4 Sale- RARE HUGE Ultimate Wall-E. excellent for a Synthiam project or collectors item :)



Asking $250:)


Hello All, I am listing the Ultimate Wall-E I have had for a few years that I never got around to modding. This guy is 20 inches tall, about 2/3 scale of the movie Wall-E. It has sat on my desk for a while and I cleaned him up. Does not include remote but 80 percent of the actions use buttons on the robot or voice command. "Of course, here we don't need no stinking electronics! " We do our own thing right!? I am only selling a couple of my collectors bots to get a couple Ender 3 3d printers to get some projects going faster that are 100 percent 3D printed. If you buy this you will be supporting the new projects I have going that I think everyone will appreciate.  Thank you all!

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