In this live stream, I am designing and discussing the Raiko Project, including proposed parts, software features, and the SolidWorks design. Raiko will be open-source once in the final stages of design!
As the viewer, you have the ability to suggest features, provide design input, and help a fellow hobbyist out with learning SolidWorks. The stream will involve:
Working in SolidWorks, not only showing the progress on Raiko but also demonstrating the actual process I take.
General discussion on the Raiko project
Layout and "pre - coding" in EZ-Builder
For faster response, comment in the YouTube live chat. If you have pictures or more exhaustive comments, post in the Synthiam chat and I will check it frequently throughout the stream. In all, the stream will be about 2 hours give or take, depending on response and my creative skills in SolidWorks.
Sidenote: Off-topic discussion is welcome, as long as it is still in the realm of robotics and Synthiam!
I’ll be there! What else are weekends for than to hack with fellow synthiam members!
[color=#111111][size=2][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Oh let me give you one tip of advice with YouTube steam. Once you start streaming, you can’t pause or anything. The video and audio device you select is stuck for the entire session. [/font][/size][/color]
[color=#111111][size=2][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We found a solution to use multi cameras - I’ll write a tutorial on that when I’m back in calgary later this[/font][/size][/color] [color=#111111][size=2][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Week [/font][/size][/color]
I'd like to be there and will try to remember. I'll set a reminder in my smart phone.
Is there another way that is tied directly to this live stream event that will let Youtube remind me? Maybe a text or something? I almost missed DJ's last one because I got busy and forgot till the last minute.
@DJ, I'm using OBS encoding software. It took me about 2 hours to setup the scenes and what have you, but you can configure mic levels and sources for each scene, on the fly.
@Dave_Schulpius, if you go to the YouTube page, there is an option to set a reminder.
Reminder feature is one of the top items in our todo list
Can you let us know what Raiko is? I am having trouble finding anything about it.
Perry, you can click on cardboard hackers name and it’ll show you his recent activity. From there you can see robots or things he’s built and done.
The Raiko Project
Forgot to add the link. Thanks Perry.
Thanks guys and neat project
You can now subscribe to live hack events and receive email updates
Also it will let you know if the event start time has changed
Awesome. Thanks @amin!
It’s better now
there is also a full screen button available if you need more space
Edit: oops wrong thread!
Getting the Stream ready now! Hope to hear from some of you early on, just to make sure the settings are right!

it looks like the cam needs more vertikel positioning,cause when you use tracking the head wil look arkward when the cam is not perfect vertikel.look at the darwin robot.he looks like he has to much viagra cause the cam is not perfect vertikel positioned.also leave some space for the eye rgb .i like the idea for the turning waist.That was fun to watch. The chat was really delayed though - but then I realized it was delayed because I was streaming 10 minutes behind the live broadcast for some reason
Check my comments on making your own servo slider using the servo pad in mobile interface. If you set the width really thin, and only use one servo it’ll act as a slider.
Thanks DJ. I saw them before the stream chat reset for me.
I just watched this. Pretty cool. Thanks for putting this on CardboardHacker.
I was noting your Solidworks techniques. Would it not have been much easier to treat it as an assembly, with the body and head being sub assemblies. If you do this you can avoid all the move/copy's and your model tree will be shorter.
Once again, nice job on the cast
Nomad Thanks for the video.
Perry_S, I considered it, but I enjoy being able to observe the entire robot. It helps me keep a common theme. I will certainly break it down prior to the final stages but for initial work, I am just tinkering with appearance.