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Calling All Ez Roboteers! Forming A Group For Maker Fairs 2013

Hi. EZ Roboteers! Im looking at Maker Fairs taking place on South East side of the united states. Asof right now im lookin at who might want to go and bring their robot to either the KY , NC , houston tx , norfolk va, or Atlanta Ga. Sound off if your interested and which ones you would be willing to make an appearance at. Trossen will have a mech competition at one of these and I will report back with details of where that would be. Ez Roboteers who want to participate in the mech competitions I will have a seperate thread for those details. Even if trossen will not be present we are constructing a practice battlefield which we could bring just for entertainment and showing things we can do with ez robot. Others can bring your robot for display or demonstration of what your robot can do. This is a fun run and give Ez Roboteers a chance to meet each other. If you have comments or suggestions please let me know.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Take control of your robot's destiny by subscribing to Synthiam ARC Pro, and watch it evolve into a versatile and responsive machine.


Depending on the date, I might do Norfolk.


That's a wonderful idea:)


I so want to take my son (He's 5) to a Maker Fair.

Hmm.. I have peeps in Houston...


Norfolk for me. If you need a place to stay Josh, bring your bots to Norfolk.


Ok 2 for Norfolk one for tx so far