One of the hottest video games out right now is Apex Legends, a rival to Fortnite. One feature which has piqued my interest as a robot builder is the Accessory bonus pack robot which grants you gifts with every level up. fc5d8db6779e9f0a72b1311c9982f0db.gif
[size=3][/size][color=#111111][size=3][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If someone could design and 3D print his guy, OOOOH BOY. It's something I want to tackle, but don't have the time.[/font][/size][/color]
By CardboardHacker
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I have so many friends playing Apex Legends. I may have to give it a shot and see if I can unlock this robot. It's super cool!
Cardboardhacker, what are you using for a 3d printer?
Flash forge Finder. It’s a small build volume, with fairly good results if I set the part up and the settings are right. Sucks for large volume prints, cutting them up into small pieces.