Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Dave Schulpius!

Setting Up The L298n With The Ez-B V4

I'm not quite sure on how to set up the L298n motor controller with the v4 as there is no longer 5+ from the ez-b. If I can get some guidance it would be great. Thanks!


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You're going to have to bump up the 3.3 vdc to 5v with a regulator or leave it off and feed a higher separate voltage to the VCC and push the white button.


What would the wiring look like? Would you do the same thing in the old video other than the pressing the button?


If you use an external power supply It would look just like this. Your voltage source would go where the pic of the battery is and you would have no wire going to the 5V input port from the EZB. Pretend the picture of the EZB is a V4:

You'll know if you have the white button in the right position. One way the unit will power on and the other way it wont.

User-inserted image

EDIT: updated image with proper grounding wires.

United Kingdom

You dont need the 5v, just push the switch to use the onbpard regulator on the l298n.

Everything else as per the v3.


What about the enable pins? Do I solder to them like the ez-b v3 too?

United Kingdom

If you want to solder them or you can use jumper cables if you want to like i did in my tutorial. Either way is fine.


ok thanks. Rich, If you don't mind, you helped a fair bit but Dave got to it first. So I'm going to give it to him.


You have no idea how hard it is to get in with the correct answer before Rich. ;) I think that's great and a good problem for a forum to have. :)

United Kingdom

Lol, true I do usually jump in quick. Im away this weekend though so you get a head start.


I'll probably set it up tomorrow. Fingers crossed it works!


Yeah, no regulator necessary:)

United Kingdom

For the benefit of anyone who searches for this info and comes across this topic, my tutorial on the L298n has now been updated to include the onboard regulator and connections to the V4.

You can see it here.