Country: Canada
Member Since:
My name's Dylan, otherwise known as Cardboard Hacker. I am a University student from Canada which grew up with Ez-robot tech in my room and continue to frequent. Check out my YouTube channel where I talk about the things I know, have learned, or just tore apart and did my best to bluff through on video! email: dyldyl199(at)gmail(dot)com
2013-02-06 - joined Synthiam
2013-02-06 - created first new question
2013-09-02 - answered a forum question
2013-12-18 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-01-05 - posted your first tutorial
2014-06-26 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-07-27 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-08-02 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-09-19 - shared your first video in the forum
2014-09-19 - created a custom avatar
2014-12-27 - connected ARC to the cloud
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Some EZ-Robot/Synthiam Hardware And More For Sale
Greetings, all, long time no see. Ive decided to sell off a portion of my robotics hardware. (Please advise if this post...question

How To Wire A Button?
I believe I know how to do this but I want to confirm. Using an adc port, I would connect the positive to the in on the button and the ground to the signal/receive? yes or no?question

Project Suggestions?
Hey Forum, First off, I changed my name again, and hopefully for the last time. (Previously Technopro, MazeHorizon0) Cardboard hacker is fitting as I almost never make a project...question

Learning By Example Idea
Hey guys, So I was sitting around, and started to think about those expensive robotic arms used in manufacturing. I figured I could make one with Ez-bits quite easily. My...question

Power Supply Reference Thread
Im making this thread to gather all the power supply references from other threads into one, neat and tidy thread. Power supplies:...question

Inspiration For New Projects
Hello Community! Ive been out of the robot circuit for a while, but have recently made some new acquisitions that I would like to utilize in a project. I am looking...question

Relays Turn On, But Not Off
Alright. My dewy build is almost finished, but I have hit a problem with the relays Im using. They require at least 1.5v to activate them, and then nothing to...question

Roomba 655 Pointers?
Hey Community! My parents just got a Roomba, which, being a robotics person, interested me. Since I know DJ and other members have hacked roombas, I was curious if there were any...question

Usage Of Lm1084 Adj To Turn 7.5V Into 5V
So after a long struggle, I have still not been able to Make my lm1084 adj output 5v. Using this diagram has not worked, and in fact...question

Rgb Ghosting?
Today I started work with my new robot parts, one of them being the RBG led array(JDs eyes). In the animator, I set one side to light up and the other not to, but for some reason the other side...question

Roseapple Pi For Integrated Computing?
Hey guy, I just found this raspberry Pi-like computer called the RoseApple Pi. I thought it was just another nock-off, but it actually seems...question

Make Me Some Arms Plus: New Youtube
Hey everyone! I have been doing some more work on my DEWY project, and realized he doesnt have any arms! I had made some arms out of Polystyrene, but...question

Randomizing Answers In Speech Recognition
Hey there! This is a little demo project I made which demonstrates how to make your robot give unique answers to questions. Example...question
![How To Connect Your Ez-B V4 To Your Computer(Both Ways[Ap And Client])](/uploads/thumbnails/2265.jpg)
How To Connect Your Ez-B V4 To Your Computer(Both Ways[Ap And Client])
I made a few How-to videos showing people how to connect the ez-b v4 in both Ap...question

The 3 Ws
The 3 Ws by Technopro Smokes the last thing you want to see coming from your robot that you worked for quite a while on. When you see it, your brain goes into Oh no, save it! mode. You get a rush of...question

Quick Swap Setup
Hey guys. Just had another innovative thought... I have 2 Ez-b V4s. I have 3 robots. This is a problem. Unlike a few people(cough cough Rich cough) who have an endless ez-b supply, Im...question

Ez-Quadcopter, What Hardware?
Hi Guys, (Note: the following is quite summed up cause I had a long message typed out explaining in detail, but I unfortunately hit a wrong button and deleted...question

Yay Or Nay For These Regulators?
Would everyone agree on the following choices? If not, post you opinion. 1. Servos: I will hook all my servos(3-4 max) through this regulator and run it at...question

Wiring Up Lm1084 Regulators
Hey everyone. Just making sure Im correct on this, would this diagram be correct? Thanks, Techquestion

Rotating Servo Calibration-Unscripted
Hey guys. Made this tutorial for people who had difficulty understanding the Ez-Robot tutorials, All unscripted.(This will be my new vid tutorial...question

Look What I Got
Hello everyone! I just got my first shipment of parts from china which included: 8x relays and 1x 5amp adjusting power adapter(Audiowind). Just waiting for some regulators, and I should be...question

