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Key Control Not Cueing Scripts

when you type

controlcommand(scriptstart, "left")

it comes up with an error in the debug. when i type

controlcommand("left", scriptstart)

it doesnt do anything. and the quotation marks mess up, when i tried

controlcommand("left", scriptstart, "left")

still nothing.

has the script cue changed?


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United Kingdom

Use the click & paste option. Click on Cheat Sheet in the script dialogue and click one of the available options below and it pastes it in for you.

The syntax is


ContolCommand(WindowName, ControlCommandParameter, [value])

User-inserted image

You must have a script named "Left" for that to work.

United Kingdom

A quick video example of click & paste and that ControlCommand works just fine...

United Kingdom

What's the error? It will tell you where the error in the script is and why its an error.