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Maker Faire 2013 Kingsport, Tn Usa , Calling All Robots!

Calling all Builders , want to display or demonstrate your robot at a makerfaire? Just let m know

This maker faire is in king sport TN and is their first celebration of ' all things made". Tennessee is a huge DIY state so I imagine there will be lots of arts and crafts there as well. The first three makers to sign up are all educational robotics groups with more than a dozen members each. Their blog indicates there will be 20 plus spaces dedicated to robotics groups. I will copy info avail to me and post here!

There is no cost to participate - each maker (individual or group) will receive a 10' x 8' space. There is also outdoor space (grass or asphalt) if that suits your exhibit better.


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The ROBOTS are Coming, the ROBOTS are Coming!

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FIRST Robotics Competition Team Cherokee HS, Rogersville, TN at the competition.

30 high school robots teams competed this spring at the 4th annual FIRST Robotics Smoky Mountain Regional in Knoxville, TN . The teams spend 6 weeks preparing their 'bots to take on the challenge presented for the event. I was fortunate to visit teh Dobyns Bennett Team one cold winter Friday night just prior to their deadline. The classroom space was humming with losts of activity. Building, testing, recording information, constructing pieces. Everyone was engaged and enjoying the team building.

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FIRST Robotics Team from Sullivan South HS, Kingsport, TN photo at competition

This year at our Mini Maker Faire we will have 3 local teams bringing their robots back to demonstrate to event attendees. It may turn into a mini rematch!

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FIRST Robotics Competition Team Dobyns Bennett HS, KIngsport , TN Cyber Tribe

Additionally the local hackerspace - Mountain Lab is working with the Kingsport Library to build Sumo wrestling robots. 20+ spaces for the workshop filled up overnight when the opportunity was publicized. We will see their handiwork too.


Way Cool! I actually work in the Engineering Department for the City of Kingsport! I'll be there!:D


This is such a cool opportunity...thanks for sharing with the group. I am very excited for all of the teams and individuals who plan on participating in this event. Please take lots of pictures. Cheers!


Very neat event! About half the participants were robots. We had a great time!:D


Great , I didn't go to this one. Did you take any pictures?


I knew I forgot to do something!


Yea I completely forgot myself.