Country: USA
Member Since:
I am Josh Starnes. I entered personal robotics in 2011 under the inspiration of EZ-Robot. I have always been interested in anything that moves especially robots.
2011-12-22 - joined Synthiam
2011-12-22 - created first new question
2013-03-13 - posted a robot project showcase
2013-07-19 - answered a forum question
2013-07-25 - posted your first tutorial
2013-10-03 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-07-27 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-07-27 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-08-24 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-10-11 - created a custom avatar
2022-03-20 - started first conversation
2022-04-09 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2022-09-17 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2022-09-17 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
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Zoomer Dog Robot , Very Cool Toy To Hack
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZgQUoEJEdwfeature=youtube_gdata_player hey I saw this guy in Wal-Mart on posters and immediately thought of...question

Extending The Ez Cam Cable , Splice And Solder?
Hey guys, this may have been discussed so my apologies if I am kicking up an old subject. I have some cables I may need to...question

Folger FT-6Https://Folgertec
Folger FT-6 https://folgertech.com/products/folger-tech-ft-6-3d-printer-kit I am interested in this printer kit, I have seen many using his smaller kits and have...question

18 Ultimate Wall-E On Ebay Ends Today, Good Project

Who Won? Halloween Costume Competition
I believe the entries stopped yesterday morning, but I am pretty sure it is closed now. So who won? Anticipation is killing me and Roli really...question

Share Your Halloween Robot Costumes
Anyone doing any halloween projects? Anyone on the community making a costume for their robot? The holidays is usually fun for robots. I did a Wall-E...question

Undead Drd Idea, Too Much? Weight In
I do t want to go too far as I know EZ Robot is family Friendly, so I did an Undead DRD , opinions? Suggestions? I am submitting it to the costume...question

Wowwee Rovio 3 Wheel Custom Movement Panel ?
Hello All, I have a couple of these Rovio robots I made new batteries for. I think this old robot could have new life. Unlike most...question

Wow Wee Rovio 2008 Tear Down , What’S Inside?
Let’s goquestion

Latte Panda Built In Io
Hey guys, looking for Latte Panda owners out here. I know there are some input outputs on the board and I was wondering if anyone knew of a simple way to utilize them in...question

Help Out W Hackaday Contest I Entered My Ez-Robots, Thanks
Everyone! I need your help. I entered a technology contest on hackaday with robots I did with Ez-Robot...question

Anyone Want A Used Six Robot?
Hey guys, I have a Six robot that I wold love to sell to a loving home and get some more ez-robot parts while the sell is going on. The kids dont like the six as...question

Im Getting Published Online And A Magazine Article Watchdog Security Robot
I had Magpi contact me interested in publishing an article in their...question

Jarvis Hacked Omnibot 2000 W Pc ,Ezb Vacuum Inside By Josh Starnes
Jarvis is a project inspired in part by Jarvis the AI that belongs to Tony Stark in...question

Use A Joystick/ Gamepad With Sabertooth Simple Serial
Hey guys, is this possible, i was playing with it last night and looked like you could only control it that was if...question

Roli / Rover 5 Chassis, Upgrade To 4Wd
Hello Community, Do you want to add a few pounds of batteries or maybe a cool arm to Roli, but still want that power to tackle uneven terrain?...question

Robot Yard Gnomes , Look Like Stone
Hey guys , in efforts to decorate my flower bed I am making some gnomes. Regular gnomes are lame so why not Robot gnomes!? Here is the first attempt...question

Empty House?
Is the building usually empty now?question

Hobbyking.Com Is Selling Ezb V4
http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__702__689__Robotics_DIY-Robotic_Kits.html Is this correct? Are they a dealer?question

Anyone Want To Sell Or Trade For Iotiny?
Hello all, as you probably saw I have a few educational robots that could really use some IOTINY boards. I am looking to buy or trade robots...question

Instructable - 0 -24 Volt Adjustable Power Supply How To
Hello guys this is a improment over the past tutorial posted for converting a PC power supply to be a bench...question

Sparkfun Rfid Reader With Ezb Compatibility
Hello all, I am new to using RFID tags and have never used a reader with an ezb. At my previous home I used QR codes for location...question

Anyone Have A Omnibot 2000 For Sale? Or Partial Bot?
Just looking for omnibot, a couple were on ebay for 380 bucks but i thought that was pricey. Any help finding one?...question

