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Wall-E Question Quick

here's the notepad info:

The Real Wall-e without Script Manager

Camera Power: D1 ModifiedServoMovementPanel: D13, D14 Left Arm: D8 (low 8, high 36) Right Arm: D9 (low 56, high 28) Left Eye: D15 Neck Horizontal: D6 (center 32, 50, 20) Head Vertical: D7 (center 35, high 44, low 24) Ping: (Trigger d2, response d3)

What is the left eye servo? theres head vertical and horizontal so it cant be them. ?


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I don't have ARC available right know, so i cannot test the example you're referring to. But if I remember well, Left Eye: D15 do not refer to a servo but to a Digital Trigger for the Camera, which is hidden in the left eye of wall-e.


yea i took a look at his scripts(which was confusing) and started assuming that.

Thanks though

United Kingdom

When you open the project you should see a digital on/off control for D15 or a servo control for D15. I assume it's a digital on/off for the signal to the camera.

If there is an Init script I would expect there to be a Set(D15, on) command in there, if there is then it confirms it's a digital on/off for the camera.