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Here's what happens: Script Emergency Stop 314 1043 164 156 Normal ControlCommand("PingAvoidance", ScriptStop) Stop() false Notes Notepad 2 391 61 273 353 Normal Changes 1. Changed escape return to use else therefore avoiding reversing and turning after an escape. 2. Added in stop and sleep before any forward or reverse movements. 3. Added emergency stop script. Notes Notepad 211 61 275 176 Normal Ping Avoidance Script Example Version 1.1.1 - 2013.04.21 Note: This script example is incomplete, work in progress and as such may contain bugs. VariableWatch Variable Watch 1 1374 419 897 Normal Servo_Horizontal Horizontal servo 21 1047 0 0 Normal D2 1 100 0 1 Master false Ping Ping Distance 640 812 0 0 Normal false 0 D0 D1 250 Connection 0 0 0 0 Normal COM18 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 false false false false false false true true true true 9600 FloorMap Floor Map 17 346 684 520 Normal 10 90 false CustomMovementPanel Custom Movement 555 1048 0 0 Normal Move(D8,Forward) Move(D9,Reverse) Move(D10,Reverse) Move(D11,Forward) Move(D8,Reverse) Move(D9,Reverse) Move(D10,Reverse) Move(D11,Reverse) Move(D8,Reverse) Move(D9,Forward) Move(D10,Forward) Move(D11,Reverse) Move(D8,Forward) Move(D9,Forward) Move(D10,Forward) Move(D11,Forward) Move(D8,stop) Move(D9,Stop) Move(D10,Stop) Move(D11,Stop) 255 Script PingAvoidance 153 1043 163 156 Normal # Ping Object Avoidance # Using Ultra Sonic Ping Sensor on servo for avoidance # Version 1.1.1 # Configuration Settings # Adjust values below for port configuration $pingport = D0 # Change for Ping Port $echoport = D1 # Change for Echo Port $sweepservo = D2 # Change for sweep servo port # Adjust values below for movement control $reverseturn = 1 # Reverse before turn? 0 = no, 1 = yes $maxdistance = 30 # Change for maximum distance from object before avoiding in units $boxedindistance = 20 # Change for maximum distance for boxed in detection $turnamount = 500 # Change for how long to turn for in ms $reverseamount = 500 # Change for how long to reverse for in ms (if applicable) $movementspeed = 255 # Change for movement speed $slowturn = 127 # Change for slow turn speed # Adjust values below for sweep configuration $sweepmin = 10 # Change for min limit $sweepmax = 90 # Change for max limit $sweepservodelay = 500 # Change for delay between sweep servo movements and readings # Testing Options $testmode = 0 # Change to 1 if testing without PING sensor # Do not adjust these values $sweepcenter = $sweepmin+$sweepmax $sweepcenter = $sweepcenter/2 $sweepcenter = Round($sweepcenter,0) $sweepprevious = $sweepmax # Do not change $sweepcurrent = $sweepcenter # Do not change $SweepErrorFlag = 0 # Do not change $BoxedInErrorFlag = 0 # Do not change $BoxedInRun = 0 # Do not change $SweepCenterRun = 0 # Do not change $EscapeRun = 0 # Do not change $ScriptErrorFlag = 0 # Do not change $isboxedin = 0 # Do not change $penultimatemove = "none" $lastmove = "none" # ------- The Script -------- # Set the start point for any loops :begin # Center the sweep servo Servo($sweepservo, $sweepcenter) # Start moving forwards FORWARD() # Start the detection Goto(detect) # This line is redundant # Detection code # Set a label for loops and gotos :detect # Use random numbers if in test mode IF ($testmode=0) $currentdistance = GetPing($pingport, $echoport) ELSE $currentdistance = GetRandom(0,255) ENDIF # Check the current distance against the max allowed distance IF ($currentdistance $pingmax) Goto(moveright) # Add in a stop and sleep before movement Stop() Sleep(200) FORWARD() ELSE Goto(moveleft) # Add in a stop and sleep before movement Stop() Sleep(200) FORWARD() ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF # Return to the main code Goto(avoidreturn) # The sweep code # Set a label for loops and gotos :sweep # Move in the correct direction and store previous position # Check what the current position is # Check if left IF ($sweepcurrent = $sweepmin) # Save the current position as the previous $sweepprevious = $sweepcurrent # Move to the next position Servo($sweepservo, $sweepcenter) # Save the current position $sweepcurrent = GetServo($sweepservo) # Else check if its center and where it was before # If it is center and was left before ELSEIF ($sweepcurrent = $sweepcenter and $sweepprevious = $sweepmin) # Save the current position as the previous $sweepprevious = $sweepcurrent # Move to the next position Servo($sweepservo, $sweepmax) # Save the current position $sweepcurrent = GetServo($sweepservo) # If it is center and was right before ELSEIF ($sweepcurrent = $sweepcenter and $sweepprevious = $sweepmax) # Save the current position as the previous $sweepprevious = $sweepcurrent # Move to the next position Servo($sweepservo, $sweepmin) # Save the current position $sweepcurrent = GetServo($sweepservo) # Else check if right ELSEIF ($sweepcurrent = $sweepmax) # Save the current position as the previous $sweepprevious = $sweepcurrent # Move to the next position Servo($sweepservo, $sweepcenter) # Save the current position $sweepcurrent = GetServo($sweepservo) # Else something has gone wrong ELSE # Set an error flag for debugging purposes $SweepErrorFlag = 1 ENDIF # Return back to the main script Return() # The sweep center code # Set a label for loops and gotos :sweepcenter # Set a flag so we know it has run for debugging purposes $SweepCenterRun = 1 # Move the servo to the left position Servo($sweepservo,$sweepmin) # Use random numbers if in test mode IF ($testmode=0) $pingmin = GetPing($pingport, $echoport) ELSE $pingmin = GetRandom(0,255) ENDIF # Wait Sleep(200) # Move the servo to the right Servo($sweepservo,$sweepmax) # Use random numbers if in test mode IF ($testmode=0) $pingmax = GetPing($pingport, $echoport) ELSE $pingmax = GetRandom(0,255) ENDIF # Wait Sleep(200) # Move the servo back to the center Servo($sweepservo,$sweepcenter) # Check which side has the closest object # If the object to the left is further away than the object to the right IF ($pingmin > $pingmax) # Move to the right RIGHT($movementspeed,$turnamount) # Move forwards again # Add in a stop and sleep before movement Stop() Sleep(200) FORWARD() # Else if the object to the right is further away than the object to the left ELSEIF ($pingmin < $pingmax) # Move to the left LEFT($movementspeed,$turnamount) # Move forwards again # Add in a stop and sleep before movement Stop() Sleep(200) FORWARD() # Else they are both the same ELSE # So move left - this can be customised LEFT($movementspeed,$turnamount) # And move forwards again # Add in a stop and sleep before movement Stop() Sleep(200) FORWARD() ENDIF # Return to the main code Return() # The boxed in code # Set a label for loops and gotos :boxedin # Set a flag so we know it has run for debugging $BoxedInRun = 1 # Get distance to the side # Move the servo to the left Servo($sweepservo,$sweepmin) # Use random numbers if in test mode IF ($testmode=0) $side1scan = GetPing($pingport,$echoport) ELSE $side1scan = GetRandom(0,255) ENDIF # Get distance to the other side # Move the servo to the right Servo($sweepservo,$sweepmax) # Use random numbers if in test mode IF ($testmode=0) $side2scan = GetPing($pingport,$echoport) ELSE $side2scan = GetRandom(0,255) ENDIF # Get distance to the front # Move the servo to the center Servo($sweepservo,$sweepcenter) # Use random numbers if in test mode IF ($testmode=0) $centerscan = GetPing($pingport,$echoport) ELSE $centerscan = GetRandom(0,255) ENDIF # Check if boxed in by compairing the results against a fixed boxed in distance IF ($side1scan < $boxedindistance and $side2scan < $boxedindistance and $centerscan < $boxedindistance) # If any are true set the boxed in flag $isboxedin = 1 ENDIF # Return to the main script Return() # The escape code # Set a label for loops and gotos :escape # Set a flag so we know it has run for debugging $EscapeRun = 1 # Reset the boxed in flag $isboxedin = 0 # Center the sweep servo Servo($sweepservo,$sweepcenter) # Turn slowly Left($slowturn) # Set up a loop :escapeloop # Scan until clear # Use random numbers if pn test mode IF ($testmode=0) $escapescan = GetPing($pingport,$echoport) ELSE $escapescan = GetRandom(0,255) ENDIF # If the scan result is below the boxed in distance loop IF ($escapescan < $BoxedInDistance) # Go back to the start of the escape loop Goto(escapeloop) ENDIF # Continue forwards # Add in a stop and sleep before movement Stop() Sleep(200) FORWARD() # Return to the main script Goto(escapereturn) # Move Right code # Set a label for loops and gotos :moveright # Check the last 2 moves to avoid left right left right loops IF ($lastmove = "left" and $penultimatemove = "right") # If it has been right then left dont move right again but escape from a loop Goto(escape) # Reset the last move $lastmove = "none" # Else just move right ELSE RIGHT($movementspeed,$turnamount) Sleep(200) # Save the penultimate move $penultimatemove = $lastmove # Save the last move $lastmove = "right" ENDIF # Go back to the main script Return() # Move left code # Set a label for loops and gotos :moveleft # Check the last 2 moves to avoid left right left right loops IF ($lastmove = "right" and $penultimatemove = "left") # If it has been left then right dont move left afain but escape from a loop Goto(escape) # Reset the last move $lastmove = "none" # Else just move left ELSE LEFT($movementspeed,$turnamount) Sleep(200) # Save the penultimate move $penultimatemove = $lastmove # Save the last move $lastmove= "left" ENDIF # Go back to the main script Return() # End of scripts false true 1936 1056 2013.03.18.00


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