Farscape Droid Pet Robot Kit Perfect For Ez Robot
From the show farscape........question

Testers Needed , Inline Servo Adjustable Regulators
Hello everyone , I sourced switching regulators that are also adjustable from 4.75 volts to 14 volts , I added...question

Dell Micro Desktop Gets Released
Here is the new dell micro , quad core light wattage celeron cpu , 2 gb ram and 32 gb ssd. This adds to your options of pocket pcs to combine with EZB v4!question

Choosing A Sub - $ 800 3D Printer
OK so at the fair I was able to check out 3d printers coming in the near future. Like November is the targets these were telling me. The best printers...question

Ezb V4 Power Shield , 5 Volt, 6V, 7.4V , What Do You Want?
Hello Everyone , I had this idea when the v3 was around , but I wanted to wait until v4 was in...question

Foscam 8910 White Wifi Ip Cam Recording And Live View
I have a foscam i am considering using for zero rover. 8910 pan and tilt model. I need to be able to both access...question

Full House At Ez-Robot Headquarters Today 1/9/2015
Looks like the whole team is together!question

Help? What Gps And Compass Module Or Kit Is Most Compatible With Ezb ?
Hello , I am looking for suggestions preferably based of experience of...question

Omnibot 2000 On Ebay , No Bids 11/15
http://m.ebay.com/itm/271667153980?nav=SEARCH It is currently 150 dollars and ends in less than 24 hours. If you want it post here with your price...question

Anyone Willing To Part With Their V3 Wireless Cam?
Just as the title suggests Im looking for the old v3 USB camera if anyone has upgraded and looking to part with theirs....question

Meet The Smart Saltwater Aquarium Powered By Ez Robot
Ez Robot community I wanted to introduce my latest application of this system. Some members hear already know I...question

Six Unboxing Video 9.9.14
Uploading a six unboxing video , stay tuned while youtube uploads and approves the video.question

My New Customer Makerbot Experience
Just like i did with the Solidoodle I am sharing my overall experience purchasing a new makerbot. I will compare some of the same prints i did on the...question

Kainy Remote Desktop Android App That Is A Customizable Gamepad Controller
I was told about this app called Kainy for android phones. Its a...question

Making New Tires For Your Robot , Omnibot 2000 In This Case
Ok so i have a few people who want me to cast them omnibot or 2000 tires. The process is fairly simple...question

I Need A Wireless Solution For Ezb V4 To Trigger 110V Outlets On And Off
Just like the title says I need a wireless solution to turn outlets on and...question

Upgrading Makerbot Replicator 2 Heater And Extruder Mk6
I have 2 Makerbot Replicator 2 series 3d printers as many know. These are very popular printer that is good...question

Autodesk 123D Circuit Maker Now Available
Hey guys , making projects easier means having the right tools. Ezb does alot, but it can do even more by making simple circuits. This is...question

Xl Rover Prototyping Community Feedback
ANT is doing a great job getting the first proto of the XLR6 ready to send to me to start working on so for the sake of planning I would like...question

Fun With Solidoodle 2 And My New Customer Experience
I ordered a Solidoodle 2 Pro which arrived today. I also ordered with that 2 rolls of filament. It should be 4 total...question

Robot Leagues And Competitions
So wouldnt it be neat to have leagues and competitions? I want to hear your opinions. Tell me if theres any kind of interesting competitions lots of members of...question

Hackaday.Com Is Looking For Cool Projects To Feature
Like the title says , hackaday.com is constantly looking for cool projects. Usually these are dominated by arduino...question

Make Magazine Get Connected Build Project Contest $500
http://makezine.com/connected-home-project-contest/ I am entering and so should you! Show off your ez robot home...question

Harvey To Container Crop Robot , And How This Relates To Ez Robot
I found this on Netflix and I thought these guys were really cool. They move plants from...question

New Ez Robot Logo ?
I noticed a new logo sneak in. Its on the ezb case in the picture and now replaces the white biped robo and is in the upper left hand of the website. its small , i tried blowing it...question

Need A Standard Sized High Torque Servo? Here Are Two New Options
I usually like to buy from a place I can get some kind of warranty from or at least a...question

2D Floormap And Qr Codes Testing
Since QR codes can be read from a distance Im going to expirement with QR code grid based location. I searched often for this on Google and found different...question

