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Learning By Example Idea

Hey guys,

So I was sitting around, and started to think about those expensive robotic arms used in manufacturing.

I figured I could make one with Ez-bits quite easily. My issue was, if i wanted high accuracy so it could, per say draw or write(which yes, the ez-robot servos might not be perfect for), I had to write extensive code outlining servo positions each step along the way. But then I started thinking, what if you could just teach the robot arm what to do, like Nao?(I think Nao...)

There is some challenges though. I have to make a script that records positions in real time and write to a file for use as a script when called on.

I also have to get around the issue of hardware. As far as i'm concerned, ez-robot servos don't have pot read outs. You send data, but you can't receive it. I know there are servo's that do this, but they are very expensive. Is there a way to hack a servo to send data to the ez-b?

If I can get over these issues, I think programming any Ez-robot could be sooo much easier!:D;)


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Your robot can be more than a simple automated machine with the power of ARC Pro!


You could put an external pot in every joint for ezb feedback ... or switch to dynamixels?


@Technopro Richard R beat me to it...I barely even use servos because I need high torque applications. I use wormgeared motors...and integrate a pot (100K) for analog read out...


So that would mean you release the drive motors, or put them in a manual mode, then put it in a teach mode? Didn't I read some where there was also a way to collect and use the servo output data as a location? This would mean you would need many many points and how fast could you collect the data points?


Could you wire into the existing pot? Otherwise what are the steps to adding a pot?


@Tech that's pretty similar servo surgery I did (and others had to do) when building an inMoov. You have to do what is called an external pot mod for about 10 of inMoove's HS-805bb giant scale servos... It involves taking the servo apart, removing the pot and relocating it to the axis of the joint itself.... For what you want to do the easier way won't involve taking apart any servos... It would be to buy some pots and find a way to locate them in each joint... Connect them to the ezb4's analog ports and simply read the value as the joint moves.... To be honest it is pretty easy to do software wise, the hard part is figuring out just how to integrate the pots into the various joints....


Richard, the instruct able shows the guy attaching a wire from the pot tto an arduino port. If I did this and connected it to the ez-bs adc with a ground, could I just use the servo as is without modding a pot to the outside?


Hey Cardboard-Hacker, did you ever go further with this idea?