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I agree with @MovieMaker. Also like the mobile change too.

:):):):) j


yup like the look also ,,,,,very nice:)


Thanks everyone:) We have some more tweaks to unveil this week as well. And following that, some new features in the next upcoming weeks. Chrissi has been doing a great job:)


So far so good. Nice look and I love the enhancements for mobile devices. Much easier to read now on my small phone screen.

I hope one new feature you mention will be an Unsubscribe to thread feather. I agree with @Rich said in a different thread:

 Subscribe/Unsubscribe to topics would be great. Sometimes I like to follow topics but have nothing to add to them, so subscribing would be cool. Other times I've made a quick comment on another topic which I'm not too interested in and I get an inbox full of update notifications.


Does anybody else see my text running off and out of the screen in the yellow code box in the above post where I quoted @Rich's comment?

Here's what it should read: " Subscribe/Unsubscribe to topics would be great. Sometimes I like to follow topics but have nothing to add to them, so subscribing would be cool. Other times I've made a quick comment on another topic which I'm not too interested in and I get an inbox full of update notifications."

Maybe it's a bug or maybe it's my browser (Chrome). Perhaps my graphic settings?

EDIT: I just fired up Firefox and it looks the same in that browser.


@Dave code: does the same for me too. I am using chrome Version 34.0.1847.131 m, look's like a bug.

:):):) stress j


logged and passed to chrissi:)


Runs out of the box on the ipad safari as well.


It is doing it for me as well! That's interesting! 'cause I haven't changed anything about the code box I don't think. I take it the behavior has changed (it didn't do that before)?

As DJ said, now it's on the list:)


chrissi, I think you have been doing such fantastic work on the new EZ Robot site ! I am very comfortable with the new format. Great work! If I any suggestion it would be to have a 24 post, instead of 12, more to find quickly. Keep up your great work. Thank you, Steve S


@Steve S,

Thanks for the kind words - I'm glad it's working for you.

Just so you know, we already have a "24 post" view. Just select it from the dropdown at the top of the list. :)


chrissi, My only thought is to have the 24 post the default, less searching. Thank you for your improvements and your response. Steve S


Just wanted to add my appreciation for @Chrissi too, she is doing some awesome work!

I very much enjoy the mobile experience:)


Chrissi, I think they mean in a thread being able to see more posts, not the resent threads. I could be wrong but that's what I got.

United Kingdom

36 post option available:) Looks like Chrissi is as efficient as DJ:)

By the way, the site has grown on me now I am used to it. I guessed it would. Keep up the good work.


@Rich, I can't take the credit there. DJ actually got around to that one way before I would have:) I've got a lot on my plate. He's a prolific guy.


Thank you so much for the 36 posts option! fabulous! You guys rock.