12V 320Kg Rc Servo 6 Amps
http://www.ebay.com/itm/1pc-12V-24V-6-8A-320KG-CM-High-power-High-torque-Servos-Driver-Full-Metal-Robot-/111131563056?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0hash=item19dff51430 Wow ,...question

Hc Sr04 And Hc Sr05 Controller Board , Tester For Callibration
Not sure if your sensor is freaking out or you just need to test its accuracy to see if you need...question

Reading A Second Echo To Identify Edges And Small Objects Sr04
I found this tip while researching setups from other robot projects and thought it was...question

Qr Codes , Distance , Size And Color
Hello I have some neat ideas for navigation involving QR codes on the ceiling. This ofcourse involves cameras pointed strait up. I believe I may...question

Onboard Or Cool Remote , Acer W3 Win 8 Tablet Netbook Alternative
I wanted to point out this for an excellent netbook alternative. I got to play with it a...question

Compass Compatibility With ARC
Hi , I have been shopping for sensors and reading about 2d mapping using.radar.extra.and I also read on some random sites that a good electronic compass is a...question

Regulators , Bec Switching , Step Down Buck Converters , Data , Tests And Sugge
I think the recent questions about regulation of voltage it...question

Cannot Trigger Roomba Discovery 400 Autodock Charge Feature
Just like the title suggests Im having trouble getting the Roomba to auto dock. I did have t trouble...question

Diy Camera / Phone Tripod From Instamorph / Polymorph Plastic
https://synthiam.com/Shop/AccessoriesDetails.aspx?prevCat=8productNumber=28 The Polymorphic...question

Want A Police Robot? Build Your Own Deputy Fife

Wild Thumper Street / Indoor Tire Conversion 4Wd Or 6Wd
Hey guys sharing this for anyone who wants or has a wild thumper that you can make it a little more indoor...question

Build A Vacuum Gripper W Servo , Syringe , Tubing
Hello community , in the spirit of diy progression I am sharing some pictures and info on vacuum grippers. I will make a...question

I Get S Sadface Error When Clicking A Link To The Ez Robot Sight
Ok so I get this the last couple days if I click the link in a forum notification. When I...question

Pepakuru / Papercraft 3D Design And Building Discussion For Robots
Hey guys Im always learning cool new stuff and this is one I think is valuable honestly...question

Roomba Hacks For Booze Bot Help
Hey Im looking for suggestions here and answers. Ive never hacked a roomba so Im being a good little mad scientist and doing some homework. The booze robot I...question

Tick Hunting Robot Project To Protect Your Furry Friends
I thought this was cool and potential I may make one of these , it doesnt just spread a poison it actually...question

Fun Making Project Boxes For Ezb
The best part about a project is the pride in knowing you can show it off to others. That means it looks good. Mini ezb is coming soon which means big...question

How To Connect Ttl To 10/100 Ethernet Module To ARC
Given interference Ive seen at the maker faire I would like to use a wired connection from ezb to Ethernet then of...question

Midsize Modular Robot Kit Development Community Involvement
Hello friends, with the increased interest in larger robots thanks to EZB. I decided I may create some...question

Maker Faire 2013 Kingsport, Tn Usa , Calling All Robots!
Calling all Builders , want to display or demonstrate your robot at a makerfaire? Just let m know...question

Question About Hbridge Configuration
OK so I get to ask a question I have tried several variations and I have forward and reverse but left and right are inversed. I click right turn it...question

Battery Coupon 10% Off And Free Shipping Ecomelectronics.Com
This is a simple coupon from ecomelectronics.com which sells batteries the original sizes for...question

Send Ir Remote Panel ,Feature Request , Digital Panel Record / Playback Pulse Fo
I have a feature request I feel would be very useful to...question

Bluetooth Discovery Finds Linvor , Ezb Bt Default Name
This made me think I had a Bluetooth problem last night. My fresh ezb before software update said Linvor. This...question

Maker Faire 2013 Nc, Usa , Ez Robot Booth
http://makerfairenc.com/ We have been disussing setting up a booth area to show off our robots and also have a small airsoft robot arena...question

Mech-Warefare.Com , Cyler Omnibot /Rad 2.0 W Airsoft Guns
I found out recently that there are leagues of robots out there that do miniature first person and...question

