My Current Dewy Drive Train Setup + Info


Ok. So. People who might be unsure how they're supposed to connect h-bridges to the ez-b V4 will wanna check this one out for an idea.

I made this video to show people how my Dewy drivetrain is currently setup. If it helped anyone, let me know! If I was wrong at any point in the video leave a comment on it.

Thanks guys, And I hope it helps! Tech.

Step 1

Ok. So. People who might be unsure how they're supposed to connect h-bridges to the ez-b V4 will wanna check this one out for an idea.

I made this video to show people how my Dewy drivetrain is currently setup. If it helped anyone, let me know! If I was wrong at any point in the video leave a comment on it.

Thanks guys, And I hope it helps! Tech.


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