Running Your Bot Through A Custom Website/Http Server Layout
Hey guys. Little project I want to look into. As I mentioned in this thread, I want to make a...question

Ez-B And Hbridge Are Fighting Me
Hey. Following richs hbridge tutorial, which is the following wiring: Quote:Vcc = Motor Supply Positive Gnd = Motor Supply Ground (ensure this is common if...question

Stock Ez-B Vs Ez-B With Breakout Hack(Sound Comparison)
Here you get to see the difference between the ez-b stock and an ez-b with the breakout hack. Enjoy!question

Using 2 Wifi Dongles: 1 For Internet, And 1 For Ez-Bs
Hey guys. I discovered a pesky setting in windows that sets priorities on wifi connections. Currently I have my...question

Just Playing: Ir Receiver
Im looking into wireing up an old ir receiver I got in a wall-e U-command. Looking at it, this appears to be the pinout for it, but if not it looks almost exact to the...question

Break Out Sound Hack: Ez-B V4 External Sound Hack
Hey everyone! Following Dave Schulpiuss tutorial for adding a 3.5mm headphone jack to the ez-b I successfully connected my...question

Wiring A 3.5Mm Headphone Jack To The Ez-B
Hello! I decided that for my robot Dewy, I wanted to give him some more volume, as the tiny stock ez-b speaker is almost silent in the...question

Relay For 5V-12V Devices?
Hey everyone. Im currently looking for a relay to use with some items in my robot Dewy. I believe these devices will be between 5v-12v and 2 amps max. Im wondering if...question

My Current Dewy Drive Train Setup + Info
Ok. So. People who might be unsure how theyre supposed to connect h-bridges to the ez-b V4 will wanna check this one out for an idea. I made...question

Question For Ez-Robot: 3D Printed Parts
I have a quick question which I guess anyone can answer: How are the parts printed(I.E. servos, six parts, etc.)? Which orientation and what...question

Stream-Lining Dewy
Hey everyone. Im currently in a pickle. confused Im currently trying to find a way I can smooth out Dewys body at edges and so on. Video: Paint scheme: Any ideas are welcome. Thanks,...question

I Need Inspiration
I have 2 robots in the process. Ones a toy tank and the others my dewy robot. Im stuck in a rut. Trying to make the tank turret turn is a big problem because I have no space inside. I...question

Electically Triggered Switch?
I have some buzzers I want to trigger via the ez-b v4, but theyre the wrong voltage for my v4 setup. I know theres something using the TIP222(?) chip but Im not...question

Switches Anyone?
I was helping out at a large garage sale and I found some items that a past(I dont think dead) tinker-er sent in. Theres switches, buttons, casset tape motors, signal meters, lights, and...question

Paint Scheme?
Im looking into a paint scheme for my project Dewy. His picture is below. He isnt finished yet but I wanted to start to get an idea. Heres his new head. it needs to be painted too. The display...question

Setting Up The L298n With The Ez-B V4
Im not quite sure on how to set up the L298n motor controller with the v4 as there is no longer 5+ from the ez-b. If I can get some guidance it...question

Basic Info And Tutorials For New Products!
Heres a quick video I made to show some of the parts I got yesterday. I will get into more detail later on in this same thread, which is...question

Still Suffering Rearrange Bug
I still have the issue of ARC rearranging my project controls on opening. Im using the latest version of ARC and I freshly built a new project file and it still...question

Wiring In A Converter
Ok so in preparation for my V4 coming im buying last minute things. one thing thats needed is a way to convert the voltage from the board to 5 volts for sensors. This is what a...question

Gas Motor Control. Just An Idea.Again.
So I asked this once in the past but I lossed the link. If you took a gas motor with a manual throttle, how could you control it? I know I...question

Possible Ar Drone 2 Sighting.
For those of you with ar drone 2.0s there might be some hope. I just noticed an AR Drone 2.0 box sitting on a shelf in the office. Just sayin. Hey! Maybe that...question

Auto-Stabilization In Quad
This has been on my mind since I thought about ez-b controlled quadcopters. If you use an accelerometer, how would you set it up for auto stabilization? And further...question

Controlling The Multiwii Flight Controller Through I2c
As I mentioned on another thread, I have been on the hunt for a quadcopter flight controller. I narrowed it down...question

High Amperage Battery/Charger Combo
Its possible I have asked this already but could anyone recommend a battery/charger combo witha high amperage battery at a good price? 12V 18Ah seems...question

