Asked — Edited

Ez-B Disgard In Coming Buffer

Here's the debug. was working fine until then.

EZB 0: 
EZB 1: 
EZB 2: 
EZB 3: 
EZB 4: 
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
Camera Disabled
Camera Disabled
Error Initializing Camera: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
   at  .()
   at  .(Control )
   at EZ_B.Camera.StartCamera(String videoCaptureDeviceName, Control processedPreviewControl, Control realtimePreviewControl, Int32 captureWidth, Int32 captureHeight). Resolution: 160x120
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
TCP Server stopped
Speech Recognition Culture: en-US
Loaded speech recognition successfully
Attempting connection on COM15
Connected to COM15 at 9600
EZ-B reports EZ-B Firmware V16
Comm Err: The operation has timed out.
BbytesToExpect: 1

Comm Err: Not Connected
BbytesToExpect: 1

Attempting connection on COM15
Connected to COM15 at 9600
EZ-B reports EZ-B Firmware V16
Disgard incoming buffer (This should never happen)
Comm Err: The operation has timed out.
BbytesToExpect: 1

Comm Err: Not Connected
BbytesToExpect: 1


What could be wrong?


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United Kingdom

Neil has had that error in the past, I don't remember what the outcome was but I'll see if I can find the topic.


It would seem that DJ has left this issue "hanging in the air" . Per DJ "I'll take a look at the project and see if I can find out what "disgard" meant to me in 2011 "........I dont know if there was a following thread with a resolution. In all due respect he has been/was busy with other major issues...perhaps this might refresh his memory and find time to resolve it.:)


this is what happens: I connect the ez-b to ARC. I tell it to move the head up and down once. the debug flashes with all those things. the blue light on the board went out. finally the head started bobbing up and down.



I'm having a similar Issue, but just with the camera not connecting. I've just received the kit, and charged the camera. I can see the wireless pc camera in my device list long with the EZ-B. Below is the error:

Camera Disabled Error Initializing Camera: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) at .() at .(Control ) at EZ_B.Camera.StartCamera(ValuePair videoCaptureDevice, Control processedPreviewControl, Control realtimePreviewControl, Int32 captureWidth, Int32 captureHeight). Resolution: 320x240

Any suggestions?


United Kingdom

What OS are you using Bruceleeroy? And what version of ARC?



I'm using ARC Version 2013.07.10.00

Firmware V16

And Windows 7 Home, on my laptop.


I've managed to get the camera to work. I re-installed EZ- builder. Re-started computer. I was still having issues. So I closed Ez- builder, removed the usb camera dongle, restarted ARC, plugged in the camera dongle, and tried to reconnect. After doing this twice the the camera worked!


Nice troubleshooting. Sometime it takes a several tries of the same routine in Windows to clear up issues. Even so Windows amazes me in how it can fix it's self most of the time.


I am facing the same problem of Disgard incoming buffer ( This should never happen) from yesterday... I downloaded the latest version of ARC and it is still not rectified... The power LED goes off as soon as I add any control to EZ-B.. What am I suppose to do?

stress stress stress


Pranav, it's impossible to debug every computer in the world. I wish there was something more I can tell you - other than your windows is confused:) Windows is an operating system that is known for some bugs. As a default installation of windows, there are very few noticeable bugs - and ARC runs great. however, based on some of the software that you install, some things will start acting strangely.

My suggestion is to ensure you have the proper Bluetooth driver. Make sure your computer doesn't have programs like virus scanners and such running. Also make sure your hardware actually works - because a "disregard incoming buffer" error is caused by either bad hardware or incompatible Bluetooth driver.

Also, the error can be caused by the EZ-B resetting from not enough power.

What the error means is there is data received that shouldn't be there.


Thanks a lot @DJ , for your very valuable suggestions, I'll check what the actual problem is... I was panicked looking at the message THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN.... Now I understood that is can be resolved..

Thanks a ton...:)


I should change that message - I added it so I could debug it. I never expected it to happen in real life. I've only had it happen once or twice, which is due to a brown-out. Meaning, the EZ-B was drawing more power than the battery could provide. That was also the reason TechnoPro was receiving his message.

I'll change the message to sound politer:D


We understand how busy you are @DJ . You answering our silly and simple questions itself means a lot for us and that itself shows how polite you are... ;)


Thank you:) That is nice to hear


Hey, When I checked the voltage with a multimeter, I observed that one terminal of LM1084 voltage regulator has 4.8v while the other is at 0v... So when I checked the voltage across GND and 5v it is 0v.. Does that mean I should change the voltage regulator?

But LM1084 is unavailable in India... Is LM317 an exact replacement of LM1084...

