— Edited
I have never worked with Bluetooth before. But I am having problems. I had a wireless bluetooth keyboard. I plugged the Bluetooth part of it into my computer. I get it blinking and the EZ-B is blinking, but I cannot connect. My computer found and installed three devices when I hooked up the Bluetooth wire and connector. It said they were working fine. But, when i plug in the EZ-B, it tells me that it is not connected. I have some Bluetooth dongles on order. It is just that I read somewhere that a person used his bluetooth off of his keyboard/ mouse.
Please advise.]
Ok, here is what I get:
EZB 0: Attempting connection to COM1 Comm Err: The operation has timed out. BbytesToExpect: 1
Received: Disconnected Connection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String portName) Disconnected Attempting connection to COM1 Comm Err: The operation has timed out. BbytesToExpect: 1
Received: Disconnected Connection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding at EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String portName) Disconnected
EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4: Attempting connection to COM1 Comm Err: The operation has timed out. BbytesToExpect: 1
have you entered the parity code 1234 ?
I did not get a chance. Unless you mean where it says SCRIPT under configure.
right click on the bluetooth icon and look for devices. You should see one labeled Linvor. Click on that one to enter the parity code. And that should do it.
I do not have a bluetooth icon on my desktop or on my taskbar. I guess this is because to connector is made for mouse/keyboard. I will just wait until I get my two bluetooth dongles that I ordered in. Maybe a week or ten days. I hated to wait, so I tried the other adapter. Evidently, it doesn't work.
Thanks for your help. I LOVE your avatar. Is that B-9 Yours? Do you have a B-9. It is my Favorite robot. But, $26K is a lot to spend when you don't have an income more than $10k a Year. I DID see one on Ebay for $19K. But, that is still out of my range.
watch out though I know some bluetooth dongles are specificly protocaled to the keyboard and the mouse. If it works correctly after pluging in the dongle power the ez-b the dongle should find a device called Linvor as Bret.tallent mentioned. Once you see this double click the device to connect once there pair to device use the code 1234 and it should pair to the ez-b giving you 2 new com ports, the lower port is the port you connect to in ARC.
I wish that was my B9 - he is my favorite all time too (then Robbie). Yeah, money is tight, so I am hacking the 2 foot version robot B9 that came out several years ago. I bought it new and was very disappointed in its lack of functions and lousy drive section. But it is still B9! So once I saw the EZ-B I knew I had to hack him. I did my little omnibot, Bob, first so I could figure stuff out before I cut into B9. But now I am working on him
Bret, I want to see this when you are through with it. I considered getting one myself. The 24" one. How hard is it to hack?