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Failed To Load Bootloader With Latest Firmware Update.

failed to load bootloader with latest firmware update.




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I have tried it over and over and over. It connects up. It says ping ping and loading bootloader then, it says "failure to load bootloader."



I have the same problem!


WOW! I haven't said much. But, I am impressed by you Niek. You remind me of myself. I started off with a science laboratory in the 5th grade. Don't let nothing hold you back!!!



failed firmware update.

Attempting connection to COM40 EZ-B reports EZ-B Firmware V2 Connected Press the UPDATE button to start upgrade Starting Boot Loader...

sending ping sending ping sending bootloader I am EZ-B BootLoader. Gimmie Firmware!

Updating... (21,560 Bytes)

and it's all

above houre ..... happing nothing !

Pls, help


@romango9 reboot? looks like you have a brand new board and your bluetooth module is not working properly. Do you have built in bluetooth, or are you using a usb dongle?


Also, for those updating with this firmware. You have 3-4 seconds after the connection to press the UPDATE button and select YES from the warning dialog. Otherwise, the update will not begin.

It's a new safety precaution to ensure you're paying attention:)

You can tell if too much time has passed when the status LED of the EZ-B begins to pulsate again. That means you have to restart the firmware update software and cycle the power on the EZ-B


Edit: Got it working... Had to remove the BT connection and add it again after that it worked. But the synapse isn't working yet...


DJ Sures, Hi.

the msg from update console

Attempting connection to COM40 EZ-B reports EZ-B Firmware V2 Connected Press the UPDATE button to start upgrade Starting Boot Loader...

sending ping sending ping sending bootloader I am EZ-B BootLoader. Gimmie Firmware!

Updating... (21,560 Bytes)

the leads ( blue and read) are ligthing (no pulsing) - I think it's established connection

progress bar (near update but.) is full

as I understud from U'r tutorial video after msg "Updating... (21,560 Bytes)" must be continue above 5-6 min, but in my case happing nothing


D.J. , I believe there IS a Bug. It simply won't work. I have deleted the bluetooth, reinstalled it on another port, tried com3,,5,7,9,11. It DOES have a BUG.




Ok, I FINALLY got the firmware Updated. It took me 20 tries. Forgive me for saying this, but the really takes the EZ out of the firmware portion of this product.

Not trying to be mean, but next time give us more than 3-4 secs to do this. You have a good product except for this part of it. It needs more work. Hope you can take constructive criticizm. Please answer my previous questions posted.

Outside of that, Yeh! EZ-Board!



United Kingdom

I updated mine ok 2nd attempt

If you miss the 3 second window you need to restart the EZ-B board and close the firmware updater and re-open it and try again

Also updated my V2.1 board on a completely different PC all ok


Yeah the 3-4 seconds will maintain a standard for the firmware. There have been a few bricked boards by people not paying attention. The instructions are:

  1. connect to the ez-b
  2. press update
  3. press yes in popup

Firmware update will begin:)


couldn't you make it a tad longer? This is like setting us up to BRICK our board.

would that be too much trouble? I hope not.

God Bless,



Thanks, Amy and to DJ Sures for U'r help. I successed upgrate EZ-Controller


I am still having trouble updating the firmware and am not sure how the problem is resolved. I believe my pc is connecting to the EZ-B correctly, and I made sure to connect, press update, and press yes in under 3 seconds, but my EZ-B does not update.

I get as far as "Updating... (22,656 Bytes)" and the progress bar is fully green, but it never progresses beyond updating. I would appreciate any help anyone could give me.

User-inserted image


Sorry, ignore the previous post. It turns out it was an issue with the bluetooth connection. I had installed the software that came with my Bluetooth USB dongle. After reading a different thread, I uninstalled it and was able to update the firmware without issue.