Upgrade to ARC Pro

Elevate your robot's capabilities to the next level with Synthiam ARC Pro, unlocking a world of possibilities in robot programming.


I knew this guy, who knew this guy, who knew this guy, who new this guy's girlfriend who new this guys cousin, who knew this guy's plans for a Robie Jr. robot. He said that building it wasn't worth it, because of the rarity of the robot and how much people are willing to pay for them dead or alive $250-$600. He didn't want to use the ez robot kit, because he felt that it would decrease the value as his had the original box and paperwork. Don't dissect him...People will pay a fortune for that! It was also common for the arms to break off from rough play. Audios Amigo!


Bah! Do it. What good is a toy in the box. Pipe dreams of $250-600 for one of these.

I saw a Omnibot on E-Bay for $1200. It's still there, why do you think that is? ;-)

United Kingdom

Josh has used, or is using this guy for one of his projects.

There is on on ebay at the moment for £120 last I checked. To me it's not worth that so it can stay on ebay. Like anything really, some people will expect silly money for junk others are realistic... Prices also fluctuate a lot. My first Omnibot, no box, no tray, no paperwork but working with controller was £50 plus shipping. My second one, with box, with tray, mint condition was £55 plus shipping. And another I was bidding on between those 2 went for £7 plus shipping. A further one I've seen and made best offers on was up for over £200, the seller bought it a few months before for £30!.. It's not sold.

Same with the 2000s, some go for over £200, others go for £30. Some sellers expect £200+ for them in bad condition due to other good ones with everything selling for more. Another on ebay that keeps popping up, worth no more than £100 to me (delivered) but the guy is expecting £200+ plus shipping... it's not sold.

Robosapiens, same again, some go for cheap others want £200-£300 for a V2. The higher priced ones don't sell. They are worth £40-50 tops, V1s £20-25 depending on condition.

My hearoid, extremely rare in the UK, so what? New brain (literally) and he is now even rarer!..

The same guy I got my first Omni and my Hearoid from had a Maxx Steel for sale too, I am pretty certain that only around 4 of these things made it to the UK. He expected £200+ for it but started it at £1 no reserve, it got just over £100.

I have my own prices set for what they are worth to me and a general idea of what others will pay for them. Any in good condition with accessories etc. I wouldn't add an EZ-B to. My first Omnibot is too good to hack but the one with the box etc. is not as good so it's swap the 2 over and hack the worst one.


I found one dead for $50 including shipping so I may ask for a loan considering im still $5 down.

I think if I can get a loan i'll go for it.


I have two of them and some random spare parts. I bought mine for prices ranging from 20 to 40 dollars. He's the base for Squeegee my floor mopping robot project. Here's some pics..

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I gotta finish his wiring and configure the h bridge , I had one motor go bad I replaced (which was 27 yrs old anyways) and two bridges on the project have a defect. Otherwise is a excellent robot to hack and roomy inside once you remove the battery box.


Yeah, Josh's bot rules. He can give you a lot of good advice.


I pulled the camera out of the case and yes I painted it to match. After it dried 24 hours I put the electronics back in


cool I like the idea.

can't get a loan so looks like i'll have to work some cash and find another.