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Hello , I am looking for suggestions preferably based of experience of successful use. One of my projects is an outdoor type, if you have seen the truck like power wheels robot. I would like it to be able to drive to a GPS coordinate then turn until it reaches the next. Also as a secondary feature I would have the outdoor robot follow a person with a orange vest on. It would be nice for the GPS module to be able to plug directly in the ezb as well as capability to update position up to 5 times per second.
I will also need a compass module I believe to arrange orientation to the vehicle is pointed when it reads GPS so it knows which direction to turn.
Any help is great , direct links to items are what I am looking for.
Virtually any GPS would be connecting to the computer running ARC, not the EZ-B itself.
Keep in mind that even in perfect conditions, GPS accuracy is limited to about 2 meters.
A cell phone which uses aGPS can get that consistently down to about a meter.
There are apps that can turn an Android phone into a Bluetooth GPS, and ARC supports an iPhone app called sensor stream which can stream aGPS position and compass heading over WiFi into ARC variables.
Neither requires a carrier contract to make use if the aGPS function although they do need a sim card for a carrier with local coverage installed to get the assistance data from the nearest cell tower (the sim can be inactive, just needs to be installed).
No I need one with a serial or uart to ezb. Not hack one to work indirectly. The ones I was looking at through hobby electronics places like sparkfun all see to be direct connect to arduino , beagle bone or raspberry pi. I imagine a ezb should be able to serial connect or uart.
This is for this project which I have not officially named. I was thinking the " Gladius outdoor GPS and Navigation Robot. But it's just a option at the moment.
That thing is intense! I am really interested in seeing how this works out... Great job Josh
Thanks Jason ! , I hope it turns out really cool.
Ok so I haven't really gotten any specific device recommendations. I am taking a look at sparkfun as they have a good reputation and we will see if anyone has an opinion here....
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8975 59.99 , establishes tracking in about 1 second , antenna is embedded.
Thoughts? It says it communicates on 3.3 volt logic so we are good right?
I suggest you read an older thread I posted some time ago about using a Dingmore compass sensor. Search in the thread keyword search for dingmore compass. I also included a pdf datasheet. the sensor is ratiometric and works well at 3.3 volts. you can search ebay for bargains also for the sensor.
Hey I searched for " dingmore compass" and this thread is the only one I found.
Sorry my typing was awful for the link. here is the proper link.
Hi Josh,
I haven't tried very many of these but I figured this GPS buyers guide from Sparkfun may help: