Upgrade to ARC Pro

Your robot can be more than a simple automated machine with the power of ARC Pro!


In the description for the complete kit is this line:

.1 x Battery Charger EDIT- thanks Rich -1 x 7.4v LiPo Battery

United Kingdom

The Complete Kit Includes: EZ-B v4 Wifi Robot Controller (120 MHZ, 32 Bit Arm Processor, Integrated Audio, 24 Digital I/O, 8 ADC, i2c, UART) ARC Robot Control Software & SDK Vision Tracking Camera HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor 6 x Servos (4 heavy duty standard, 2 Continuous) 2 x Peripheral Cables 1 x 7.4v LiPo Battery 1 x Battery Charger Servo Attachments and Wheels Supports many Robot Platforms! Online Video Tutorials Free Updates Too many features to list!


Thanks Rich! The Developers kit will come with a 7.4V battery and a charger.

United Kingdom

@Technopro, I don't understand your question, it makes no sense.

If you are asking if just the EZ-B comes with battery and charger then no, just the EZ-B is exactly that... Just the EZ-B.


No, the EZb4 board listed for $99 does not come with a battery... The Developer's kit does, however...