobot |
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Moviemakers Latest On Sally
Here is the latest on sally. I am down to ONE robot and she is not completed because I need sensors to her. I got rid of the Wheelchair robot. It was Great , but...
MovieMaker |

Moviemakers Well, It Is Obvious That I Did Not Sell My V3, So
I made another scrap robot. Here are the pictures. She is made from parts of the Sunshine Robot,...
MovieMaker |

Moviemakers Sunshine Is Back In Town
Well after many months of waiting and being sick, SUNSHINE is back in town! She stands four and a half feet, with her arms up, six and a half feet....
MovieMaker |
Moviemakers I Just Got In My New Project Sunshine.
Just got my ominibot in for my Sunshine Project! ** I was going to give an actual realistic account of every step of the construction of the project. But, when I looked back, it seemed to be a collection of Negative thoughts. So, I have forgotten all of the Negative thoughts and have edited them out. It is sort of like having a baby. It is painful...
MovieMaker |

Moviemakers Bobii Reborn From Frizby Bob
I decided to make a smaller test-bot. My wife said I could not buy or make any NEW robots. So, I took my BOB Frizby robot that was made from...
Antron007 |

Moviemakers Here Are Some Rebuild Pix Of Marti
Here are some Rebuild pix of Marti You can see the arms are from Hazbot and the neck is from Gizmo of this forum and borrowed...
robotmaker |

Moviemakers Bob And Marty
These are not too good of pictures, but I wanted to hurry up and get these on the board. Hope you enjoy.
robotdude11 |
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D.Cochran Teddy - Database Driven Robot EZ-AI Combined
Please see thread at http://www.ez-robot.com/Community/Forum/Thread?threadId=7220 for extensive details. I will...
MovieMaker |

MovieMaker |

MovieMaker |

MovieMaker |

MovieMaker |

MovieMaker |

MovieMaker |

MovieMaker |

Here you go. Have Fun I am sure it needs improvement. But, it works.
MovieMaker |
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