Contest Help Identifying A Replacement Capacitor
I have a DC to DC converter but a cap is torn off and is too damaged to solder. There are no legs to solder to. Anyways find...question

Is There A Safe Way To Clean Corrosion From My Ezb?
Hi guys just checking the saltwater controller for maintenance. Its been a few months and apparently the cooling fan...question

Changing Led Colors On Vu Meter Kit - Help
OK I picked up this kit for like 20 bucks. Got it together and working with LEDs included. However I want to swap to all blue LEDs. The...question

An Official Microsoft Kinect Robot Uses Ultrasonic And Ir
I thought it was funny one of the Microsoft development platforms is using a couple of ultrasonic and 3...question

Help With A 3D Model Of The Omnibot 2000 Arm?
Hello all! I think a 3d model of a Omnibot 2000 arm a lot of people wouldnt mind having. Specifically I am interested in a longer...question

Ez Robot Decal Ideas
This is specifically for Ideas on decals for eZ robot projects. Since Im going to make faire Im going to have some decals made for the robots that have both my name and EZ robot...question

Robot Claws On Chains Look Like A Scary Movie
Painter took this pic of Omnibot claws freshly painted and I got it at night so it looked really creepy at the first look lol.question

Rush Shipping Now Available On Ez Robot Kit Orders!
Checking out the store I noticed a new feature, if you want..... OK lets just say NEED your EZ Robot kit - like -...question

Ultrasonic Sensor Spacing To Change Blind Zone
I already need to solder leads to a ultrasonic sender and receiver pairs. This is due to limited space inside the Omnibot 2000...question

Greedy Robot Arm Video
I thought this.is.useful for grabbing a beer but it didnt say how it worked or what sensors used. Could You direct me to what sensors to buy to utilize this feature?question

Extruding Pellets Into 3D Printer Filament , Reduces Material Costs To 1/5

Gold Robot Daily Deals , Online Or Local
Hello EZ Robot, In the spirit of easy progress and utilizing EZ Boards, I made this thread to give everyone a place to post great deals on...question

Make A Large Scale 3D Printer To Build A House , Crazy
http://m.tomshardware.com/news/3D-Printer-Homes-housing-printing,16620.html Instead of plastic its a concrete...question

Fun With Dynamat, High Tech Moto And Servo Sounds
ok so some of our bots sound clunky but adding some dynamat will make it sound a little more high tech. it wont be silet...question

Rover / 4X4 / Tank Tracks Or Awd Robot Base 4 Channel H Bridge
If dj gets them back in stock I hear his h bridges are good but right now hes out. I know a few...question

Free Rad Robot Contest For Maker Faire June 16 2014
OK folks you asked and you shall receive! The June 16 maker faire in North Carolina we are setting up a air soft tent...question

Making A Ir Illuminator For Low Light Or Dark Areas
I have 150 or maybe more ir LEDs , most are flat top wide angle and others regular 5mm round tip LEDs. I also have...question

Rad 1.0 Mechwarrior #2 Nerf Darts And Airsoft Guns
This is the second outdoor fun entry level mech warrior. This is following begginer level competition rules from mech...question

Original Movie Rc Johnny 5 For Sale
Its only 15000...question

Funny Robot Sticker Ideas
My Robot Ate your Honor Roll Student!question

Nintendo Robotic Operating Buddy , Rob
What to do? What to do? I have a ROB on the way and EZ Robot can give him new life , could rob learn to play the Wii? Lol maybe not but im not...question

What Gift Do You Get For The Guy Who Has Everything
Christmas present ideas for Dj any ideas ? Find somthing cool post a link. Keep it under 100 dollarsquestion

Chocolate Milk Robot , How I Mix My Nesquik To Make It Rich And Frothy
I love chocolate Milk but using sugar free imitation powder can leave you...question

Meet Apocalypse Wall-E
This little guy lost his arm in a civil war between humans who returned to walles wasteland he calls home. After being badly damaged Eva upgrades walle to be battle hardened...question

Crazy 48 Hr Sale On Lipo Battery Packs
Here is one of the email flyers I would say most robot projects could benefit from these super low prices. This is about 25 percent of the...question

Help ?Longer Range Bluetooth Replacement For Ezb?
I have found these that resembles the Bluetooth unit on ezb. They claim some long range in comparison of Bluetooth and...question