My First Stl!
So, for a practice I decided to make a case for the ping sensors in the store. this meant I needed to make a model of it to make the case. Heres the model I made(STL): \PingSensorSTL.stl Will...question

Basic 123D Design Setup, Need Help!
Ok. So. I started to make my trek towards a 3D printer today by attempting to make a simple notepad holder in 123D design. I followed the technique...question

Ez-B Speaker Stats
What are the specs of the Ez-b speaker? Want to know if I can wire up another 35ohm 0.5Watt speaker to the same point or not.question

Camera Cable Length
The new cameras that connect to the v4 use wires. How long are the wires? Need a lot of cable for the creeper project.question

Ez-B V4 Audio Jack?
I thought I read something about the v4 having an audio jack(3.5mm headphone plug) on it. Is this true? Or am I imagining things again.question

What End Is This?
What has the end of this battery?...question

Getping Unknown Command
When I try to save a script with GetPing in it I get this error:question

Motor Controller Signal Voltage
When you hook the motor controller to the ez-b, what is the max voltage that can run on those connections of the motor controller. Do I need to regulate it or...question

Easy To Make Robot Grippers?
For an upcoming project I need a simple, easy to make, cheap robot gripper. I have some ideas but I want to see what the community can come up with.question

Cool Animatronic Hand
This is pretty cool. hook it up the the ez-b and boom!question

Split Off Battery End With New End?
The battery I got lately has the wrong sized tamyia end. I was wondering if its possible to slit off of the wire and put a smaller end. Aka use big...question

5V Regulator Price?
Right now im trying to price out my next purchase. The only thing left is the 5v regulators. How much are they going to cost?question

Omnibot 2000 Dimensions
Now that pranav(I think thats how its spelt) has got me inspired by his foam board omnibot build I want to try to take it farther. To do this I need the...question

Technos Got A Rad!
I got a rad for my birthday today! Ive got a whole plan laid out and I almost have enough cash to pay for the stuff I need. I cant wait to start working on him! Edit:(this is an old...question

How To Make A Bumper Sensor?
I looked around and couldnt find the post, but how do you make a bumper switch that works off the analogue port of the ez-b?question

Ideas For Wall-E Features?
I found out that my wall-e is very boring to people over the age of 10. does anyone have any ideas on how to make a little robot the centre of attention? what could...question

Gopro Wifi Streaming Compatibility Idea
I was reading my dads GoPro box and it says that if you get the app on your idevice, you can livestream the video through the wifi on the new...question

Ir Remote To Interference Maker(Wolfies Idea)
So, to continue on the quest to cause interference in the IR area I decided that wolfies idea of using a full rc remote wired up...question

Ez-B Disgard In Coming Buffer
Heres the debug. was working fine until then. EZB 0: EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4: TCP Server stopped TCP Server stopped TCP Server stopped TCP Server stopped TCP...question

The Workbench Is Clear?
I noticed that the front workbench is cleared off. Whats going on?question

Ir Interferecne Device Idea
Lately I tore apart a remote control for a helicopter I lost years ago and I noticed that it uses 3 ir leds. then I thought, my brother has been annoying me for some...question

Omnibot 5402 Arm Length
what is the length of the omnibot 5402 right arm? interested in frankenstiening up my rad project AleXquestion

New Rad Head Ideas
I have come to the conclusion that the rad 1.0 head will not satisfy me so I have gone on the hunt to build/create a new head. I have come up with the idea of a cardboard around the...question

I Can See In The Back!
I just looked at the office cam and noticed that the wall is part gone. This gives you a look into the back. What I wonder is if this was deliberate or otherwise. Could it be a...question

Ez-Robot Not Selling ,Micro Or Heavy Duty Servos!?!
Im totaling up the cost of supplies for my rad and I realised that there arent any heavy duty or micro servos in the...question

Way To Disable Debug?
The debug that keeps popping up every time I do something is starting to annoy me. also, it bocks some of the controls a fair bit of the time. is there a way to disable it? is...question

Screw Servo Idea.
so this is something I came up with a while ago(10 minutes). I think this could work for people who are needing to push/lift things with there robots. any questions just ask. I dont...question

Sabertooth To Ez-B
i made a diagram. is this the way to connect the ez-b to the sabertooth? Feel free to edit the pic and repost it.question

Possible Rad Project, What Do I Need!?!
Comments made by my parents suggest im getting a rad for my birthday june 14(celebrating sooner) So I want to have a plan in place for what...question

Revolution Live Stream Cant Hear Audio(Dj!)
Dj, no one can hear the audio coming out of the livestream. its just a faint whistling noise.question

