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How To Use Idevice As A Camera

This is a tutorial covering how to use your iDevice as a camera on your Ez-robot.

What you need: A network connection(Router) An iOS device(iPhone, iPod touch, iPad) A PC An internet connection.

Step one: Locate the EpocCam app in the app store. Either the paid EpocCam Hd or free will work. Download the app to your device.

Step 2: Go on your PC and Download the driver set for EpocCam for your PC(depending on your operating system). Link is below. Scroll down and you'll find the download on the bottom left.


Step 3: Load the EpocCam app on your iDevice. It will give you instructions on how to set up the connection. Skip to the end and it will pop up with a screen showing it is trying to connect to your pc.

Step 4: Load EpocCam Viewer on your PC. Locate it by searching for it in a search bar. In windows, it's in the start menu. In windows 8, its on the right hand side of your screen when you put your mouse at the top right corner of your screen.

Step 5: Once EpocCam viewer is loaded, the app should connect to the PC and you should get an image.

Step 6: Load your ARC project. Go to the camera control, and press refresh list. Then, go to the video device drop down and select Knoni Video Source. NOT SELECT EpocCam. THIS WILL CAUSE ARC TO CRASH!

Open the drop down next to the video device list. Select 640x480. This is the resolution of the video feed. Press start. The image should soon appear.

If you had trouble during any of this process please ask for help.



Upgrade to ARC Pro

Don't limit your robot's potential – subscribe to ARC Pro and transform it into a dynamic, intelligent machine.


This is also available for Android, but the reviews are pretty mixed (3.5 star average, which is not good for an Android app), and the ad free version is $7 which is pretty expensive for an Android app. Going to look for some alternatives, but it is good to know there are options.



On ios it's cheaper. Is there not a free version of the app?


There is a free ad supported version. I don't have a problem paying to get rid of the ads if the software is high quality, but the reviews for this one are very mixed for an app that costs that much for an ad free version.

I will give it a try, and there seem to be other options to try as well.

I would love to be able to ise one of my Android devices as camera/microphone/accelerometer/compass/gps/etc....