— Edited
Hey guys , in efforts to decorate my flower bed I am making some gnomes. Regular gnomes are lame so why not Robot gnomes!?
Here is the first attempt from the Walle toy , I am on the fence about the color but my house is a light brown mouse color.
I just sprayed an old Robbie jr Robot I found for a few bucks on Ebay and a Tyco NSECT is next!
Rustoleum stone is what I tried
Lol, awesome. Looks like Wall-E gazed upon the face of Medusa!
Haha , yup! Thanks
Another Robot , needs touchup but this is a daytime sho
How cleaver! Love it.
I love your idea for robot gnomes. I may have to do something similar.
I need to pickup more of this paint, it is 5.50 a can so It does have a bit of cost. Each of these robot used a whole can and they really need a little more.
NSECT Tyco robot 01 x 2
Recon 6 Rover
Omnibot / airsolft bot
Rattler Airsoft bot.
Rad 1.0 non working bot
I guess old bots I don't use anymore I can immortalize in stone
You should put a time capsule message inside them.
I thought about putting led pods under them for a afterglow effect at night , who knows, I am so random sometimes.
Robots hiding in the snow! We don’t get snow often here so I couldn’t resist the photo op.
edit I think I like your spider bot the best in the stone paint. That was an awesome idea you had!
I she no idea why they are showing upside down, on my phone and pc they are right side up. Thanks for the compliment:)