Cylinder Rolling Robot Idea, Needs A Name!
So I came up with the idea of a cylinder-shaped rolling robot. It will be able to follow people around and talk to them. It will be...question

Office Cameras Refreshing But Still 2Hrs. Behind
The cameras when I took this should have been at 4:28pm(calgary time)question

Technopros Wall_E Complete
In case you didnt notice my post on my project I am posting it again! SO Wall-e is finally finished! he is put putting around and waving and everything! Stuff is still...question

Suprise Announcment June 1St(Facebook)
Cant wait!question

Wall-E On The Workbench
Djs Wall-e seemed to get stuck while it was doing its usual dance thing it does at the end of the bench. It wasnt the video freezing, he just got stuck. His head stayed like...question

Diy Robot Arm
heres a vid on how to make a DIY robot gripper arm for anyone who wants to know. Came across this just searching youtube.question

Best 360* Heavy Duty Servo With Same Measurements As One In Shop
Want to find the Best 360* heavy duty servo with same measurements as one in shop. So same/...question

Iron Man Jarvis Ez-Robot Recreation Scripting Questions
Hi. quick questions for scripting. 1. Is there a command that says if __________ is said(microphone), start...question

Pictures Posted Later In Topic Appear In Earlier Posts Heres where I discovered it. I can guaranty that its not me. Ive...question

Controlling Chainsaw Motor
those old chainsaws lying around could be used for something else. How about a robot? 1.Chainsaws are controlled by triggers. how could you replace that trigger with an...question

Emoticon 404 Error
If you try and press an emoticon it gives 404 error.question

Can I Connect Like This?

I Have A Tiny Question.
Im going to make my rc car robot autonomous. theres just one problem... Its an rc car! it has custom turn and drive scripts! does anyone have an idea or example on how to...question

Back To ARC Version 2013.03.18.00?
whats going on? why are we back to ARC Version 2013.03.18.00?question

Has Anyone Built This Guy?
I found this Robbie jr. robot. has anyone done this cute guy before? EDIT: yes I know his hands gonequestion

Good Voltage For Sabertooth
going to buy a battery for a sabertooth. im going to get one with a mini Tamiya end and add the male plug to the sabertooth. what is a good voltage for a sabertooth...question

Saber Tooth Connection Question
I have already asked and got an answer for this but just noticed that the saber tooth help page says something different. Quote: The EZ-B connects to the GND,...question

Bvattery End Type
have as battery and a charger. I need to know what type of end they are.question

Virtual Robot Error?
See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.ArgumentException:...question

Ez-B On/Off Switch
i thought about my wall-e... and thought...and thought... and one of the things i thought of was an on/off switch(painful to open up, close, open, close, etc.) I decided to put a power...question

Keyboard Control Multi-Key
on the keyboard control, you can only press down on one key at a time. is there a way to press multiple keys at a time? if not, Dj should consider adding this....question

Key Control Not Cueing Scripts
when you type controlcommand(scriptstart, left) it comes up with an error in the debug. when i type controlcommand(left, scriptstart) it doesnt do anything....question

Motor Controller
Have an idea. USE DRILL MOTORS TO DRIVE ROBOT. To do this i need a motor controller that will provide the 12-18vs the motors will need. 2. Have a rc car that i want to ez-fy. motors will...question

1 Motor Controller Controlling 4 Motors
i was thinking of building a tank of some sort using 4 motors from old rc cars. however, dont want to deal with the 2 hbridge problem. came up...question

Quick Servo Question
mini-servo-tg9e This servo says its 4.8V. does that mean i need to get a regulator too or is there a bypass or similar servo that doesnt need a regulator. Its $3.00 so want to keep...question

Rc Car To A Robot
Have a merchsource thunder tumbler rc car that i want to hack. Dont really want to go motor controller so trying to see if there is a hackable spot on it. This pic is one torn apart to...question

Ir Autonomous Home Base
have 2 ir recievers from my wall-e project. Looking to make a cheap/nearly free home base ir reciever. Could they be hacked up to work with the ez-b and my laptop(and...question

Servo External Power Pack
Does anyone have a diagram of a servo set up with a second power source?(Eg. Heavy duty servo)question

Multi-Questions(1 Being Wifi Hardware)
1: is this adapter compatible with the ez-b and how does it work?...question

