— Edited
Hey guys, I have a Six robot that I wold love to sell to a loving home and get some more ez-robot parts while the sell is going on. The kids dont like the six as much as JD, Thanks ! How about 230 plus shipping ? Thanks guys!
Tempting- I'm going to work with my son and his developer kit tonight and see if this is something he's going to want to get more involved with... if it is, the Six is the next thing I'd want. He's going back and forth between a robot build or tinkering with raspberry pi stuff... maybe we'll have to combine both.
Very, very tempting. I just purchased a set of 10 servos for a project i'm working on with my boys. I'll have to talk with them about taking on a new cool robot.
How old is it, or better question what version of ezb is it?
It is a EZb V4 with the non upgraded WiFi module and ez cam
Okie dokie , let me know , if you Buy I will throw in a Recon 6 Rover, a great basic robot to put an EZ board in!
Your offer is still tempting, but I think I'm going to pass. I working on a couple of projects and won't have time to incorporate another one for a while.
Have you tried Facebook market place?
Actually I haven’t, I figured I would give the forum buddies a chance at it first
, but that is a good idea.
Not a lot of Revolution owners on the forum - mostly diy peeps around here. Someone new outside of the community through market place or eBay is probably your best bet. Good luck!
Which servos does it have?
It uses the high torque servos that comes with the revolution kits. It is the one you buy from ez Robot.
Josh, WarPig might mean does it have the HD servos or HDD servos. My guess is HD if the EZBv4 is a non /2 revision, right Josh?
Yes that’s right
Hello, Just saw the offer on Google. Still available? Albert