I spent yesterday and today building walle and a sled to shoot a video which hopefully I can get all the footage tommorow if it is not raining.
Plot : Walle is looking over the Christmas list and "Oh No!" We are missing the most important gift! Walle peels out of the driveway and takes off to find the post office and retrieve the package. I'm thinking of flames trailing behind walle like "back to the future". He passes by some cool landmarks and stops to " look at his map". After a few seconds of traveling frantically, Walle arrives at the post office. With his loaded up sled he drags the Six EZ Robot package back home passing through the same places he did to get there. Once home he pushes the the ez robot package up under the tree. He says " Ta Da" and now Christmas is complete!
Other robots from Synthiam community

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Walle Sled, Done!, it is wooden and painted with red acrylic paint. It has casters on the bottom to roll well since there really is not opportunity for snow here.
It is JUST WIDE ENOUGH, to fit the Six EZ Robot package so that wall-e can tote it home.
Continuous servo test for walle, power HD 1501mg: http://youtu.be/j9b4nwLkOt4
Testing wall-e neck servo movement: http://youtu.be/Tj2m5QN5FYA
Drive servos test after mounting them , spinning in place ,Wall-e build: http://youtu.be/5G9andQk9yo
Because they would have been a nightmare to draw and hours to print.
Nice work and a good plot !
What fun! Good luck with the contest. I bet your going to give everyone a true run for the money!
I really gotta get some of that Polymorph. It looks like the poor man's 3D printer.
Haha, Thanks Dave , I am trying to win this one
x Anthony is assisting me in pasting the scenes together and adding a handful of "walle sound effects" , so I must give him a shout out.
Could you explain in more detail, how you handled the drive wheels?
@Wayne, Josh just replace the drive mechanism with 2 servos that drive the treads directly... pretty straight forward... There is a youtube video (and probably on here too) showing how DJ built wall-e using the same servo method and an ezb...
@Richard R It may be pretty straightforward to you, but it is not that way for me. I have watched DJ's video several times. The question that I am asking is not answered from within his video. There is no video of him cutting out the slots/holes to mount the servos, there is no video of him attaching the servos to the wheel hubs. IF you are able to provide that info for me then awesome.
I am working on mine right now. The particular "step" that I am on is mounting and cutting the plastic out to mount the servos.
@Wayne a precise step by step tutorial would be next to impossible... Modifying wall-e is more a less a custom project... You kind of have to take it apart, look at the pieces... measure... where the servos will go, how the tracks and wheel hubs will fit... Then figure out where to cut, how much to cut, where to drill, how to mount and what to glue... I am willing to bet everyone who has tackled this project have all done it a slightly different way...
Sorry, wish I could make it easier for you....
I can post some pics of the way I mounted the servo. I cut away the original axle, then superglued the 4 way servo horn into the drive hub. I pre-drilled holes into the drive hub with a bit one size smaller than the screws that came with my servos. Then I screwed in 4 servo mounting screws into each hub to hold them securely.
At time mark 2:15 you can see how I mounted the drive to the servos
The brains were a EZB V4
Here are the scenes for my video, this is pre-editing , individual scenes. No sound effects or background music are in yet.
First scene, Wall-E brings in EZ-Robot gifts
Second Scene, Wall-E pushes gifts under the tree
Third Scene, Wall-E Checks his list twice, Oh NO! we are missing the Ez Robot SIx!
Fourth Scene, Wall-E peels out quickly with trail of " back to the future" style flames ( pre edit, this will be sped up)
Fifth Scene, Walle arrives home with the missing package
Sixth scene, Wall-E brings in Six from the cold
Seventh Scene , Wall-E puts Six under the tree
The End , Hey Wall_E is anyone going to beat your video? LOL
Screen shots from the peel out with flames special effect , just in case you cannot watch the videos.
I'm jealous of your EZ-Robot wrapping paper.
Cool. Are you going to make the dead line? I bet there are a few people hoping you'll miss it. This looks like a Lucas production! Sweet! Now I'm glad I didn't waist my time entering. You would have blown my doors off. eek
Finished, 54 seconds of Holiday Wall-E fun for all ages
@Dave, Lol , Thank you for the compliments , I didn't do anything for the previous contest so I wanted to do something entertaining for all audiences. A couple of scenes are actually out of order , the one with the six is supposed to be next to last but anyone else wouldn't know , so it still turned out ok. I had to try the flame scene like 10 times. Sometimes the flames went very slow, other times super fast , all from the same gas in a bowl. It was very weird. I did have fun making " special effects"
The wrapping paper is custom drawn onto plain paper , so ez robot and logos are all throughout the video.