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Ir Autonomous Home Base

have 2 ir recievers from my wall-e project. Looking to make a cheap/nearly free home base ir reciever.

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Could they be hacked up to work with the ez-b and my laptop(and extention cables from my laptop)?

Could anyone point me towards a post similar to this?


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Not sure about that sensor. Are there any markings or part numbers on it?

Take a look at

They have some of the best IR and RF stuff that I have ever ran across.


how could you get them to work with ARC?

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Edit:noticed that it's one volt(1v) so without regulator not sure it will work.


the ir receiver on the website you gave me is the same!

Item: Vishay TSOP4840 Infrared Detector Module Price: $3.75 ea Part Number: TSOP4840

This is the replacement for the older Panasonic PNA4602M that has been discontinued by the manufacturer. This is the infrared detector module used for the Fire-Stick. This detector module includes a visible light cutoff resin to help eliminate interference from visible light sources.

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Here is the "serial" tramnsmiter for it. Fire-Stick II [ Fully Assembled ]

Item: Fire-Stick II [Assembled] Part: FS-II-FULL Price: $24.95

This is the fully assembled Fire-Stick II ready to go without any waiting, worrying, or soldering ......! Note: If you do not have an IR "infrared" module, you can purchase them HERE. We recommend the PNA4602M.(what i have)

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So first, how would i connect it to the ez-b?

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then how would i hook the tramsmiter up?

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I'm looking at those three prongs near the power cable on the back edge.


THAT a very common IR receiver ,the panasonic PNA4602A is not used any more

THE TSOP4840 is a replacement,now to use it ,its not easy

first you need a IR TRANSMITTER and it ,second on the receiver side TSOP4840 there are 3 wires red 5 volts ,gnd and white output,IT HAS LIKE A SERIAL OUTPUT or PWM ,depending on the input

On output you need something to read PWM output or a circuit like the sharp IR sensor that reads distance to analog output

I am getting ready to work on a design using that type of receiver,its kinda hard Reason is that so far EZB doesnt read pwm values,thinking it might use the same pins at the sonar called ECHO ,but DJ hasent made any script to read the values

TAKE a look at the pololu beacon circuit it uses that receiver and it talks about how it works

I am electronic engineer,so desiging circuit super easy for me


what about "sharp collition". it reads values doesnt it?


Here is a diagram from the Rentron site: I have not tried hooking it to the EZ-B.

The Receiver Circuit: Receiving data from Fire-Stick II is quick & painless. The only component necessary to receive data is a single infrared detector module. With the lens of the (PNA4602M) Panasonic infrared detector facing you - the left pin is the data output pin. Connect this pin directly to any free I/O-pin you have available on the receiving Stamp, PIC or other microcontroller. The center pin connects to power supply ground. The remaining pin on the right side connects to +5 volts DC. Do not exceed 5 volts supply for the detector module circuit.

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Thanks REX i see RICH answer my post on my idea On the driver circuit you need to know the right pwm and pulse for it to work


Also using only 2 IR receivers and 2 IR transcievers ,will work just not as good as 4 of then doing a 360 deg

Using 2 only gives you about -45 and + 45 deg ,to guide the robot you need a 3rd to have it go straight or 4 is even better


HERE is a site i use alot for very good info on docking logic ,finding home base and charging it alot of different ideas

docking logic

there are over 50 pages just to let you know,i did print all of it about 5 years ago

When i was really into the finding home base designs and testing all types


IT talks about why the omnicone is so very important for docking

on the POLOLU IR BEACON is the same as a omnicone her is my post a i did while back on the POLOLU IR BEACON design

finding home base with IR


HERE is the IR transmitter you need to go with your IR receiver you have TSOL7200 high power IR DIODE


ANY other help on this i can do,since i designs these types


ON the firestick ITS NOT needed you dont need serial communcation for docking ,you need PWM output,same for sonars and same used in IR sensors for distance,only the convert PWM to ANALOG

ON YOUR design or same as the one i am making , the EZB can read the PWM value to control the servo's for docking

only differnce my circuit is that it does 360 deg soyou get a better docking hook up

YOUR will work as long notthing in the path of IR beams and close to the home base

I know my info is very technical ,but i try to put in lawmans terms as it called for others to understand


i have found the BV4615 IR reciever control in i2c. How this works will be able to help i think.


YOU would need 2 of then at least at $25 each including shipping


couldnt we tweak the coding in it to acomodate serial instead of i2c


YES,but cheapest way way to go is ,just use the IR transceiver you first posted hook up to digital port and read the PWM value only cost you about $0,both designs will need a IR TRANSCEIVER TSAL7200 AT $.80 EACH ,so your total cost would be about $2.00


TRY to understand serial is for communcation ,not for beacon used for Ir Autonomous Home Base


yea just wrapping my head around things. So read pwm values from the receiver. and just give the tranciever power?(doesnt require serial connection)


going to need to drive the transceiver with a pwm value and i will need a transistor

here is info on SET PWM for transceiver and info on GET PWM on receiver

EZ b script manual

now on PWM value for transceiver i need to test the value on the POLOLU IR beacon beacon board

if you look at the circuit you can see the simple drive circuit that is needed


I dont think that board will work,that is a serial board made for communication,not for sending beacon signals


ok ill try to find a tranciever that could work like that.