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Stop Script

Here is a stop script for all functions for all robots. NOTE: You will have to configure some commands to fit your robot. Feel free to change/add things yourself. Copy and paste (ctrl+c[copy], ctrl+v[paste])





MP3TriggerStop(d0, 38400)

GPSStop(latitude, longitude, resolution)





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United Kingdom

A couple of little things, to ensure your (and our) EZ-Robot experience is nice and smooth...

  1. Try and use the correct forum sections, I noticed you have also put this in hardware again.
  2. Using the UBB codes (on the right ---> ) for Code help show the script a bit better.

And as for the script, it's a good start, but a couple of pointers;

GPSStop will stop when the GPS meets the coordinates specified. So in effect will move the robot to the GPS coordinates.


GPSStop( latitude, longitude, resolution ) Uses the attached GPS control and stops the Movement Panel when the coordinates are within the specified resolution for the latitude and longitude. Example: GPSStop( 54.01438, -110.4931, 0.0005)

Anything after Halt() does not get executed.

Keep playing, it's the best way to learn, and I'm usually here to correct anyone (provided I can correct them).


ok i posted it under hardware by mistake.(Why do i do thst?) i posted it to see what responces i will get. thanks for the halt() tip.





MP3TriggerStop(d0, 38400)

United Kingdom

Yep, that's better. However you needn't use Halt() as it will stop when it gets to the end anyway. I rarely use Halt() (In fact I don't think I ever have used it) but it can come in handy to stop a script running if an IF loop needs to stop it for any reason.


Hello !

How do I stop a script from running since I cannot input any key attached script while it's running ? Is there a way ?

Best, Elfege


Hi. there is ControlCommand(script, scriptstop)

Don't forget to put quotes around the scripts name. I canèt because of my quoutation glitch

Example: ÈItès hot and it doesnèt cool downÈ


Thank you. I wrote the script into Keyboard control so my new question is where am I supposed to find the name of the script ?


I guess I'll have to use script manager...


What ever you called the script you want to stop put that name.