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Basic Info And Tutorials For New Products!

Here's a quick video I made to show some of the parts I got yesterday. I will get into more detail later on in this same thread, which is why I'm labeling this a tutorial, as I will be doing tutorials on certain things in this thread.

Here's the quick look!

More to come!


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Awesome, thanks for the video @Technopro

That last past was too funny! Yeah 3D printing the clip and play parts is a little tricky at times, we try to error on the side of tight.

I find you can either use some gloves and twist back and forth to get the pieces apart or give them a light sanding or filing to loosen em' up a little.

As for the L298 motor driver button, it's a switch that turns the 5V regulator on and off. I usually just keep it on all the time. Oh and yes you were correct that JST-PH connector is for stepper motors.

Looking forward to more videos:)


@Technopro, That white button on the L298 motor driver turns on and off the on board 5vdc regulator. If you can't or you don't want to feed 5vdc to the L298 through the 5vdc port you can push the button and the regulator and it will draw it's feed from the motors power feed at the VCC port.

Personally I have an external 12vcd power supply's positive wire attached to the VCC port, the 12 v power supply's ground to the L298 ground port (along with a common ground to EZB) and nothing attached to the 5+v port. Then I push the button and the unit powers up with the designed 5vdc to the logic and also supplies 12dc to my motors.


Nice video Technopro. I look forward to seeing what you do with your new parts.

United Kingdom

Check out my tutorial for the L298n driver when you come to need help with it, I covered it in detail. I didn't cover the button (I will be adding info on it when I get chance though).


Nice video Tech.... I am going to have to learn to do videos better...


Here's a detailed look at the ez-b v4. Video quality get better!


technopro good video.

do i have a question for you personal ..can you wissle.


Yes Nomad I can whistle.

Anyways here's the clip and play servos and mini servo.


Really liking your vids Tech. Thanks for making and sharing these.


Here's the l298N detailed look. Keep in mind, I'm doing this with beginners in mind.


Hey @Technopro

The enable pins are tied to +5V with removable shunts. This means that both the internal H-Bridges inside the L298 chip are fully ON by default. The nice thing about these shunts is that they can quickly be popped off if you'd like to have variable speed control over the H-bridges. The extra two jumper wires can then be used to connect the enable lines to the EZ-B to do the speed control.

It's all plug and play no hacking required:)

Just to note: the switch doesn't really protect anything it just allows the user to use an external 5V regulator to power the L298 logic circuit (OFF position) or use the on-board 5V regulator (ON position). The L298 needs 5V to active it's logic circuits so I find that the easiest thing to do is leave the switch ON and use the on-board regulator. 2 things to remember: when the switch is ON the 5V terminal position is a 5V output and when the switch is OFF your supplied external 5V needs to share the same Ground reference as the main voltage supply (Grounds need to be tied together somewhere)

Hope that helps:)


Haha I had a good chuckle at the ending of your first video @technopro!


Thanks for the info! Here's my next video regarding the camera!


Ha, ha... love your comic endings on your videos.... So try out the camera and see what you think...


I did a quick test. It's a high quality camera. On the computer side, processed video has a half Second latency which bugs me but it doesn't mess the robot up by my guess.

Hacking videos to come soon.

United Kingdom

You shouldn't have that much of a latency, there is no noticeable latency on my camera/V4. Are you running on an old or slow PC?


Like Rich, I have no noticeable latency. My PC is a 4 year old win7 machine....


New windows 8 pc.

Here's a video on how I hacked my power base.


@Technopro thanks for all the videos, keep it up!

Figured I'd jump in and clarify that the Barrel jack is a standard 2.1mm size. It's a popular size in hobby electronics.


@Jeremie- Sorry to thread jack @Tech but, since we're talking about barrel jacks, I have a couple and would like to make some extra power sources / battery holders for my EZBv3. I have the one that came with the kit with the nicely labeled + & -, but if I were to use one I have, would the center be + or -? Thanks, and thanks Tech. Take your thread back. I'm enjoying it very much BTW. Great vids.


I have another video coming on external power for motor controllers or other things. Will post tomorrow.


Thanks @Richard, that's correct.


Thanks guys. Look forward to your next vid Tech:)


Here's how to add external power. Still untested. Will soon!


Hey Tech, the fuse has no polarity so it doesn't matter which way it goes in... All a fuse is... is a weak link in the chain so to speak... It basically protects the wiring and electronics from over amp draw damage... sort of like the sacrificial lamb... It blows before the electrons does...Another great video by the way, thanks...


Tested the external power setup. Will make video soon!