— Edited
Does anyone have the script for a Create or Roomba to do AUTONYMOUS MODE?
I have three roombas and a Create. I would like to use the Kinect on one and cameras on the others and have them move autonymously. I like the tutorial where the robot followed color, then movement and I would like for it to move autonymously. I have one robot already made, the one with the Kinect.
attached files will show some of my robots:
Hope you Enjoy
For more autonomous, use the Radar Control. There is a radar control for either the Ultrasonic ping sensor (i recommend) or a Sharp IR Sensor.
Mount the sensor to a servo and it'll scan while exploring to avoid everything in the path.
You have a fine collection for robots, sir
P.S. I plan to put an EZ board on at least three of them if I can figure it all out.
i can help when i get back,right now in shenzen china its saterday at about 8 am in the morning cant wait to try my new scope they bought me (hand held type)
that sounds cool, Fred. I used to have a hand held dual trace scope. it was nice.
D.J. there are NO IR or Sonar on the Roomba to use the Radar on. I was hoping to use the Video Camera or some day, the Kinect.
need to add HC-SR04 OR SRF-04 sonar to it and use radar from EZB check out DJ video on using sonar and adding the EZB to ROOMBA
I've seen it.
there are many examples in the ARC to help you with script and commands go to file/examples
Remember Fred, my spending is limited right now. I can get things only by taking them off of other projects. I have a sonar and three or four IRs if I take BOB apart. I am just biding my time until I have more resources available. I was really hoping to use the Camera or Kinect to Navigate.
the head looks good with the hat,i didnt get the hat from you when i traded you for the head ps (dont need it just kidding ) but soon with have photos of my animated head changes i will do
yep! I put several hats on it. I also put several wigs and several masks. With the hats it looked different every time. But, with the masks, I never could find one to look perfect because the Eyes are too far back from the face so they looked sunk in instead of normal.
So, you are back from China. Hope you enjoyed your trip.
not yet friday will be here