Walking Robot Competition , Mech Warriors , This Would Be So Fun!
http://mech-warfare.com/rules-and-guidelines.html This is the rules page but look around ,...question

Using Turnigy Lipo 5 Ah Packs To Replace 12V Lead Acid In A Robots
This is basic info for getting novice and experience builders good info on lipo. If your...question

Robie Jr Getting Hacked....:)
Ok so I have a Robbie Jr and thought it was too small to mod. Im looking for ideas but I just saw irobot scooba and realized its so simple I could for sure do...question

Free Lcd To A Good Home! Monitor For Robot?
Robot Santa is here agian! I bought this LCD and then I remembered my obsession with things being centered and symmetrical. Its in...question

Can Ez Board Run Off 6 Volts?
I have a 6 volt lead acid that under cyclic use says it charges up to 7.4 volts. Baseline its a 6 volt battery , I was going to run most my servos and ezb off...question

Starnes Free 50 Amp Esc And Axi 2800 Motor Contest
Starnes Free 50 amp esc and Axi 2800 motor Contest We have a special contest today , two new swift 50a esc and two New...question

Attn Everyone , Need Little Rubber Wheels That Cone With Ezb Kit
Hey guys , I know lots of.us have the little rubber wheels from the kit that most are not...question

Mini Itx Cheap! Dell Atom 330 29.99
Asendtech has several of these tiny 6 in x 6 in mini pc / CPU combo , just 29.99 , very very good option for a autonomous robot (a person doesnt need...question

Make Professional Robot Case Cooling Vents For Fans
Much needed venting modifications , How to ! Most robots need venting to maintain proper temperature. Fact is the...question

Omnibot Load Test , My First Video Ever!
I loaded down a Omnibot with 40 pounds and still pulled around , I intend to have about 30 pounds on the vacuum bot......question

Free To My Ezb Community Friends
Motor controller cooling fan , ezb regulator cooling fan and a few sheets of abound deadening rubber adhesive Matt. I will give prob 5 to my ezb friends....question

Post A Pic Of Your Workspace
Everyone post pics of.the workspace , Im sure this will be fun but we may get.fun ideas tooquestion

Xbox Kinect Camera In Robotics Or Nyoko Kinect
http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-microsoft-xbox-kinect-hacks-blow-mind/ Gives 3d layout of enviroment. Camera , infrared camera...question

Omnibot 2000 Finished Product , Whitening
Ok heres a couple pics of my second bot I bought just to restore the surface and resale , Im not gonna.claim its perfect but.it looks...question

12 Volt Charging And Autonomous Robot Power System
Here is how I arranged a uninterruptible charging system so your robot does not need to power down or restart in order...question

Omnibot Robot Wheels Rubber Replacement/ Repair
Ok so there are a couple ways to restore tires. The best is pulling one good tread off a wheel , make a plaster of Paris mold...question

Using Wifi , 3G And 4G Data Stick , Endless Range
Ok I picked up.three.of.these for 99 cents each but usually tmobile sells them for 40 . Up to.21 mb connection. Not.sure...question

Powering Different Voltage Motors , Servos And Ezb From One Battery
Ok dc to dc converters can allow us to drop a battery voltage saaaay like a 7.2 v...question

Best Way / How To Make A Bump Or Contact Sensor
So how does everyone make bump sensors. Is like to have a second sensor so that if omni runs into the edge iof a table or...question

Omnibot 2000 , Can I Use The Bv Hbridge Dj Sent?
Hey guys Im pondering options here. Basically I just recieved the bv hbridge from dj and it says that its good for 1.5 amps....question

Ideal Mounting Height ? , Ultrasonic Sensor / Radar
I am thinking of mounting the radar inside the base facing out. Thats 8 to 9 inches Im guessing after the wheels are...question

Charging Base / How Can Robot Find Charger With Camera Or Map
Ok this is dedicated to making.a charging base for.omnibot 2000. Basically I would like ideas of...question

Seperate Power Source For Ezb , Servoes And Motors And One Charging Source
Ok the term paralleled means all positives are connected together and...question

How To Ambient Light Sensor For Ezb To Trigger Ir Lights
Ok so I need to make ir buy a light sensor that I can place ontop of my bot through a drilled hole on...question

Waist Turning Actuation With Servos , Lazy Susan?
Hey.Bret brought out the lazy Susan furniture bearing idea. Its two flat plates with a bearing in the center. Any other...question