Wall-E Led
How did DJ connect wall-es led for his eye to the ez-b?question

Roomba Connection Cable
i am rebuilding the roomba robot. i want to know if i can buy a servo EXTENSION cable and it will still work. i want to tear the extension end off the cable. Any buying tips?...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Cardboardhackers One Of The Hottest Video Games
One of the hottest video games out right now is Apex Legends, a rival to Fortnite. One feature which has piqued my interest as...robot

Cardboardhackers Raiko Personal Robot
Hello Forum! I have recently gotten back into the swing of robotics, and as such, I wanted to start with a fresh project. Beginning with an old...robot

Cardboardhackers Rover Ad
This is the thread for my current project Dewy. He is a tall robot that uses RAD parts and models a omnibot in a way. For showcases sake: Heres the process of tearing...robot

Cardboardhackers Ez-Ollie
Alright guys! Heres my latest creation, ez-Ollie! This robot is my attempt to recreate the fun, cool Sphero Ollie. I filmed the making of ez-Ollie so you can see how I...robot

Cardboardhackers Alex Cardboard Omnibot Twin
I decided I would start the ALeX project. This was going to be similar to aameraliss lexi 3000 v1, but I cant get into the pages...robot

Cardboardhackers Technopro Wall-E Project
I have finally started my wall-e project. I have desided to keep it simple due to my lack of income at age 12. I have gutted my Wall-e...robot

Cardboardhackers Emotions V1
Hey there! Here is my latest project. This time its an emotion generating project. Through speech recognition activation, your robot will respond with emotions....robot

Cardboardhackers Mtr(Mechanical Tracked Robot)
Hey guys! Heres The first version of MTR. As I mention in the video, more improvements to come. Tech.robot

Cardboardhackers 1/2 R2d2 Scratch Build
After watching DJs R2D2 Video endlessly I finally broke... eek I decided to make an R2D2! But after seeing how big and pricey a full sized r2...robot

Cardboardhackers Penguin-Like Robot Project!
Ok, since I changed the plan so juristically I decided to make a new thread. Anyways heres my plan: The robots paint scheme will be...robot

Cardboardhackers Creeper Project
This is the new thread to the Creeper build. A 5ft Minecraft Creeper robot counterpart, made by non-other than me Techno. Minecraft is a hot topic these...robot

Cardboardhackers M2d2-The Diy Miniture R2d2 By Technopro(Working Progress)
So. I finally did it. After Djs r2d2 started getting into every thought...robot

Cardboardhackers Rc Car Ez-Fied
modifying a rc car(truck i guess) to operate off a sabertooth and the ez-b. Any responces are welcome Specs: Sabertooth 2x12 Ez-b V3 2, 2.8-3A dc motors w/6A...robot

Cardboardhackers Technopros Wall-E Continued
I have gotten half way through my wall-e and the comments stopped so im reposting it. I just got my needed servo extensions from...robot

Cardboardhackers Technopros Live Wall-E Build (Saturday, Mar. 9)
I will be posting live here Saturday when i build my wall-e robot. Tune in!tutorial

ARC Installation Tips
This tutorial goes over the commonly asked questions and errors encountered when installing ARC , as well as compatibility and other tips!tutorial

Power Supplies-Types, And Synthiam Use
In this tutorial, well learn about the different types of power supplies, and their use with the ez-b and other hardware, to help you find the...tutorial

Randomizing Answers In Speech Recognition
Want to make your robot respond more naturally and not the same thing every time? Heres how to make it answer differently every time!tutorial

Rotating Servo Calibration-Unscripted
Hey guys. Made this tutorial for people who had difficulty understanding the Ez-Robot tutorials, All unscripted.(This will be my new vid tutorial...tutorial

Break Out Sound Hack: Ez-B V4 External Sound Hack
Hey everyone! Following Dave Schulpiuss tutorial for adding a 3.5mm headphone jack to the ez-b I successfully connected my...tutorial

My Current Dewy Drive Train Setup + Info
Ok. So. People who might be unsure how theyre supposed to connect h-bridges to the ez-b V4 will wanna check this one out for an idea. I

Custom Movement Panel For Mel
This is a movement panel which has been confugured for a robot with a h-bridge wired for PWM and suffers a gradual right

Emotions: Robot emotion system Version 2 Give your robot Emotion! Make him happy with complements. Sad with news. Annoyed with endless chatting. All controlled and determinded by you!

Emotions: Robot emotion system Version 1 Give your robot Emotion! Make him happy with complements. Sad with news. Annoyed with endless chatting. All controlled and determinded by you!

Police Light By Technopro
Features a script that controls 2 leds on ports d0 d1. When running, the script flashes the lights in a police-like fashion. Feel free to use.No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.