Calling all 3D Printers! Get the STLs while they are HOT



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Hello everyone, the LEVi Rover 3d files are assembled and ready to print. I opened this thread specifically for printing them and discussion of such. I would say most people would need them chopped up to a reasonable size. Let me know what printer bed sizes you have. I would love for some of you to print and assemble these along with me. Good feedback and sharing experiences.

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I will post the cuts of the models seperatly for those who need help.

By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Elevate your robot's capabilities to the next level with Synthiam ARC Pro, unlocking a world of possibilities in robot programming.


Doood - this looks super great. Have you printed any of the parts yet?


I have printed all the wheels, the tracks, 6 sections of the rear, the drawer/ battery holder and the top hatch door. So far everything looks great! I took a break because I ran out of filament, but I will have more soon.


Excellent work!! A bit too big for me to print, but this is one of the most sophisticated projects around at this time!! Congrats!!:)


Great job. Reminds me of printing my inmoov. Soooo much filament. +1 for Hatchbox. Best stuff out there.


Ha wow!! I didn’t realize the size until this pic

#7   — Edited

Stocked up on Hatchbox PLA Filament!

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I think I have 30 rolls all together


Hey Josh,

At Synthiam we have nothing but Makerbot Rep 2's (and I have one at home). The build volume is 11.22" x 6.1" x 6.02", very small, I know.  I'm not sure if it's worth cutting up the STL's that small or if I should find a friend with a larger format printer.

I guess I could always scale the robot down as well. Scaling down also comes with it's challenges, like needing smaller antennas and other such things.


Hey Jeremie, there is nothing wrong with cutting down the stls, if you have several printing at one time it ultimately will get the overall job done quicker. I already spent the night cutting up the main body parts into smaller chunks. You will want to use 3D Builder to grab one piece at a time and print, but they are all already cut to be able to fit on your Replicator 2 bed. I uploaded the split pieces to the facebook group, I will do so for thingiverse as well.


Fail of the week!

ok I made a mistake, I spent the better part of a night cutting up all the STLs so they will print on a normal sized bed, BUT when I saved them 3D builder saved them back as a whole and not a group because I saved them as a STL :: Facepalm:: yeah so I gotta do it agian- correctly this time


Aw man, Sorry to hear that Josh! Thanks for cutting it up for people like me:D

#13   — Edited

OK Round 2 Fight!

I uploaded all the large STLs broken into numbered STLs for printed organized like  " Example Part 1.25 1 of 20"    next would be " Example Part 1.25 2 of 20" and so on. I spot checked them in Rep 2 print software and that appears to have fixed your problem Jeremie. So you should be able to start printing. I would recommend starting with the top or bottom of the body.  They are both available on the Thingiverse account and the facebook group. Looks like it will fit your bed ok, BUT if you must these pieces could be sliced in half if needed, but I think you would be good to go here!

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