Easy Conversion For Omnibot Or 2000 To Track Drive
Lots of us have Omnibots or 2000 models where rubber has fallen off , you can mod the wheels and add treads. Most of us...question

Continuous Rotation Servo Specs
Hey I was playing around looking for more info but was unsuccessful. Whats the torque rating at 6 volts and can these servos have multiple exact positions?...question

Stairs / Edge Avoidance With Sonar Sensor , Whats Best For Omnibot 2000
Is sonar a good option to avoid stairs and objects in all conditions? Is there...question

Make A Wall A Trash Robot From Scratch?
I saw this in two scenes of wall-e but hes beefier and doesnt seem to have a head. Maybe use this for pooper scooper or sweeper bot? Any...question

Silence Motors, Gears And Servos. Sound Deadening
Some of use dont want our robots loud enough to.get a noise complaint from the nieghbors if you stay up too late playing....question

Omnibot 2000 Finished Bleached Results
My favorite part is I perfectly maintained logos on the front , very clean looks brand New all the way around. This is the results if salon...question

Vacuum Robot Build Shark V63 Maybe With Tomy 2000
Hello everyone. First off i will say im technically inclined background, building pcs, custom cars, and i mod everything,...general

Mowrator Smart Mower
attn: this is not for sale at this time, I’m just sharing snippets of development. Hello all, starting last December a Chinese company came to me looking for assistance in building...general

What Am I Making?
What in the world am I making?! I’ll post pics as I gogeneral

Raas Tweek Test Platform , Robotics As A Service
Hello all! I hope your having a great day. I have not documented any builds lately so am starting a thread for this one....No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Jstarne1s Roli Wants To Dress Up As A Drd For Halloween
Roli Always looked up to his favorite sci-fi robot, the DRD from farscape, they make friends with the...robot

Jstarne1s Levi Rover Modular Robot 3D Print
This is the most updated model of the LEVi Platformrobot

Jstarne1s Diy Airsoft Mech Warrior From A Rad Robot Video Tutorials
Hello my friends! By popular demand members want more how to videos so they are more...robot

Jstarne1s Rad 2.0 Mech Warrior #3 Air Soft And Nerf Missiles
Ok this is the third of a trio of robots made to run around outside with first person view ez robot...robot

Jstarne1s Sky Anchor ,Gig Wifi Drone
Hello all, I have been working on this project a couple months sense inception. The frame with the current plan is a Hex frame arrangement with two...robot

Jstarne1s Air Tunnel Plus Bot The Smartest Way To Kills Germs When Your Away From Home.
UV Air sterilization and Surface Disinfection...robot

Jstarne1s Ladybug Lawn Mower 3D Designing The First 3D Print
Hello All, I am sharing early images of one of my current projects that is actually meant to be...robot

Jstarne1s Calling All 3D Printers! Get The Stls While They Are HOT
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4031686/files Hello everyone, the LEVi Rover 3d...robot

Jstarne1s 4 Sale- RARE HUGE Ultimate Wall-E. Excellent For A Synthiam Project Or Collectors Item
Asking $250...robot

Jstarne1s Building A Giant 3D Printer 720X350x~400Mm Build Area
I will have several videos of this project as it comes together Print Area: 720x350x~400mm...robot

Jstarne1s Build A Giant 3D Printer , Live Build, Come Join Me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkVLRD-Z1Bg Here is the very first live stream I have done, it is...robot

Jstarne1s Ryobi 40V Robot Mower With 40V Trimmer Whiskers By Jstarne1/ Starnes
Hello all, I am getting back in the saddle making robots now...robot

Jstarne1s Security Cam Robot, This Droid Is Watching For You. Jazzy Power Chair Frame
Here is the current look of this project, Super...robot

Jstarne1s Invisible Qr Code Project For Hackaday Competition
Hello all, while working this project I only updated the competition site but given I am using EZ...robot

Jstarne1s Iotiny Recon 6.0 Rovers , Educational Robots
Hello everyone, I am sharing this as I will take lots of pics of the tear down of this guy. On ebay I came buy 7...robot

Jstarne1s Mr Freeze Costume Controlled By Android Phone Mobile App
Hey guys I made it to dragoncon and last minute I finished up the App controlled Mt...robot

