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Just Got A Jazzy Pride Wheelchair-Need Help With Wiring.

Well, Just got a Jazzy Pride wheelchair. It has three wires going to a plug that is for the power and on/off switch.

I also have a din jack that goes to the joystick. There is also a potentiometer in the circuit to control the speed.

I have seen where I can hook the motors up and run them full blast, but is there a way to hook up to the joystick that is in the wheelchair and cut the wires going to the pins of the joystick and hook them to the EZB?

Will I require a Saber-tooth H-Bridge?

Will i also require a 25A regulator?

I have zero left in my budget.

thanks, Mel


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You should read this forum post. I think it will help you a lot.

I'd suggest saving for the saber-tooth though as it's a much more practical way to go.

budgets suck. if money were no object there would be some pretty insane robots roaming about.


Yep, I read that forum already and it was for the Jet2, I have a JazzyPride. I did learn a lot from that forum. But, my main question was if I could hook up to the joystick and everything else work the same.

also: Will I require a Saber-tooth H-Bridge?

Will i also require a 25A regulator?

thanks for your help.


If you want to use the motors with EZB then yes you'll need an H-Bridge rated large enough to handle the Amp draw of your motors. Sabertooth seems to be a real durable board that a lot of people love. They make a 2X5 that has a reasonable price and can handle up to 2 motors and up to 5 amps on each channel. There are other cheaper H-Bridges out there that will work but they may not hold up as well as the Sabertooth and handle reversing direction on larger DC motors as well without burning out.

If you want your DC motor to run at full speed and strength you need to give it the max voltage it's rated for. You can run them at lover voltages but they will be slower and weaker.

Hope this helps.


@MovieMaker, To answer your question directly, I am certain that you cannot hook the joystick wires directly to the EZ-B. I have the Jet 3 myself, I am not too familiar with the Jazzy, but no one who has tried to hack a wheelchair in that way has been successful. If your budget does not allow for buying more parts, you might consider the shortcut of using servos to mechanically manipulate your joystick. Check out Bravia's post #24 on this page.

Also, here is a link to download the manual for your wheelchair if you do not have it.


You are over thinking things... Keep it simple... Bypass the joystick, remove the brake and use the EZB controller + Sabertooth motor controller to drive the motors directly... Just use script serial commands and Bobs you uncle... Simple

This is all you need...

1 x EZB board 1 x Sabertooth motor controller (of adequate power output for the motors) 1 x battery (SLA probably) or more for extra power


Thank you Mel for the credit, although I am not sure that my message was any different than the others that you got. I messed with my wheelchair for a while. I fried the joystick, and bought another one before I reluctantly gave up and bought a Sabertooth 2x60. It will be a lot less parts in there to worry about messing up.


You actually Heard my question. I have a communication problem in my brain and sometimes people do not hear what I am saying. It is not their fault, it is mine.


Dumb question: How do you remove the electronic brake? I have been scouring the internet but have found no "instructions" for that. I am reluctant to pull my motors apart without knowing what I am looking for.



There are several videos out there, but this one shows it pretty well.


This made it so easy! Thanks! What sabertooth controller do I need to use with my 24V motors?


@bret.tallent It is the amps, not the volts you need to worry about for the motors. Most people find a Sabertooth 2x25 to be correct. Some use the 2x60 but from what I have seen in Wheelchair motors, that is overkill. Most draw 20amps.