United Kingdom

A battery under load can read a lower voltage than when not under load. It indicates that you may have a defective battery or that the load is large. Try powering something else and check the voltage drop. Try a different battery and check voltage drop.

Edit: I guess you edited your post while I was replying...:) This relates to your 7.2v to 3.5v drop question.


@pranav: The 1084 and 7805 have different pin outs. Check the datasheet if you're probing - there cannot be 0 volts on one of the regulators. If that was the case, nothing would work

4.8v is normal because your voltage meter isn't perfect - neither is the conductivity between your volt meter probes onto the pcb circuit:)


I got this in datasheet... But I just want to know if it is really compatible to the circuit provided in EZ-B?

User-inserted image

And between the below mentioned terminals I am reading 0v... What am I suppose to do? I am in total chaos...

tired tired tired

User-inserted image


@Rich ,

I've connected a fresh 9v battery to EZ-B (nothing else is connected to EZ-B).. The voltage dropped down to 8.12 v

United Kingdom

As a guess I would say that your 7.2v pack is faulty then. a drop of 0.9v or 10% isn't cause for concern. I assume it was reading 9.0v with no load on it?

Did the EZ-B function with the 9v pack on it?



As I mentioned I had a 0v at the mentioned pins in the diagram posted above... I don't know if I can replace that voltage regulator with LM317...


@pranav while the LM317 and the LM1084 do have the same pinout, the LM317 is a variable voltage regulator that you need to attach resistors to in order to set the output voltage. It's not strictly a 5V regulator like the 1084. Datasheet here.

Be aware that the LM317 isn't rated for as high of a current as the LM1084 either, 1.5A versus 5A. This means that it will reach thermal shutdown much faster than the LM1084 so you won't be able run nearly as many servos. I would suggest finding a 1084 from Digikey or Element14 who both ship worldwide. Otherwise, if you are at the end of your rope you could always contact our Support team and we might be able to figure out something.


@pranav, do you have 0 volts on the I/O?

  1. Can you measure the voltage on the two 2 pins labeled GND and 5V by the status LED?

  2. Do you have a flashing blue status LED when power is applied?

  3. Do you have a flashing red LED on the Bluetooth module?


I have flashing blue status LED and flashing red LED on the bluetooth module... But the voltage across the two pins labeled 5v and GND is 0v, so the I/O pins are reading 0v... The voltage across the OUT and ADJ of LM1084 is 0v...

What shall I do?



Your peripheral's regulator is broken, I believe Geoff has already replied to your email with the answer.


So I should replace the regulator... I would like to know about any replacement for LM 1084 as of now it is known that LM 317 cannot be used as it delivers only 1.5A.. So I am looking for any other replacement to LM 1084...


I found that LM338 is rated for 5A ... So can I use it as a replacement... Or if I had to construct an external circuit for it how shall I do it.. Kindly guide me through this...


The LM338 is still an adjustable regulator. The 1084 on the EZ-B is not. This means it can't be used as a drop-in replacement but you'll need to connect it through some wires and use resistors to set the output voltage to 5V.

I'm not an expert at adjustable regulators, I'm sure @Rich will reply to this thread with an answer:)

United Kingdom

Unfortunately I'm still learning about regulators so it's all a bit beyond me but if it is adjustable and/or has a different pin out then some external circuit will be the way to go.

The data sheets I've seen for adjustable regulators often have good quality schematics which should explain the circuit that is required. In fact, page 7 of this data sheet has the schematic.


Thank you @Rich , I will construct an external circuit to the regulator... But I would like to know if we can neglect the Iadj term... If so, I can take the resistor values R2 = 3R1 for a 5v output...

User-inserted image

United Kingdom

You could always use an adjustable resistor and set Vout by measuring Vout and tweaking R2 to suit - I assume.


Thanks @Rich , I'll try with different resistances and I would like to know more about the loading effect so that I don't face any problem while connecting more controls to EZ-B...


@irobot58 , that is really very useful information... But the only problem is LM317 is limited to 1.5A... If I don't find a way for LM338, I'll try to use an LM317 for powering EZ-B and take external power for all other peripherals.. I would like to know if that can work out...


Can we send you an lm1084 to make this easier?


Would you really do that? I will be very happy with it... blush blush blush


Are you confident to desolde to remove the old one? It's not a very easy task - at least for me! I always screw it up:P Or would you prefer to send it to us?

If you are confident to do the work yourself - i'll have Geoff send you a lm1084 in an envelope today


@DJ , as I am limited by time... I'll try to desolde it..


Hey @pranav, I sent an email your way asking for your address. When you get that to me, I will send out the part:D


Thanks @Geoff , I mailed you my address and contact number... This should really solve my problem...


@pranav good luck!