Jstarne1s Meet Squeegee , The Flooring Mopping Robot , Modified Radioshack Robie Jr
This is a simple project that hopefully I wont over...robot

Jstarne1s Holiday Video U Command Wall-E And Sled Buildup
I spent yesterday and today building walle and a sled to shoot a video which hopefully I can get all the...robot

Jstarne1s 2013 Robo Ducki , Gift To Dj The Ez Robot Staff
Here is the finish Ducki Six! Just before anyone asks why a duck I will explain. Dj the founder of EZ...robot

Jstarne1s Hulkbuster Ironman Suite , Lighting, Sound Effects And Motorization
Updated final result Ok so everyone knows Im an ironman fan. I...robot

Jstarne1s Meet Dusty , Modded Omnibot 4 Home Security Cam, Vacuum , Air Filter,Sanitize
Hello EZ Robot! Meet Dusty, he is a omnibot...robot

Jstarne1s Easy Led Visual Test For Digital Ports Tutorial J Starnes
During my last setup with a h bridge I was frustrated and wish I could see if the...robot

Jstarne1s Diy Ezb Powered Sla And Lipo Battery Safe Charger Station By Josh Starnes
Hello guys , as some of you know Ive spent the last...robot

Jstarne1s Diy Pc Battery Backup Power Source And 12 Battery Charger By J Starnes
I am planning a fun weekend but we are not sure we will have...robot

Jstarne1s Omnibot 2000 , Rad 2.0 Vacuum Bot
This project has evolved some , the basic rundown is Im modding two Omnibots , one a regular the other a larger 2000 model. I will...robot

Jstarne1s Nano Smart Aquarium
Ok this is the second project where EZB will be used to control lighting , current flow , temp , salinity ect. This thread will show just about every step ot the...robot

Jstarne1s Diy Awesome Project Case Made From Netgear Routers And Superglue
OK pretty simple idea here. I have noticed actual project cases are...robot

Jstarne1s Meet Rc-Xd Airsoft Droid Dual Wield Gunner Robot W Night Vision
In very excited to introduce RC-xd Airsoft Droid. My little brothers robot...live hack

Make Your Own, Giant 3D Printer Build Vol. 4
The 4th video for this Giant 3d Printer build. We are to the point that the heated bed is about to be mounted on the platform. A few...live hack

Make Your Own Giant 3D Printer, Folger Tech FT-6, Vol. 3
Third Installment of the Giant 3D printer build. Parts from Folger Tech, the model we are building is FT-6....live hack

Make Your Own Giant 3D Printer Vol 2
Pushed back live feed , I have the day off tomorrow on Saturday so I will pick up then. Second installment of building the giant 3D printer using...live hack

Make Your Own Giant 3D Printer Build Vol 1
Pushed to 7 to give family enough time to eat dinner and to clear out of the great room so I can setup the cameras mounts and arms. This...tutorial

Making New Tires For Your Robot , Omnibot 2000 In This Case
Ok so i have a few people who want me to cast them omnibot or 2000 tires. The process is fairly simple...tutorial

Autodesk 123D Circuit Maker Now Available
Hey guys , making projects easier means having the right tools. Ezb does alot, but it can do even more by making simple circuits. This is...tutorial

Regulators , Bec Switching , Step Down Buck Converters , Data , Tests And Sugge
I think the recent questions about regulation of voltage it...tutorial

Diy Camera / Phone Tripod From Instamorph / Polymorph Plastic
https://synthiam.com/Shop/AccessoriesDetails.aspx?prevCat=8productNumber=28 The Polymorphic...tutorial

Wild Thumper Street / Indoor Tire Conversion 4Wd Or 6Wd
Hey guys sharing this for anyone who wants or has a wild thumper that you can make it a little more indoor...tutorial

Roli / Rover 5 Chassis, Upgrade To 4Wd
Hello Community, Do you want to add a few pounds of batteries or maybe a cool arm to Roli, but still want that power to tackle uneven terrain?...tutorial

Build A Vacuum Gripper W Servo , Syringe , Tubing
Hello community , in the spirit of diy progression I am sharing some pictures and info on vacuum grippers. I will make a...tutorial

Instructable - 0 -24 Volt Adjustable Power Supply How To
Hello guys this is a improment over the past tutorial posted for converting a PC power supply to be a bench...No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
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